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INFO: CPU type "Broadwell" is unknown, generic x64 CPU registers will be used.


Previous usage of ISS-2015 System Debugger worked OK with my BroadIsland(Broadwell cpu) target board.

INFO: Probe connection initialized!   INFO: Connected to Processor type: Broadwell (4 threads) INFO: Initialization complete.

execution stopped by "MWAIT C1 B break"

THEN, installation of ISS-2016 System Debugger is having trouble recognizing Broadwell cpu.

INFO: CPU type "Broadwell" is unknown, generic x64 CPU registers will be used. INFO: Initialization complete.

PLEASE HELP me understand this message?



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11 Replies


Let me do double check your testing.

Installing the latest version:

Intel® System Studio Ultimate Edition (Windows* host - All Tools) Version 2016 (Initial Release)
Intel® System Debugger Version 2016 (U1545)

Run the "start_xdb_Core_products.bat" and connection with ITP-XDP3 HW probe and 5th Gen Intel Core Processor (Broadwell).

And the outcome is "INFO: CPU type "Broadwell" is unknown, generic x64 CPU registers will be used. INFO: Initialization complete" even with the "BroadIsland(Broadwell cpu)".

Please give me confirmation on it or correct it.


Jeff Park





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Hi Jeff,

OK, I double checked it.  <previous, I reported from just ISS-2016, System Debug non-NDA version.>

NOW (See below)

Installed ISS-2016 Ultimate (Initial Release), and System Debugger Ver.2016, (U1545) - YES.

<Intel System Debugger 2016 (x64) NDA, Version 16.0.85103 (64-bit).>

Running the "start_xdb_Core_product.bat" and connection with ITP-XDP3 HW probe and 5th Gen Intel Core Processor (Broadwell) - YES.

RESULTS: Some improvement.

INFO: Initializing probe connection, this will take a moment...

WARNING: Possible hang in target access module, please wait...

WARNING: Hang detected in target access module...

INFO: Probe connection initialized!

INFO: Connected to Processor type: Broadwell (4 threads)  <== Seems to recognize cpu.

INFO: CPU type "Broadwell": detailed register information available.

INFO: Initialization complete.

execution stopped by "MWAIT C1 B break"

LOAD : "C:\usr\src\debug\kernel-4.0.fc22\vmlinux",  at 0x0 (= image load base address: 0x0 + offset: 0x0)

WARNING: Could not read debug information; Drarf version (4) is not supported yet. Please use dwarf 3.


Therefore, previous ISS-2015 Update3, System Debugger did work with loading source code, and debug via "C:\usr\src\debug\kernel-4.0.fc22\vmlinux file.

Please give help why Drarf version is having trouble, and even if have to resort back a earlier Drarf version?

Thanks, HWM

0 Kudos


 Intel System Debugger has been limitation in supporting Dwarf4. And ISS 2017(which will be released in 2016) may support it.

And this warning message is added in the latest version.

Could you please specify the details on the your limitaion or suffering point due to lack of Dwarf4 supporting?

We can gather and escalate it to engineering team to adjust the priority if possible.


Jeff Park




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Hello JONG, (& Jeff Park),
Thank-you for your support.
Actually, our issue is being able to load the Fedora22 “vmlinux” file into ISS-2016(System Debugger) for source code debugging.
Our Target Board is the BroadIsland System(Broadwell processor installed) with Fedora22 OS loaded into the target, and with the vmlinux file available for debugging.
The System Debug loading error message says “Drarf (4) Version”, but it might just be stating some kind of format issue with the vmlinux file?
As a reference, see the attached .jpg file, since we were able to previously load this same “vmlinux” file when using ISS-2015(System Debugger) version.
As shown in the .jpg file the previous success with ISS-2015 version.
Therefore, our suffering point is that we had something working with ISS-2015, which now does not work with ISS-2016.  Maybe there is just a new switch that needs to be specified?
Looking forward to your continued guidance on this matter.
Best regards,
Wayne Merrill
Flatoak Co., Ltd.
0 Kudos


Actually, I don't think there is any different thing between ISS2015 and ISS2016 in terms of vmlinux loading or supporting object type.
If your obj(vmlinux) is working in the ISS2015 then it should work in ISS2016 as well. This is normal. And the warning message may be wrong.

Otherwise there may be something wrong in ISS2016.

Would you please share the ISS2016 testing result or captured image with the exact limitation in ISS2016 comparing with the ISS2015?
e.g.) It fails in loading the vmlinux and cannot browsing the vmlinux in source file windows. But it works well in ISS2015.

And I will report it as defect with your description.

Even though both ISS2016 and ISS2015 working well except warning message, please let me know and I also do report it as well.


Jeff Park.

0 Kudos

Hello Jeff,

Thank-you for your continued help on this matter.

I've attached the SystemDebug2015.jpg(good vmlinux symbol source tree loaded), and SystemDebug2016.jpg(vmlinux symbol source tree UNABLE to load).  Therefore SystemDebug2016 cannot show any Source Code Debugging ability.

I'm not sure what changed from ISS2015 to ISS2016, but somehow reading the exactly same Fedora22 vmlinux debug file NOW does not work with ISS2016(System Debugger 2016).

I wish your continued help with this problem.

Best regards,

Wayne Merrill

0 Kudos


Thanks for the information, and I think this is something unexpected  in the ISS2016.

I will escalate and report it and keep you updating on this issue.


Jeff Park

0 Kudos


I got answer from engineering team. ISS2015 debugger doesn't support dwarf 4 officially and there are many limitations and issues. Thus ISS2016 has warning message and add restrictive of dwarf 4 untill it supports officially in ISS2017. 

And In meantime engineering team suggest that you would rebuild it with dwarf 3.


Jeff Park

0 Kudos


     As Jeff already mentioned, please rebuild to produce the dwarf-3 based symbols. You need to add the option "–gdwarf-3" in your CFLAGS of Makefile and then do rebuild the code.

This should resolve the symbol resolution issues.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please feel free to let us know if you need any further help from our side.


Sukruth H V

0 Kudos

Hello Sukruth, and Jeff,

Yes, I would like to ask for more assistance please.

1. Can you give more specifics on how I would actually rebuild Fedora22 OS using the -gdwarf-3 option.  Specifically where do I put such -gdwarf-3 option in the Makefile.  We are using bitbake for building, BUT please recommend ANY compiler tools or way that I can create a good vmlinux file.

2. Initially we were using Fedora22/debug build(off the self) with full source and debug tree, including vmlinux file.  It did work with ISS-2015 System Debugger, though as you explained already, I do understand.   Therefore, we have tracked back all the way to Fedora12 OS, 2010 version which used Dwarf 3.  But, it now seems that OS is just too old.  Dwarf 4 was released since about 2010, I think.

3. Our project is NOT dependent on using Dwarf 4, but we do need to find any Linux OS compiled for Debug with Debug symbols file that can be loaded into the BroadIsland System(target board)[Broadwell processor equipped].  Then be able to run ISS-2016 & System Debugger with "File-Connect-Broadwell", and Using ITP-XDP3 JTAG Hardware.

4. We are also building Yocto Linux OS, but it seems that is automatically wants to build for Dwarf 4.  Also using "bitbake" for building the OS.  Therefore, even any recommendation on getting any kind of good symbols file that ISS-2016 & System Debugger 2016 will accept other than Dwarf 3., would be another way to go.   Please give any details how to do this with Yocto Linux OS building for debug, and using with System Debugger 2016.

5. Also, if you want to recommend the PC Host System that we should be using, and tools for Yocto Linux OS building for good System Debugger 2016 working, then we will go with that for our first attempts at proving a successful path.

I hope to get your feedback about each of these items above.

Sincerely, Wayne Merrill


0 Kudos


Sorry for late reply.

Regarding the Dwarf 4 support, I escalate it to debugger engineering team with your comment and situation and will find if there is any room to get this task have even higher priority - e.g.) supporting in ISS 2016 next update - and get back to you, if any update.


Jeff Park

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