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IDE Issues since last two upgrades


After I upgraded to the last two versions of the Intel XDK IDE (bout from aug 2016) Its been impossible for me to continue developing my project.  The new simulate and debug tabs are unusable.  After the first august upgrade I'm not able to search for elements inside the developer tools console from chrome.  When the simulate tab is launched for the first time I'm able to search but after few operations the search function becomes unusable, all the time is saying that it found 0 elements matching the criteria (displays "0 of 0" in Crome Developer Tools -> Elements Tab -> Search Input [Ctrl+F])

Then when I'm debugging my app on a real device, the UI from the device is unresponsive, is not taking any user touch input (o tap/click, slide...).  Its been behaving like that for a while but before I was able to throw the events from the UI displayed on the computer while debugging but now the simulated device screen is no longer available on the computer I'm unable to use the app.

Also I'm stating having all kind of plugin issues and the Facebook login stopped working because of a security issue because the document.domain that cannot be set inside an iframe, an that was working before but suddenly stopped working

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3 Replies

Daniel -- what version did you upgrade from? The Debug tab has been there for a very long time and has not changed for quite some time. The Simulate tab is new. One key difference between the new Simulate tab and the old Emulate tab is lack of support for the old intel.xdk APIs, which were retired some time ago, but never removed from the Emulate tab.

The problem you are having with searching in CDT sounds like a memory bug, I can file an issue against that problem. I tried reproducing it and I'm not getting the error you mentioned. Might be a difference between the Mac and Windows machine? Or maybe I did not try enough searches? If you can provide a specific sequence that you can go through to reproduce that problem, it would help to pinpoint the source of the problem.

I'm confused by your second paragraph, you mention debugging on device and debugging on the computer, which implies to me debugging in the Simulate tab. Can you be more specific about what the problem is and where you are experiencing it? Again, a repeatable example really helps.

Regarding the facebook issue, is this something you're experiencing in the Simulate tab or on a real device in a built app? Please provide more details.

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Hi Paul, thanks for your reply.  I'm always on the latest version so I've updated from Intel® XDK - Update - 2016 June 8, v3400 to Intel® XDK - Release - 2016 August 2, v3491 and then to Intel® XDK - Update - 2016 August 22, v3522.  Is during these two latest updates that I've been experiencing most of the problems.

The problem I'm experiencing with CDT have occurred in both Mac and Windows, I thought initially it was a Mac only problem, then I've installed a fresh version of the IDE (v3522) on my Windows Development Machine and I'm still seeing the issue.  The steps to reproduce are just running the app for the first time, then going to the "Elements" tab on the CDT and performing a search by any word it works and it finds all the occurrences of the word and I can navigate from one to the other, after the app starts and a couple of screens are executed and the simulation is stopped and started again, I go back to the search functionality to play around with some CSS styles and regardless of what I'm searching for the result is always "0 of 0".  On previous versions of the IDE I've already experienced some issues with the CDT, after several launches of the app (start/stop simulation) the element selected on the "Elements" tab was not the one for which the CSS info was being shown on the right panels of the CDT

The second paragraph makes reference exclusively to the Debug tab, so the application launches on the device using the app preview, but on the phone the app is unresponsive, the touch events are not triggered at all, I have buttons on the UI but nothing is happening, one after hitting the button 30 times I was able to navigate to the next screen but that only happened once, now I tap my buttons hundred times, short taps, long taps, swiping and the app is not responsive.  What I'm talking about "debugging on the computer" makes reference to the fact that in previous versions there was a preview on the computer displaying what I was seeing on the device at the same time and in that case even if the app was unresponsive from the device I was able to tap on the preview and the events were being triggered and the app on the device was being controlled from the computer, but is no longer the case, I'm not able to see the preview on the computer while I'm debugging.

The Facebook issue is happening on the simulate tab at this moment since I'm not able to verify it on the device while debugging, I can try to produce a build and install it on the device to verify if is happening there and provide more info

Thanks again


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Daniel -- thank you for the clarification.

I again tried reproducing the search issue and still was not able to make it happen. I'll file a Jira issue regarding that problem, but if we are unable to reproduce it is not likely that we will be able to address the problem. It may very well be due to the version of Chromium that is being used inside the simulator. It is running in an instance of node-webkit, which uses an older version of Chromium (version 38, I believe). One way to test this theory would be to install the standalone Simulate tool and open your index.html inside of that (you'll have to install node on your system and then follow the instructions here > <). Then you'd be running the simulator in Chrome or Firefox or whichever browser you selected when you run it from the command-line.

I understand now what you mean by the "debugging on the computer" when using the Debug tab. It's not clear to me why you're not able to get the touch events, but to debug that further, you should try using remote CDT to debug a built app. If you still have trouble there I would suspect something about your app, for example, how you setup to respond to touch events. See this article for an example on how to use remote CDT to debug your app > <.

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