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Installing Parallel Studio in new computer - License issues


Dear Intel Support team,

I apologize to start a new thread on a topic which seems to have answered many times. I am not successful with the responses in those threads and thus starting a new thread.

In 2015, our company purchased a single user license for Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 version (Cluster edition). It was an electronic version, so I received an email with download link and license key (serial number). I installed the version in my old computer (a 32 bit Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012). The support for that version ended on March 29 2016. Now I have a new computer (64 bit Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2015). I am trying to install the software in the new computer. 

I went to Intel site, logged in and requested a new license file as mentioned in many threads. Since I did not have the original installation file, I followed the link in the email I received on purchase. However the link takes me to the download page for 2017 version of Parallel Studio. It obviously will not work with my license file. I could not find a download option for the 2015 version. I serached on the net for the version and found it at another site. I downloaded it and tried installing at which point it said License is not valid. I am out of options now and thus looking for guidance from the support team.

I appreciate your help in this matter.



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1 Reply

Thank you for contacting Intel Support. Starting a new thread was absolutely the right thing to do.

Your support had expired on March 29 2016 which makes you available to the following versions:

  • 2015 update 6 or earlier
  • 2016 update 2 or earlier

The following article should help you to find and install an earlier version of the product you have purchased:

Please be advised. If you download a 2016 or later product the download will trigger an upgrade of your serial number as our 2016 or later products require a new serial number. Downloading a 2015 should not trigger the upgrade.

Please let me now if this information is sufficient or if you need further assistance.


Noga - Intel Developer Support



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