When attempting to change a variable using the plugin manager, I am getting an 'Illegal Invocation' error.
I also receive the same error when attempting to remove the plugin using the plugin manager.
What are your suggestions?
Thank you
I see this illegal invocation error message when running a simulation for the first time. It happens once and then the simulation will work as expected.
Re: Plugins -
This error window first appeared for me on the cordova-plugin-calendar (both changing a variable or trying to delete the plugin). Since your last reply, I also tried to change a variable on cordova-plugin-media-capture and received the same error.
Re: Operating System -
I am using MacOS Sierra version 10.12.1.
Previous to version 3759 I was able to put the Intel XDK in my dock and start from there. Since 3759, after shutdown and restart of my MacBook Pro, the Intel XDK icon has a '?' over it and I can then only open it from the Finder view.
Davis, Andrew wrote:
This error window first appeared for me on the cordova-plugin-calendar (both changing a variable or trying to delete the plugin). Since your last reply, I also tried to change a variable on cordova-plugin-media-capture and received the same error.
What do you mean by "changing a variable"? There are no variables associated with either of those plugins. If I install either one of them I do not get prompted for any plugin variables, and I do not find any plugin variables inside the plugin.xml files.
Please clarify what you mean by "changing a variable."
Hi Paul - I've attached some images to help you understand what I mean.
Image 00 - Detail drop down view from plugin manager of cordova-plugin-calendar. From this interface I clicked 'Change version or variables'.
Image 01 - This is the interface I am referring to changing a plugin variable. In this case, I am trying to modify the variable 'CALENDAR_USAGE_DESCRIPTION'.
Image 02 - I added a value to 'CALENDAR_USAGE_DESCRIPTION' and clicked OK.
Image 03 - Illegal invocation error.
I see this same behavior with the other plugins (like cordova-plugin-media-capture and others). I also get the illegal invocation error when I try removing a plugin from my project.
I did not experience this behavior prior to release and update to 3759.
Let me know if you need more detail or additional screenshots.
Andrew -- I'm not quite clear on what is going on, but, as far as I can tell, the problem is actually due to the phonegap-plugin-push plugin, not the calendar plugin.
- I imported your project
- selected calendar plugin change variables option
- added a string to the calendar variable
- clicked "okay" and the XDK immediately asked me to provide the SENDER_ID parameter for phonegap-plugin-push
- was surprised to see that, because I did not see that plugin in the list of plugins on my plugin management page
- provided a bogus SENDER_ID parameter
- checked the calendar plugin parameter and it had not been updated
- tried to set the calendar plugin parameter again, and this time it worked
However, in my imported project there is no phonegap-plugin-push plugin present, it appears to have been stripped by the XDK when the import happened, because it is present in the ZIP that you gave me and it is referenced in the project files you gave me. That plugin has a gradle file which cannot be used by our build system, but it appears that you have modified the plugin.xml to remove the reference to that gradle file, so it should work.
My suspicion is the "open project" process I was using does not handle importing a plugin that has an unsatisfied variable request and that somehow that prevented the push plugin from being properly added to my copy of your project (in fact, deleted). However, it appears to have not fully cleaned up after itself, causing the weird behavior I experienced.
My guess is to try the following:
- set the variable in the push plugin, first, using the "change versions/variables" process
- if that works, then do the same for the calendar plugin
If the above fails, try the following:
- remove the push plugin from your project
- set the variable for the calendar plugin
- add back the push plugin (which you have to import locally to get the properly modified version)
- set the variable in the push plugin
I've attached the dialog that popped up immediately after I tried to set the calendar variable the first time:
After providing a bogus value it was happy and I was then able to try and set the calendar variable a second time, which worked. Oddly, there was no push plugin in my project, so I'm not sure what caused this prompt.
i am using mac sierra version 10.12.2
and xdk version 3759.
I am not able remove or add any plugin neither i am able to simulate or build an app. I just updated xdk last night, yesterday it was working fine.
We have tried the resolution presented by Paul F. on 12/21/2016 but are still getting the same issue as before.
We tested our project on a PC running 3759 and there are no illegal invocation errors.
Andrew -- if you could provide an xdk.log file it would help. See this master thread > https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-xdk/topic/707314 < we are unable to reproduce this and, thus, need detailed info from users to resolve it.