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IO build failng because of plugin

New Contributor I



I have a plug-in that giving b me some trouble for IOS it works great for android. (See below. ) .

I want to remove the plugin-in but can't I keep getting the buffer error see my other post. I was able to get the plug-in removed once I then re compile but got a build error see attachment. any help on getting this plug-in to work with IOS or PLEASE help me find a way to remove the plugin


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11 Replies

Mike -- the information you provided is confusing. The detailed build log indicates that you've got a certificate problem (your mobileprovision file and your iOS cert files don't match). It doesn't include any reference to a plugin that won't install.

The versions of the plugins you are using look kind of old. How are you specifying the plugins? Using the plugin manager or using the additions.xml file? Do not use the latter, make sure your intelxdk.config.additions.xml file does not include references to plugins, they should only be referenced using the UI plugin manager.

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New Contributor I


There are two problem here,

Problem 1:

The plugin won't install. This is the latest version, I installed through the interface (GUI) and the plugin was local.

Problem 2,

I can't remove the plugin, because I get a buffer error (see my older post), I had to revert back to a version that did not have the plugin, Once I made any extra code changes, I compile it and I get the build error that produce the log. Now as far as the cert files. These are the same cert I have used last month and they work (The P12 file is the same as before ).  So I'm not sure whats going on.

I'll go back and look at the cert again just to make sure but I only have one copy of them.




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Re #1 -- can you provide details regarding that plugin? I found several that match the name, it's not clear which one you are using. When you say you installed it locally, I assume you did a git clone?

Re #2 -- please provide a link to the "older post" -- we have lots of threads to manage and I'm not clear on which post you are referring to. Anything you can do to provide more precise details will help us help you.

Regarding problems with the certs, we've seen others encounter this same issue. Generally it is a mobileprovision file that does not match the store cert. The easiest way to deal with this problem is to simply go to your Apple Dev account and download a new set of matching certs and mobileprovision files, and then upload the new cert into the cert management tool (it can manage more than one and Apple doesn't care if you use a new cert with an old app).


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New Contributor I


#1 I found the plugin here: I downloaded and installed using the GUI (XDK)

#2 Here is the URL to the other post. I try your suggestion and it didn't work.

UPDATE :I was able to get rid of the plugin by modifying the xdk file and removing the plugin itself, I then went back and removed my cert and prov files created all new files.


UPDATE:the app still fails the build BUT not because of the plugin, I loaded the plugin through the registry instead of locally and it did not failed because of the plugin, now its just failing because of the cert stuff

and I still get the below error.


The following build commands failed:
	CompileC build/ Reunion/Plugins/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/CDVInAppBrowser.m normal armv7 objective-c
(1 failure)
ERROR building one of the platforms: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/cordova/build-release.xcconfig,-project,Reunion.xcodeproj,ARCHS=armv7 arm64,-target,Reunion,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS=armv7 arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch
You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project
Error: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/cordova/build-release.xcconfig,-project,Reunion.xcodeproj,ARCHS=armv7 arm64,-target,Reunion,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS=armv7 arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=.../FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch


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Did you try removing the plugin and then building without it? That will help you narrow down if its a cert issue or a plugin issue. Based on the log, it does not appear to be a cert issue since its failing on the plugin.

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New Contributor I

Okay I have removed half my plugins even ones I know worked before and I still getting a build failure.

so what next? I have already recreated my cert. I removed 50% of my plugins are removed.

before this last upgrade everything worked. so I don't what else to do and again i'm be hide the 8 ball here because I have as client waiting for this upgrade and I can't get it complied.

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Mike, if it's a build failure I suggest you start by removing ALL the plugins to confirm you can get a build with ZERO plugins in your project. Then start adding them back, one-at-a-time and try building after you add one. This may sound like it will take too much time, but you need to be methodical when trying to figure out where the conflict is. When you finally add a plugin that causes a build failure we've got something more concrete to work with.

Sorry, but we don't have internal knowledge of all the plugins that are out there. All of these plugins are written by third-parties, they were not written or tested by the Intel XDK team, they are part of the open source community and are created and supported by that community. The XDK provides a convenient way to take advantage of them, but there is no guarantee that those plugins are always correct and usable.

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New Contributor I



I understand this is out of your control and your trying to help but please try to see my side of this.

This is now become to much my android app now won't load to google play because it was resign with a different keystore ( i have no idea how that might of happen) ,  my IOS app won't compile, all this work last month no issue.

Now my whole project and time I spent is now lost... months worth of work. 

I have people who have download my app and I was starting to get good reviews now.. I can't even get a update out..

Sorry every-time I upgrade this stuff happens..  but this time i'm in a situation where i'm now setup to fail.

I'll do what you suggest for the IOS version , but I now have another issue with the android 

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Mike -- looking at your build error log, I think this is the reason for the build failure:

.../builds/build.2016-05-04.17-46-08.j2znzk.tmp/FamilyReunion/platforms/ios/Reunion/Plugins/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/CDVInAppBrowser.m:231:31: error: no known instance method for selector 'URLIsWhitelisted:'
    if ([self.commandDelegate URLIsWhitelisted:url]) {

Which implies that you have a problem with the inAppBrowser plugin or with a bad set of whitelists in the Build settings. Try to make sure you are using CLI 5.4.1, target is set to iOS 8, and the inAppBrowser plugin is the latest version.

If that doesn't fix it you might need to experiment with the whitelist settings. I'm not clear on what this error message means, but that's where I'd start.

p.s. Most of these issues are due to significant changes to the Cordova project by the Cordova open source team. We are unable to continue supporting the older versions of plugins and CLI because security holes have been identified in them and the stores are not allowing apps to be published based on those older versions of Cordova. We're trying to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible, but it's not easy. We have registered complaints with the Cordova project that they are making many changes too quickly for developers to keep up, but ultimately, we have to live with what they choose to do.

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New Contributor I


I removed the plugins like you  suggested and I place them in one by one, re-compile each time.

eventually added them all back and it compile???  So I have no idea what happening.

Thanks for your help. now on to the android issue

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I suspect that when you added them back you added back more recent versions, some of the older ones do not work very well with the latest versions of the Cordova frameworks. A lot changed in the Cordova frameworks in the past six months or so for all three platforms.

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