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Intel XDK Release 3491, August 3, 2016


Hello Developers,

Today we released Intel XDK version 3491. This very important release merges the Intel XDK IoT Edition and the Intel XDK Early Access into a single release of the Intel XDK. We are moving in the direction of supporting Internet of Things (IoT) app development. Since mobile devices are part of that equation, we continue our support of the development of hybrid Cordova mobile HTML5 apps. For more details regarding this new direction, please read Joe's blog. a

We have made some significant improvements for both IoT and mobile Cordova app development with this release:

  • Replacing the Emulate tab with a new Simulate tab.
  • Added a new Cordova CLI 6.2.0 build option (CLI 5.1.1 has been deprecated).
  • Moved iOS mobile provisioning files, icons and splash screens to a new "package-assets" folder.
  • Stability improvements and many bug fixes.

In future releases we will be adding more functionality for IoT app development. We will also be fine-tuning our Cordova mobile app support to align with the needs of IoT app development. As a result, we are deprecating some mobile app development features that are not heavily used or are inconsistent with IoT app development needs.

Feature deprecations and removals with this release:

  • Profile tab has been removed. Please use the profiling features available in the Chrome Debug Tool (on the Debug tab).
  • Cordova CLI 5.1.1 has been deprecated and will be removed in our next release, likely in September 2016.
  • Legacy Windows 8.x build platforms have been deprecated. They are only available using CLI 5.1.1 and 5.4.1. Only Windows 10 UAP builds are supported with CLI 6.2.0. These older Windows 8.x platform builds will be removed in September 2016.
  • Game Asset Manager, samples and templates have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Legacy Whitelist (Android only) was previously deprecated and is no longer available for new projects.

For detailed information about this release, and past releases, please see Our automatic updater will notify existing Intel XDK users when the update is available within the Intel XDK. Updates will be released to all users within 24 hours. If you would like the update sooner, you can download it directly from and install it manually.

Please let us know of any issues you encounter via the Intel XDK forum.

Important note about Intel XDK versions 2893 and older!

Versions of the Intel XDK released prior to March 2016 (2893 and older) can no longer use the Build tab, the Test tab or App Preview and can no longer be used to create custom debug modules for use with the Debug and Profile tabs. This change was necessary to improve the security and performance of our Intel XDK cloud-based build system. If you are currently running version 2893 or older, of the Intel XDK, you must upgrade to the latest version of the Intel XDK!!



Summary of fixes in the 3400 release:

This Intel XDK release is a hot-fix that addresses several bugs and issues:

  • Crashes at startup due to a variety of timeout problems.
  • Long startup times due to slow or spotty network connections.


Summary of fixes in the 3357 release:

  • The built-in Brackets editor now includes a new "tab view" making it easier to switch between all of your active source files.
  • The standard Brackets Extension Manager toolbar is now exposed at the right-hand side of the edit window, where you will find it in a stand-alone install of the Brackets editor.
  • The Brackets Git Extension is now more easily accessed, via the standard Brackets Extension Manager toolbar (see above).
  • To minimize crashes due to the Emulate tab, the CDT debug window will automatically close when switching away from the Emulate tab, if you have enabled the "auto-refresh" feature of the Emulate tab (this is the default condition).


Summary of fixes in 3240 hotfix release:

  • When selecting Apache Cordova* CLI 5.4.1 you were not limited to the minimum target of iOS 8 which resulted in developers attempting to build for unsupported platforms and then building what appear to be non-working apps.
  • If the index.html project file was not contained in the "www" directory of the project, The Emulator would display a '404: Intel XDK can't find your app' error.
  • In some cases, if the Publisher Display Name was not populated for a Windows* build, the plugin add and subsequent build for Windows would fail. Validation for requiring the Publisher Display Name has been added.
  • Corrected an issue where sometimes the plugin manager would not allow a third-party/local plugin to be added to the project.


Summary of new features in 3088/3042:

  • We no longer support CLI 4.1.2 builds. Projects that use CLI 4.1.2 MUST be updated.
  • Added Cordova CLI 5.4.1 to the Intel XDK build system. See this FAQ for details.
  • A new Certificate Management feature allows you to create or import Android certificate keystore files and iOS P12 distribution certificate files.
  • The Build tab allows you to build your app for multiple targets with a single mouse click.
  • Android and Android-Crosswalk options have been combined into a single target platform in the Build Settings section of the Projects tab.
  • Crosswalk support in the Intel XDK is now based on the Crosswalk Webview plugin (AKA "Cordova 4" in Crosswalk docs).
  • A new Publish tab has been added to assist you with creating and publishing application assets and information to a variety of Android stores.
  • The Windows and Windows Phone build options have been expanded and significantly updated to include Windows 10 Universal Apps. Please use the CLI 5.4.1 build option for your Windows and Windows Phone builds.
  • The built-in Brackets editor has been updated to version 1.6 and several new Brackets extensions have been added.
  • Whitelist settings in the Build Settings section of the Projects tab have been updated.
  • App Preview has been updated (to version 2.8.0). Check the respective stores to be sure you have the latest version.
  • Updates to our project file format will require that all projects be "updated" before you can use them with this release.

This release also addresses the Google App Store warning regarding the use of older versions of Cordova-Android. You must migrate your app to our CLI 5.1.1 or CLI 5.4.1 build system to eliminate this warning and to be able to publish apps in the Google App Store after May 9, 2016. Our CLI 5.1.1 build system has been updated to address this issue (see this FAQ for specific details).

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88 Replies

Jane -- all the core Cordova plugins are supported by the Simulate tab. The old Intel XDK plugins were announced as deprecate last year and have been retired in phases over the past six months. The only other plugin that was supported by the Emulate tab was the barcode scanner, which was only there because of the retired XDK plugins, not because we supported that plugin, so it was an odd fluke of coincidence. We have been encouraging all developers to move to the core Cordova plugins for about two years, because the old Intel XDK (originally App Mobi) plugins were not being updated or maintained, we only kept them around to allow existing developers the time they needed to transition to the new plugins. They were never meant for use in new apps.

0 Kudos

Hello! I need urgent help!

I have build error "Unable to upload project files"

Construct2 ver.233

intelXDK ver 3491

error log:

ERROR (-7) from "client:upload-manager": Error in zipping package asset files: : Error in zipping config files: : Error in generating Build Config files: . Error at new ComponentError (C:\Users\Olejjon\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\core-modules\public\component-error.js:17:1122) at makeError (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:170) at getComponentError (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:265) at file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/upload-manager/upload-manager.js:17:21767 at _rejected (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:844:24) at file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:870:30 at Promise.when (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:1122:31) at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:788:41) at file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:604:44 at runSingle (file:///C:/Users/Olejjon/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/node_modules/q/q.js:137:13)

0 Kudos

Thanks Paul,

Do you know if there is a work-around or fix coming for the Intel Security plugin in relation to the sim as yet.

It appears that security plugin is unable to access the data it saves...

Using + results in success (no error) and one can see an addition such as "secureStorageXYZ" (where XYZ is the instance ID) added to localStorage.

However when any subsequent calls are made thereafter in the app, using to try and access the stored encrypted data again, it simply results in an error, "Invalid instance ID provided".

The same code however works fine on a device, just not in the sim.

Another irritating issue with the new sim is that localStorage does not appear to persist once the sim is reloaded.

Mark -- the owners of the Intel Security API plugin have been notified of this deficiency. They are not part of the XDK team, so I can't say if and when they will address the issue, but they've generally been very responsive to issues surrounding usage of their product within the XDK (their API can also be used outside of the XDK). It requires that they improve the implementation of their Simulate tab plugin.

Likewise, Microsoft, the originators of the Cordova Simulator, have been notified of the deficiency of the local storage aspect of the Simulate tab and will be working with us to address that issue. Again, there is no guarantee as to when any such improvements will be implemented.

0 Kudos
Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

Thanks Paul,

Do you know if there is a work-around or fix coming for the Intel Security plugin in relation to the sim as yet.

It appears that security plugin is unable to access the data it saves...

Using + results in success (no error) and one can see an addition such as "secureStorageXYZ" (where XYZ is the instance ID) added to localStorage.

However when any subsequent calls are made thereafter in the app, using to try and access the stored encrypted data again, it simply results in an error, "Invalid instance ID provided".

The same code however works fine on a device, just not in the sim.

Another irritating issue with the new sim is that localStorage does not appear to persist once the sim is reloaded.

Mark -- the owners of the Intel Security API plugin have been notified of this deficiency. They are not part of the XDK team, so I can't say if and when they will address the issue, but they've generally been very responsive to issues surrounding usage of their product within the XDK (their API can also be used outside of the XDK). It requires that they improve the implementation of their Simulate tab plugin.

Likewise, Microsoft, the originators of the Cordova Simulator, have been notified of the deficiency of the local storage aspect of the Simulate tab and will be working with us to address that issue. Again, there is no guarantee as to when any such improvements will be implemented.

Thanks Paul
0 Kudos


I've just installed release, and i have this error in build log.

processArmv7ReleaseResources.../cordova_project/platforms/android/build/intermediates/manifests/full/armv7/release/AndroidManifest.xml:34:23-37 : AAPT: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon').

Wath can i do ?

Thank's for your help.

Samuel from France



0 Kudos
The complete error message !

:34:23-37 : AAPT: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon').

0 Kudos

Samuel -- can you provide the entire build log. Save it as a TXT file and attach it to this thread using the "Attach Files to Post" link below the forum edit window. There's not enough information in your post.

0 Kudos

After update no cocos2D projects works in simulate. Even if I do start a new project from templates Cocos2D+Cordova.ti wont work. I did unistall intelXDK and re installed it.

console says

Uncaught ReferenceError:​ global is not defined

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onStart' of undefined

This from an unedited template when run in simulate.





0 Kudos

Mikael -- please see this thread to see if anything there helps > <

0 Kudos



This is entire log file is attached,

Tank's for your help.





0 Kudos

Samuel -- it appears to be trying to copy icons and splash screens, but the copies are failing. Do you have icons and splash screens configured in your project?

0 Kudos



I'have create a new project., and import my source code. And all i'ts ok.





0 Kudos


Just one question: how can I downgrade from 3491 to 3400 back again.

0 Kudos

Reginaldo -- there is a link in the "known issues" section of the release notes.

0 Kudos


I'm using the 3400 version, and when i try to update to a new release 3491, the XDK exit and install the version. But not re-start the platform and not work more. So, i need to re-start my windows system and start the XDK and the popup with the message to update show again. If i choice the REMIND ME LATER work in 3400 release again.

0 Kudos

See this forum post > < if that doesn't help, find the "known issues" section of the release notes for a link to download version 3400.

0 Kudos

Since I use version 3491 of intel xdk on my Window 10 PC I’m having problems with the debugger. Before I started to use this version it was working fine.
I’ve tried mostly phaser projects but I am also having problems with other projects like twitter bootstrap.

When working with the new emulator (simulate tab) and opening the debugger, both the editor and the CDT Debugger window frees. The emulator keeps on working.

This happens almost every time. Sometimes the first debug session on a new project works correct but all other attempts fail. I have tried old projects and new projects. With and without Cordova. Even the template project fail to debug.

Remote debugging on a device works just fine. The problem only occurs when using the new emulator.
Is this a known problem or am I de only one having this problem?
Is there a work-around?

0 Kudos


after updating to current XDK version, I cannot longer specify URL path in Simulate tab. It is a problem for me, because I´m sending parameters (difficulty, localization..) to my app through query string in URL and I want to test different parameters. It was possible to do this in previous versions in the Emulate section, why it is not possible now? And is there any workaround for this issue? 

Thanks for your response!

0 Kudos

John -- we have seen some issues with the Cocos2d templates and samples, which can be resolved by updating the version of the game library that is part of those samples and templates. Perhaps there is a similar issue with the Phaser games/templates? We have deprecated that game asset manager, so many of those game samples and templates will be going away, thus there has not been a lot of effort going into maintaining them.

Twitter Bootstrap apps, however, should not have issues with the Simulate tab. Can you provide a sample project that illustrates the issue? There may be some timing issues related to the init of the Simulate tab that interferes. We found such a problem with touch and some game apps. The solution, in that case, was to simply refresh the app inside the Simulate tab, a second time after starting the app, and then the init issues are cleared up. You might try that with your apps.

0 Kudos

Jakub -- the Simulate tab does not include that feature. Since you must be developing a web app, without any Cordova APIs, a workaround would be to test your app in a browser (I recommend using this Chrome Extension > < if you don't want to setup your own local web server).

0 Kudos

Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

Jakub -- the Simulate tab does not include that feature. Since you must be developing a web app, without any Cordova APIs, a workaround would be to test your app in a browser (I recommend using this Chrome Extension > < if you don't want to setup your own local web server).

I´m developing web games based on Phaser, but there´s no Cordova included and we plan to run them directly in device´s WebView. Of course I am already testing on web server, but it serves well only for desktop versions of my games. For the mobile ones, I am using your device emulators. It is the most convenient choice for me, only that thing with parameters is a problem now... Can I ask why did you drop this functionality?

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