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Cordova - Payapl Plugin Large Size Issue


I am working on PayPal (Intel XDk Cordova) . For this I came to this link. According to the instruction I created Cordova Project , added platform android and IOS , added Plugin PayPal and then build my project. Now at this time I have A full Cordova Project containing the this link's PayPal plugin.

Then I created Intel XDK project . Included all the permission . Then in www folder I place the PAyPal Cordova project which I created before(above). Included the example code and necessary file of js to www folder. Two buttons as describe in example and all necessary Paypal keys . Now In :"Add Plugin" of project I added the local plugin with these details:

Name: PayPalMobile id: com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk location: myPathtoHomeDirectory/IntelProjects/PayPalIntel/www/PayPalMobileCordovaPluginProject

After all this I build my intel project . But I am not getting successful build. Getting error messages.Log is given below. Any help will be appriciated.

I am unable to upload the attachment because of large size of project.

The build failed. An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again. Build Log: Building a Cordova 3.3 application. Plugin "PayPalMobilePlugin" installed. Updated "debuggable" to "false" An unexpected error occured while attempting to build the application.////////////////////////////////This Error

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7 Replies

Intel XDK only supports building application with Cordova 5+. You project seems to be using a version of Cordova 3.

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The install instructions on that plugin's github site do not apply when using the XDK. Delete the plugins directory from inside your project and from your disk, you did not need to download it. You should not need to add any permissions, the plugin should do that for you.

Use the plugin management tool on the Projects tab to add that plugin into your project. You would add it as shown below:

Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 5.12.15 PM.png

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Paul F Please Help Me Of My Paypal Integration Projects

this Is My Skype Id : Janak Harsora

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Hi Milan,

I have done successfully with Paypal Cordova.

Try to choose "Git repo" instead of Plugin ID. And put this URL.


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Hopefully this thread isn't closed.

I'm trying to implement PayPal in a Cordova App (using Intel XDK v3759). But, since this is the very first time I use PayPal as a developer, I decided to first try the test app PayPal offers (they refer to it in GitHub).

I've downloaded it, and then added the plugin as Muhammad said (using Git repo instead ot Plugin ID). The problem is that when I try to build the app to check it in a real Android phone, the app isn't built at all. The process is stuck in the "Uploading" phase. I've tried a lot of things:

  • Using npm (Plugin ID) instead of Git Repo.
  • Downloading the .aar of the PayPal Android SDK and pasting it in the Plugin directory.
  • Removing the build.gradle file of the Plugin (I believed that maybe the Maven call could be the problem).
  • Closing every single app besides Intel XDK.

No matter what I do, the build process stops at "Uploading". The only visible error that I get to read is when I stop the process, and then the build error is that it was canceled. And when I remove the plugin from the app, it's built with ease.

Could someone please help me, or tell me how could this be solved.

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Angel -- not sure why the uploading is taking so long, but that plugin will not work with our build system, because it uses a gradle script that is required to make the plugin work. Our build system does not support plugins that use gradle, it is a security risk. The only way you'll be able to build an app that includes that plugin is to install and use Cordova CLI on your local system. You can use this script to convert the Intel XDK config files into config files that should work with Cordova CLI > < and follow these instructions for help converting your XDK project into a CLI project >

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Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

Angel -- not sure why the uploading is taking so long, but that plugin will not work with our build system, because it uses a gradle script that is required to make the plugin work. Our build system does not support plugins that use gradle, it is a security risk. The only way you'll be able to build an app that includes that plugin is to install and use Cordova CLI on your local system. You can use this script to convert the Intel XDK config files into config files that should work with Cordova CLI > < and follow these instructions for help converting your XDK project into a CLI project >

Thanks for the answer. I checked if any version of this plugin worked. I could make it work with a previous version of the plugin (3.1.9), which probably means that one has nothing to do with Gradle (I knew it could be the cause of this problem!).

Hopefully I have not to convert my Intel XDK projects into pure Cordova CLI, but if I have to, now I have a handy how-to. Thanks!

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