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Conversion to DLL

Currently I have a standalone Visual Fortran application that is linked against a large number of static libraries and includes a block data common. I need to convert it to a DLL, which will be called from Visual Basic front end. I know how to do the VB/VF part since I have done a number of simple examples with simple VF DLL's.

In the old FAQ I read the following:

?Can I build a VF DLL that is linked against the VF static libraries? 29-Oct-1997

We strongly recommend that you NOT do this as it can cause subtle and difficult to analyze application errors. If you build a DLL, always link against the shared libraries. Furthermore, any application linked against your DLL must be linked against DLL, not static libraries.?

My question is: what would be the most straight forward way to do what I need to do? Do I need to convert each of the static libraries into a DLL (each library contains multiple subroutines)? Alternatively, can I just convert my top-level routine into a DLL and still keep it linked against the static libraries not withstanding what 10/29/97 FAQ recommends?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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1 Reply
Valued Contributor II
No, that FAQ has nothing to do with your case -- it refers to VF run-time libraries (DFORRT.dll/DFORRT.lib). You can safely link your own static libraries wherever you want.
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