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Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 Update 3 for Windows - Can't reinstall !



I was using Parallel Studio 1 and I download the update 3. I start installing the update 3 but I got power failure, the installation has been cut in the middle. I than tried to uninstall it using (Add/Remove program) but it wasn't here. I tried to start the setup again but I got the following error :

Install detected conflicts on the system

An older version of  Intel Inspector XE 2013 is already installed. The currently installed  will be automatically removed prior to installing Intel Inspector XE 2013 Update 5.

If I follow the installation, I finally get the following error :

MessageBox error -> See attachement file (Error.png) Installation log       -> See attachement file (PSXE2013(2013-09-03_23-43-42).zip) Out of idea, I decided to run regedit and remove all occurance key having "XE 2013". I removed a ton of keys... I restart the setup and then I still get the same error.

I search on my hard disk and remove following directory 1.C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\* 2.C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\*  (Except Intel Matrix Storage Manager folder)

I star the setup again, but I still get the same error. Where does the setup take that I already have Intel Inspector installed ? I removed all I see... I'm totally out of idea. Can someone help me ?

Best regards,

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11 Replies


Try the following steps:

1)      Run original installation of Update 1 of Studio and proceed with installation.

2)      Remove Update 1 or start installation of Update 3 (previous studio will be automatically removed).

Regards, Vadim G.

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VADIM G. (Intel) wrote:


Try the following steps:

1)      Run original installation of Update 1 of Studio and proceed with installation.

2)      Remove Update 1 or start installation of Update 3 (previous studio will be automatically removed).

Regards, Vadim G.

Hi Vadim,

I never installed the Update 1, only the XE 2013 without update. Where can I download the update 1 ?

I have already tried to run the original installation (XE 2013 no update) and I got the same error. It's like XE 2013 detect a component already installed (Inspector 2013), and he calls its uninstaller, but this one failed pretending it does not exist.

I have tried installing Update 3, Update 4 but the same problem. Using the GUID of the product that unsintallation failed (see message box error in attachement), could you tell me what it is ? And how can I removed it so that XE 2013 don't detect it and overwrite it while installing ?

Best regards,

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Valued Contributor II
All updates are available at Intel Software Registration Center and please take a look.
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As you said, I did tried to install the Update 1, but I get the same error. Don't tell me I would have to format my hard drive, reinstall Windows + Visual Studio + etc.... arh.

Is somebody have another idea ?

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The Parallel Studio XE contains several components: Inspector XE, VTune Amplifier XE, etc. The "Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE" in "Add and Remove programs" depends on all of them. Also each component could be updated independently, so it makes sense to remove them independently one by one.

Try the following sequence, though it may take some time:

  1. Try to uninstall individual components first (like Inspector XE) - some may succeed and some may fail
  2. For those that can't be uninstalled, go to registration center and download that exact version. When you unpack the archive, unselect "remove files after installation" checkbox, so you save the installer. Then run the installer - when versions are exactly match, it should offer you options like "remove", "repair", etc. Select "remove" - it should uninstall the product.
  3. If you succeeded with uninstallilng individual packages, do the same for Parallel Studio XE - download the same version that is installed (see update #) and run installer of the suite - it should remove it.
  4. If steps 1-3 didn't help, download some free uninstalling utility, that can smartly find missed files, registry keys etc. and try to uninstall with it.


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Hi Kirill,

First, thanks for your help.

  1. All component has been uninstalled using the method you said. This is the first thing I tried before posting my initial message on this thead. But Inspector uninstaller has pop a message indicating that component was not installed, and if I want to remove it from the uninstall list. I said yes.
  2. I already tried it, but I get the same error as I describle in my first post.
  3. ...
  4. I tried a software, but it didn't help (CCleaner). I little afraid of this kind of software, sometimes they erase things that do not need to be.

Nobody knows why Inspector is still find ? If this faulty element could be removed, probably all the points you have offered me should work :(

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I think you already tried that, but just in case - did you try simply use system restore point to roll back to the day before upgrading Parallel Studio XE? You seem to have an exceptional case, I'm not sure what else to suggest.

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Valued Contributor I

Try to look for any occurrence of Inspector in registry and remove it manually.I would also run regmon and scan for any registry calls being made by some still active if any of Inspector modules.Popup message is obviously triggered by some still active logic.

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Hi iliyapolak,

I already tried removing all occurance of Inspector and/or Intel Parallel but same problem.

But I like the idea running regmon, I had not thought of that :) I will try this :)

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Valued Contributor I

You can also visit Mark Russinovich blog where he explains how to use region and his other tools to track installation problems.Highly recommended reading.

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Valued Contributor I


Do you have any updates?Did try to monitor registry calls with regmon?

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