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Change declarations on Info.plist to Apple

Valued Contributor I

I have an APP that use the plugin "Backgroud mode" (

All works good in Android. I used this to keep the app working in backgroud in order to execute a task on server from time to time. The user define the time to this.

Now, I am trying to publish in Apple Store, but they are refusing with this information:

2.16 - Multitasking Apps may only use background services for their intended purposes: VoIP, audio playback, location, task completion, local notifications, etc.


Thanks for your re-submission. Please note that your app does not have a feature that uses frequent audio, this isn't compatible with the following guideline:

2.16 Details

Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but did not include features that require persistent audio.

Next Steps

The audio key is intended for use by applications that provide audible content to the user while in the background, such as music player or streaming audio applications. Please revise your app to provide audible content to the user while the app is in the background or remove the "audio" setting from the UIBackgroundModes key.

I tryed to explain the function, but they are saying the same. 

Is it possible to change this declaration (support for audio)? How I can edit Info.plist of an IPA? 

Thank you.


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1 Reply

Hamilton, please see that plugin's disclaimer regarding usage with iOS and submission to the Apple store: -- that app is doing things with background mode that Apple does not allow. What you are trying to do would be better served by a specialized plugin that can handle the background network traffic. I suspect this one may be more appropriate to your needs, his geo background plugin has been used very successfully by other developers.

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