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FaceTrack problem in COLOR_PLUS_DEPTH mode

Hi, I experienced the following strange behaviour running the Intel Face Tracking x64 sample application:
In 3D mode, i.e. SetTrackingMode(PXCFaceConfiguration::TrackingModeType::FACE_MODE_COLOR_PLUS_DEPTH), there a are strange problems:
- the face_id is any random number right after the start of the processing and changes a lot after a face is lost and a new is detected
- the face is only detected in a very limited distance from the camera: 90cm - 120cm
- outside of this position:
  - no face is detected, only in a very small pose range for very short time slots a face got detected
- in this postion without any movement of the head or changing light conditions:
  - the landmark and pose data are kind of stable available
  - the expression data is only rarely and during short time slots available
- the program crashes from time to time without any obvious reason
In 2D mode, i.e. SetTrackingMode(PXCFaceConfiguration::TrackingModeType::FACE_MODE_COLOR), however, everything works fine:
- the frame rate is normal 25+
- the face gets detected in all the usual positions and distances, landmark and other data computations are also fine

I looked in the log provided by the sdk_info program and found the following entries in sdk_app.log: (log-level: WARN, in this order, but with others in between)
... QueryDeviceInfo      ERROR - failed on didx >= 0 && didx < devices.size()
... QueryDeviceInfo      ERROR - failed on didx >= 0 && didx < devices.size()
... QueryBufferSize      ERROR - failed on md
... QueryBufferSize      ERROR - failed on md
... QueryProfile      ERROR - failed on pidx < (pxcI32)m_profiles.size()
... QueryProfile      ERROR - failed on pidx < (pxcI32)m_profiles.size()
also and maybe more interesting:
... WARN - num of pixels smaller then minValidPixelsRatio.
... WARN - Invalid depth values within the region surrounding the head central point.
... WARN - Failed to RecoverMissingRect. m_NumFramesSinceLastFailure is: 1
... WARN - DepthVals size is 0
... WARN - m_CurrMeanDepthVal is -1. m_numLastFailedExtractions is 4
... WARN - Failed to track blob.
(I do not know which internal information I'm allowed to publish here, therefore I refer for more details to the attached logs)
system info:
CPU: Intel Celeron 3205U
camera: F200 connected to dedicated USB3 port
DCM version:
Intel RealSense SDK version: 2015 R5
Windows 10 Pro x64, latest version and updates, freshly installed
beside the RealSense SDK/runtime/driver there are no other third-party programs installed or running
Right now we do not know how to investigate this problem further and are looking for any hint, advice or solution.
In the case there are any other information or logs you are interested in, feel free to contact me.
Thank you!
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1 Reply

Since your CPU did not meet the minor requirement of RealSense SDK, I recommend you try this sample app under different machine and see if this issue still exists. Please see the detail requirement @

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