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Intel Fortran 11.1 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell and Libraries


Recently I purchased Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 for Windows so that I can download Intel Visual Fortran 11.1 for compiling a software. The software documentation suggests Intel FORTRAN 11.1.048 and states that “Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is provided” with the compiler. Installation Guide and Release Notes of Fortran Compiler Profession Edition 11.1 indicates that the compiler includes Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell and Libraries, which is sufficient as I don’t plan to use command line build environment. For Intel 64 computer, downloaded file (w_cprof_p_11.1.072_intel64.exe; for Fortran 11.1 at states that executable is “for customers who have Microsoft Visual Studio already installed.” How do I get Fortran 11.1 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell and Libraries included. Or this is the correct file and my installation has other problems.Thank you very much.

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15 Replies

That is not the correct file to install.  You should be shown w_cprof_p_11.0.072.exe , which includes Visual Studio 2008 Shell.  Please log in to the Intel Registration Center, click on the link for your license, and then follow the instructions at How do I download and install an older version? to get the older installer.

But I would like to suggest that you first try the current compiler and see if it works. Often, third-party software developers don't bother keeping their testing up to date. It's unlikely you would have a problem using the newer compiler.

If this doesn't help, I'll move this thread to our Download, Registration and Licensing forum so that they can help you. From what I can see, you are eligible for the product including the Shell.

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Honored Contributor III

A common implication of a vendor recommendation to use a specific compiler version is that they supply object files fully tested with that version and haven't had the opportunity to complete testing for compatibility with a newer one.  As Steve says, it doesn't mean the newer one won't work.

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Steve: Thanks for our quick response. I have talked with the software developer and they specifically instructed us to use the older version of the compiler (Intel Fortran 11.1, which includes Visual Studio 2008 for editing, compiling, and building the code). As I will only compile few subroutines and link them to pre-compiled modules, I will need to follow the developer’s suggestion.

I have not been able to find “w_cprof_p_11.0.072.exe” at the download website. Is this the package ID or the name of the file. At Version 11.0 download site, the files have “075” with addition extensions. Please see enclosed.V11.0.pdf.

Please note that I will like to use Fortran 11.1, not Fortran 11.0. At the website of Version 11.1, the Package ID has “072”, but no executable file ending in ”072.exe”. Please see enclosed V11.1.pdf. I will appreciate if you take a look at the enclosed files and let me know if I am looking at the correct place. I am looking forward for you suggestions. I appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

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For old versions we generally make only the last update available.

I am going to move this thread over to the Licensing forum, as I can't see a reason why you're not being shown the installer that includes VS2008 Shell.

0 Kudos

Hi Evan,

I believe you chose an incorrect link.  At the Intel® Registration Center, there should be two Intel® Visual Fortran products listed.  One is called Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows*.  The other is called Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows* (incl. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell and Libraries*).  You want the second one.  The direct link is  Here, choose version 11.1, and the first listed file should be the one you want.  Please let me know if this is it or if you need additional assistance.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

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James: Thanks for responding to my request. I am not getting to the webpage you and Steve have indicated, and I think there is a registration issue. I am enclosing a series of screen images to help explain the problem. I went to Forum website using the link in my email (Page 1 of the enclosure). When I double click the direct link for download, I get message indicating problem in finding registered product (page 2). However, I can find the out software registration by double clicking on “Show All My Products” (Page 3).  The download website I can each I shown in Pag4, and it does not show the two options mention in your response. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I will appreciate you help and suggestions. Thank you very much.

0 Kudos

Hi Evan,

Thank you for the screenshots.  Can you confirm (in a private message) your serial number?  I believe you should have access to the appropriate product, I need to investigate this further.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

0 Kudos

Hi Steve and James,

I will be really grateful if you can please let me know the link to the Licensing forum where we can get the correct version of -

Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows* (incl. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell and Libraries*) - Version 11.1 ?

I am facing the similar issue and not able to download the above version from Intel Website.

I have been using "Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows*" version 11.1.072 which doesn't seem to be compatible with ABAQUS 10-1 and Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition.

Look forward to hear from you.



0 Kudos

Hi Shweta,

I was able to download the correct version of the compiler (11.1.072). However, I have yet to test and find out whether it is compatible with the software I am using. I am planning to do that this week.  

0 Kudos

Hi Evan,

Many Thanks for the message. I would very grateful to you if you could please let me know from where to download the correct version of the compiler (11.1.072) that is compatible with abaqus running subroutine, as I require it urgently for completing my work.

Also, if you could let me now the outcome result of whether this  version is compatible or not with software you are using.

Many Thanks,


0 Kudos

Hi Shweta,

You should be able to download that version from the Intel® Registration Center.  Once you are logged in, simply choose the product called Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows* (incl. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell and Libraries*) and select the version you want, in this case 11.1 Build 072.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

0 Kudos

Thanks James for your reply.

Please find the attached screenshot in which I am not able to find the correct version you mentioned -  Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows* (incl. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell and Libraries*). I had downloaded - Intel® Visual Fortran for Intel® 64 (for customers who have Microsoft Visual Studio* already installed) as you see from the screen shot but I recieve an error "ifort.exe not found in path"

Please if you could help me or provide me the link for the trial version that will be great.

Many Thanks,


0 Kudos

Hi Shweta,

It appears that you only have an evaluation license.  An evaluation license does not enable access to the Visual Studio* shell.  You can use the command line compiler by running the file

[plain]C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2013\bin\compilervars.bat <arch>[/plain]

Where <arch> is one of

[plain]ia32         : Set up for IA-32 host and target

ia32_intel64 : Set up for IA-32 host and Intel(R)64 target

intel64      : Set up for Intel(R) 64 host and target[/plain]

This will set your path appropriately to use ifort.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

0 Kudos

Hi James,

Thank you very much for your response!

Jusy want to clarify 2 things here -

1. Are we saying that if I use the above command line compiler and I have "Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows - Version 11.1.072" and ABAQUS 10-1 installed on my system, that would be enough to correctly set the path for ifort ?

Then - Installing Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows (including Visual Studio Shell and Libraries) will not be required ?

2. By Command Line compiler above, are we referring to ABAQUS Command Prompt ? Please clarify.

Thanks again for looking into my query and look forward to hear from you.



0 Kudos

Hi Shweta,

You'll need to modify the path to match your version.  It will be under C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\ and I believe you'll want the Composer XE folder, then the rest of the path to the batch file will be the same.

If the ABAQUS* Command Prompt is a traditional command line, then it will work there as well.

The only difference in the two products is whether the Visual Studio* shell is also installed.  If you are going to be compiling from the command line, the shell is not needed.

James Tullos
Technical Consulting Engineer
Intel® Cluster Tools

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