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Intel XDK Release 3900, March 14, 2017


Summary of the 3900 release:

With this release of the Intel XDK the Intel XDK cloud-based build servers and the Publish tab are deprecated and will be retired at the end of June, 2017. Until then, expect no further upgrades and limited support for these features. We have also addressed several bugs and issues found in prior releases. See the Intel XDK release notes for full details.

Significant changes as part of this release include:

  • Updated the underlying Node-Webkit runtime (0.18.9).
  • Simulate tab is now based on Chromium 54 (due to the NW update).
  • The built-in Brackets editor has been updated to the latest version.
  • Samples have been updated to support Intel® Gateway IoT development platforms.
  • Improved IoT daemon installation, especially for newer Intel IoT platforms.
  • Export to Cordova CLI or PhoneGap Build feature.

Features deprecated with this release:

  • The Build tab's cloud-based Cordova build system will be retired at the end of June, 2017.
  • The Publish tab will also be retired at the end of June, 2017.

When the Intel XDK cloud-based build system is retired itwill no longer be available for use with any version of the Intel XDK. Your mobile app projects will still be recognized as Intel XDK mobile app projects and will continue to work within the Simulate tab. Additionally, the Test tab is still present and can still be used to push your app to App Preview for on-device testing. Please see the new a ref="/en-us/xdk/docs/build-xdk-app-with-phonegap-cordova-cli">Cordova Build Package tile on the Build tab for an alternative to using the now deprecated on-line Cordova build system.

IMPORTANT: As of February, 2017, the Crosswalk Project has been retired. Crosswalk 23 was the last version of the Crosswalk library produced by the Crosswalk Project team. You can continue to build with the Crosswalk library using Cordova CLI or PhoneGap Build, but no further updates to the Crosswalk library will occur beyond version 23 (FYI: the Crosswalk 23 library for Android is based on the Chromium 53 runtime release).

Our automatic updater will notify existing Intel XDK users when the update is available within the Intel XDK. Updates will be released to all users within 24 hours. If you would like the update sooner, you can download it directly from and install it manually.

Important note about Intel XDK versions 2893 and older!

Versions of the Intel XDK released prior to March 2016 (2893 and older) can no longer use the Build tab, the Test tab or App Preview and can no longer be used to create custom debug modules for use with the Debug and Profile tabs. This change was necessary to improve the security and performance of our Intel XDK cloud-based build system. If you are currently running version 2893 or older, of the Intel XDK, you must upgrade to the latest version of the Intel XDK!!



Summary of the 3759 release:

With this release of the Intel XDK we officially retired several features that were deprecated in previous product releases. We have also addressed several bugs and issues found in prior releases. See the Intel XDK release notes for full details.

New features added with this release include:

  • Web Services Explorer supports IoT projects
  • Brackets Live Preview added to Develop tab
  • Samples added to support the Intel® Joule™ IoT development board
  • Improved IoT daemon installation, especially for Intel Joule platforms

Features retired with this release:

  • The Debug tab has been retired.
  • The hosted weinre debug server used by the Test tab has been retired.
  • The Live Development Pane in the Develop tab has been retired.
  • The Game Asset Manager and related samples and templates have been retired.
  • Samples and templates that are not useful to developing IoT companion apps have been retired.
  • Featured Cordova plugins that are not useful to developing IoT companion apps have been removed.

IMPORTANT: Retirement means no longer available for use with any version of the Intel XDK. Your mobile app projects will still be recognized as Intel XDK mobile app projects and will continue to build (using the Build tab) and work within the Simulate tab. Additionally, the Test tab is still present and can still be used to push your app to App Preview for on-device testing.

Alternatives to using the Debug tab, the hosted weinre server and the Live Development pane can be found in the Intel XDK release notes.


Summary of the 3641 update:

This Intel XDK release addresses installation issues introduced in the prior release. See the release notes for details.


Summary of the 3619 release:

This Intel XDK release addresses several bugs and issues found in prior releases. See the release notes for bug fix details. New features added with this release include:

  • Keyword-based filters for new project templates and samples
  • New Linux* and Apple* OSX* installers
  • New IoT project samples using Microsoft* Azure*

Feature deprecations with this release:

  • Debug tab has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • The hosted weinre debug server used by the Test tab has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • The Live Development Pane in the Develop tab has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • The Framework7 and Ionic UI frameworks have been deprecated from App Designer and will be removed in a future release.

IMPORTANT: With this release, the Debug tab, the hosted weinre server associated with the Test tab, and the Live Development pane located on the Develop tab have been deprecated and will be retired in the near future. When these features are retired you will no longer be able to use them with any version of the Intel XDK. Your project will continue to be recognized as an Intel XDK HTML5 mobile app project and it will continue to build (using the Build tab) and work within the Simulate tab. Follow the links embedded in each of the deprecated features listed above for more details and pointers to free open-source alternatives to these deprecated features.

Why is the Debug tab being deprecated and removed from the Intel XDK?

In addition to our previously announced deprecation of support for App Framework, within the App Designer UI editor, we are also deprecating support for the use of the Framework7 and Ionic UI frameworks. You can still use these frameworks outside of the App Designer UI editor, as you have always been able to do with any UI framework. Existing projects that are using deprecated UI frameworks will continue to be recognized by App Designer and can be edited within the App Designer UI editor; however, there will be no bug fixes for deprecated frameworks and, once those frameworks are retired, the App Designer UI editor will no longer recognize those projects.


Summary of the 3522 release:

This Intel XDK release is a hot-fix that addresses several bugs and issues found in the 3491 release:

  • Crosswalk version 19 is now the default version for newly created projects. This update will warn you of any existing projects using Crosswalk version 18 (or lower). Google does not require that you use Crosswalk 19 (or higher), so this is just a warning, not an error.

  • Several issues that generated a 'build tab generates ERROR (-7) from "client:upload-manager": Error in zipping package asset files:' error message have been addressed. This primarily impacted Construct2 users who were importing new projects or opening existing projects.

  • The new Simulate tab did not present the window.screen object correctly. See this forum post for additional details.

  • Attempting to run some Cordova apps that did not include any plugins would cause the app to crash or generate a 404 error in the Simulate tab. See this forum post for some examples.

  • Replacing an icon or splash screen with a new file but using the same name for that file would cause an incorrect prompt regarding an invalid resolution. See this forum post for more details.

  • Intel XDK crashes that resulted in "Error: ENOENT" and "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" errors when using the Simulate tab.

  • Use of the <head data-noxhrfix> tag causes the Simulate tab to fail or hang. See this forum post for additional details.

  • The 750x1334 splash screens (portrait and landscape) have been restored to the iOS Icons and Splash Screens UI.This forum post provides additional details.

  • A custom require() function was placed into the global namespace by the Simulate tab preventing use of require() within a user app. See this forum thread for additional details.


Summary of the 3491 release:

This very important release merges the Intel XDK IoT Edition and the Intel XDK Early Access into a single release of the Intel XDK. We are moving in the direction of supporting Internet of Things (IoT) app development. Since mobile devices are part of that equation, we continue our support of the development of hybrid Cordova mobile HTML5 apps. For more details regarding this new direction, please read Joe's blog. a

We have made some significant improvements for both IoT and mobile Cordova app development with this release:

  • Replacing the Emulate tab with a new Simulate tab.
  • Added a new Cordova CLI 6.2.0 build option (CLI 5.1.1 has been deprecated).
  • Moved iOS mobile provisioning files, icons and splash screens to a new "package-assets" folder.
  • Stability improvements and many bug fixes.

In future releases we will be adding more functionality for IoT app development. We will also be fine-tuning our Cordova mobile app support to align with the needs of IoT app development. As a result, we are deprecating some mobile app development features that are not heavily used or are inconsistent with IoT app development needs.

Feature deprecations and removals with this release:

  • Profile tab has been removed. Please use the profiling features available in the Chrome Debug Tool (on the Debug tab).
  • Cordova CLI 5.1.1 has been deprecated and will be removed in our next release, likely in September 2016.
  • Legacy Windows 8.x build platforms have been deprecated. They are only available using CLI 5.1.1 and 5.4.1. Only Windows 10 UAP builds are supported with CLI 6.2.0. These older Windows 8.x platform builds will be removed in September 2016.
  • Game Asset Manager, samples and templates have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Legacy Whitelist (Android only) was previously deprecated and is no longer available for new projects.


Summary of fixes in the 3400 release:

This Intel XDK release is a hot-fix that addresses several bugs and issues:

  • Crashes at startup due to a variety of timeout problems.
  • Long startup times due to slow or spotty network connections.


Summary of fixes in the 3357 release:

  • The built-in Brackets editor now includes a new "tab view" making it easier to switch between all of your active source files.
  • The standard Brackets Extension Manager toolbar is now exposed at the right-hand side of the edit window, where you will find it in a stand-alone install of the Brackets editor.
  • The Brackets Git Extension is now more easily accessed, via the standard Brackets Extension Manager toolbar (see above).
  • To minimize crashes due to the Emulate tab, the CDT debug window will automatically close when switching away from the Emulate tab, if you have enabled the "auto-refresh" feature of the Emulate tab (this is the default condition).


Summary of fixes in 3240 hotfix release:

  • When selecting Apache Cordova* CLI 5.4.1 you were not limited to the minimum target of iOS 8 which resulted in developers attempting to build for unsupported platforms and then building what appear to be non-working apps.
  • If the index.html project file was not contained in the "www" directory of the project, The Emulator would display a '404: Intel XDK can't find your app' error.
  • In some cases, if the Publisher Display Name was not populated for a Windows* build, the plugin add and subsequent build for Windows would fail. Validation for requiring the Publisher Display Name has been added.
  • Corrected an issue where sometimes the plugin manager would not allow a third-party/local plugin to be added to the project.


Summary of new features in 3088/3042:

  • We no longer support CLI 4.1.2 builds. Projects that use CLI 4.1.2 MUST be updated.
  • Added Cordova CLI 5.4.1 to the Intel XDK build system. See this FAQ for details.
  • A new Certificate Management feature allows you to create or import Android certificate keystore files and iOS P12 distribution certificate files.
  • The Build tab allows you to build your app for multiple targets with a single mouse click.
  • Android and Android-Crosswalk options have been combined into a single target platform in the Build Settings section of the Projects tab.
  • Crosswalk support in the Intel XDK is now based on the Crosswalk Webview plugin (AKA "Cordova 4" in Crosswalk docs).
  • A new Publish tab has been added to assist you with creating and publishing application assets and information to a variety of Android stores.
  • The Windows and Windows Phone build options have been expanded and significantly updated to include Windows 10 Universal Apps. Please use the CLI 5.4.1 build option for your Windows and Windows Phone builds.
  • The built-in Brackets editor has been updated to version 1.6 and several new Brackets extensions have been added.
  • Whitelist settings in the Build Settings section of the Projects tab have been updated.
  • App Preview has been updated (to version 2.8.0). Check the respective stores to be sure you have the latest version.
  • Updates to our project file format will require that all projects be "updated" before you can use them with this release.

This release also addresses the Google App Store warning regarding the use of older versions of Cordova-Android. You must migrate your app to our CLI 5.1.1 or CLI 5.4.1 build system to eliminate this warning and to be able to publish apps in the Google App Store after May 9, 2016. Our CLI 5.1.1 build system has been updated to address this issue (see this FAQ for specific details).

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96 Replies

Nick F. wrote:

Have read this and understand the methodology, its just clunky and does increase the work flow timescales because of the constant need to export and compile separately. The restrictions on PhoneGap a frustrating. 25 Private apps is nothing when we are developing Enterprise apps for businesses. What ever we pay Adobe we cannot exceed that number. OK we don't have 25 yet, but we will hit that limit at some point.

Our app's are not for the public domain.

Nick -- it is a different flow and will require changes to your current development process. PhoneGap Build does have a web API that can be used to submit a project via a script, which is something you might consider using. We have not utilized that feature in the XDK, although we have considered it, there is no guarantee that we will release a version of the XDK that would utilize it.

If you are developing many enterprise apps you should look into building with Cordova CLI. It's possible to manage multiple versions of Cordova on a build system using this tool > < which was created by a former Intel employee. If you choose to go the Cordova CLI route, which is the most flexible, I recommend you start here > < in the section titled Requirements to Build-with Cordova CLI.

0 Kudos

Alessandro S. wrote:

I've already read that post, and I didn't understand what I have to do. The title is "exporting All-In to IoT" but in the article nothing is specified about it, and it's not clear if XDK as we use will be available in the future even if we should use PhoneGap to compile.

Unfortunately, company policy does not allow me to comment on future plans and roadmaps in public forums. As that blog indicates (as do many previous blogs and release notes), we are changing our emphasis to be in favor of IoT development. Since there are so many useful tools for mobile app development, we do not feel it is necessary to continue to push the cross-platform mobile app tools boundary, especially when other much more capable tools are available for little or no cost. Instead, our mobile app development role will be focused on supporting the creation of mobile apps that can be used to demonstrate how to interact and work with IoT devices and IoT infrastructure. In other words, mobile is no longer the focus, it will take a "supporting role" to IoT development.


0 Kudos

Is there anyway to convert the Build package .cli into .apk or is that impossible now?

I got this but it has no program that can be run.

0 Kudos

James F. wrote:

Is there anyway to convert the Build package .cli into .apk or is that impossible now?

I got this but it has no program that can be run.

Please read carefully the instructions on this doc page > <

The first part of that doc page contains instructions for using PhoneGap Build and the second part contains instructions for using Cordova CLI. If you are going to use Cordova CLI you will have to read additional instructions, provided by the Apache Cordova project, which are reference in the doc page above.

NOTE: Cordova CLI is a "command-line-interface" tool, meaning there is no UI or web page. It is a tool you use at your command or terminal prompt. If you are not comfortable with such tools you should not be building with Cordova CLI, instead, you should be building with PhoneGap Build.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Move to Visual Studio... 

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

The other option is:

A) make sure your android device is in developer mode

B) install OneDrive

C) download your built apk from Intel to your local drive

D) copy the apk to OneDrive

E) Open OneDrive on your Android Device and click on the .apk... 

F) Your device will download the file and prompt to install

It's only about 60 seconds longer to do this than the old way.

0 Kudos

Hi All,


I understand The Build tab's cloud-based Cordova build system will be retired at the end of June, 2017. Say what is my alternative after June 2017? Would Intel re-consider this and keep this as lot of the users still use this functionality.


One other thing is when I use the cordova build packge, I can create package (.zip file for iOS and Android)... how do I use Cordova CLI to create .ipa files for iOS and .apk files (armv7 & x86 androids) from the .zip file you create. Or is there is a place where I can take these zip files and create .ipa/.apk files for FREE using other softwares (phoengap, etc.)?

Thanks for your help, as I am a newbie using Intel XDK just learned a few tricks with Intel XDK and now taking away my build features



0 Kudos

Ram A. wrote:

I understand The Build tab's cloud-based Cordova build system will be retired at the end of June, 2017. Say what is my alternative after June 2017? Would Intel re-consider this and keep this as lot of the users still use this functionality.

We will not be reconsidering our decision regarding the build system. It will be retired at the end of June, 2017. The export package feature on the build tab will continue to function, allowing you to build using either PhoneGap Build or Cordova CLI. Both can be used for free and both work quite well.

Ram A. wrote:

One other thing is when I use the cordova build packge, I can create package (.zip file for iOS and Android)... how do I use Cordova CLI to create .ipa files for iOS and .apk files (armv7 & x86 androids) from the .zip file you create. Or is there is a place where I can take these zip files and create .ipa/.apk files for FREE using other softwares (phoengap, etc.)?

Please read the XDK export package documentation > < for details.

0 Kudos

Wow, this seems like a bitterly disappointing update.

After reading the recommended posts, threads, and release notes, I'm still struggling to understand the situation.

I guess we should start migrating development away from the Intel XDK altogether?

Can you explain how the focus on IoT motivated this change? I don't quite understand what an IoT App is vs a mobile Android, Windows, or iOS App built using the Intel XDK.

Should we be using the Intel XDK IoT version now? is the Intel XDK going to be retired?

Judging from my own confusion, and the apparent confusion of other posters, I'm not sure the messaging behind this update has been well communicated.

0 Kudos

Keith T. wrote:

I guess we should start migrating development away from the Intel XDK altogether?

Can you explain how the focus on IoT motivated this change? I don't quite understand what an IoT App is vs a mobile Android, Windows, or iOS App built using the Intel XDK.

Please see this post for some help > < regarding your question about migrating away from the Intel XDK.

Intel offers a variety of software products for little or no cost. In general, the focus of those software products is aligned with the hardware products we produce and the systems in which our hardware is used.

Keith T. wrote:

Should we be using the Intel XDK IoT version now? is the Intel XDK going to be retired?

Judging from my own confusion, and the apparent confusion of other posters, I'm not sure the messaging behind this update has been well communicated.

The Intel XDK IoT Edition was merged into the standard Intel XDK with the 3491 release, in August of 2016. See the release notes for more details > < which have consistently provided information regarding reasons behind changes to the product as well as regular links to Joe's blog regarding the future of the product > <

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

I'm finding this whole process a mess.

I agree, Intel have posted lots of advice as to how to move forwards, but in my mind they have failed to see how the users will migrate from what I considered and excellent all encompassing development environment to one that frankly is a non starter because of the need to employ separate services. 

Some of us choose XDK because of its simple approach to design and publishing excellent cross platform apps with relative ease, that is now out of the window and the work flow is now horrible. XDK did a good job of checking for missing elements before submitting the build.

I have invested a lot of time and effort with this product as have many others and quite frankly feel let down by Intel over this. I also don't think this is good PR for Intel. I think you will loose out because people will be reluctant to invest time and effort in what XDK has now become for fear you  will do this again in the future.

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I

Hi all,

I'm not worry about replacing tools for testing, debugging or build, is just a matter of put some time on setup and learning. Only once time.

My most important fear is if Intel will deprecate from XDK in the future the DESIGN section and the features mentioned here:

I spend most of my time designing the forms and coding. The tools for this are what I haven't find anywhere else, I can mockup an app in a matter of minutes, change its visual appearance very easily or modify the forms adding or moving UI controls very quickly. The linking between controls and its events is great. And also the STYLES manager.

These are things that I will really miss.

Best wishes,



0 Kudos


>> We will not be reconsidering our decision regarding the build system. <<

Just like everyone else, I find this to be really disappointing, and may I add that Intel's decision is ruining the Intel XDK program and IDE. It is a step backward, and as you can see, created a lot of negative reactions and it seems you (Intel) are doing this based sole on your reasoning, not based on what developers see as valuable features; the alternatives work-arounds are cumbersome and not productive.
The "Build" tab is the most important feature for me!


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