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Intel XDK: Usability, Quality of Apps, Performance


      My name is Vinicius, Computer Engineering student and work as Java System Analyst. I want to use this technology in my project because I think you can create a Multi-platform Mobile and Desktop solution (Through the Chrome Apps) with performance, usability, rich animations and visual effects. I've never worked with mobile hybrid, but I have studied HTML 5, CSS 3, a little JS and jQuery and I know the power of these technologies.
     But who develops native apps say it is totally impractical the dev hybrid, it does not meet any of the characteristics (Usually it's ugly, is not fluid and usability is terrible). Companies have tested the solution and left. But I wonder if it is lack of sufficient knowledge in the use of technologies such as WebGL, Web Storage, Web Audio and the like, lack of dev platforms. as IBM Worklight, Microsoft and Intel MDHA XDK, or really the technologies are failures?
     Downloaded the Intel App Framework on my iPhone 5S with iOS 8.1.1 and a few crashes (Such as when using the camera), I found the interface of poor extramente statements (The statements in CocoonJS App are much better and show the power the platform).
     So compared to existing technologies in the market, as with Intel XDK is possible to build applications (With great usability, light, beautiful, fast, with many interactions), the demo application itself is bad? You know applications that resemble long been a Native App? Most I've seen so far did not please me, and just a game that only works on Android seemed convincing:

Star Nomad -

Intel uses XDK + Crosswalk

And the author has created Halfgeek Studios has created another game:

Ninja Legacy: Android (Intel + Crosswalk XDK) and iOS (CocoonJS).

You have some other applications that make evident the power of the platform?

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1 Solution

Hello Vinicius,

Thanks for your feedback and sorry to hear that you didn't find Intel XDK interesting enough. If you are looking into very high performing graphics intense game, probably HTML5 hybrid apps may not appeal you but for most utility apps and simple games we see the performance quite comparable. In terms of apps built with XDK there are many out there, but we don't have a way to showcase them. We have few showcased on our app showcase page from developers who have volunteered to do so. You can check out the app showcase page: 

Quality of apps is also a function of familiarity of HTML5 and hybrid app development. For UI it is important to know the framework you are using very well to produce an app with rich user experience.

In terms of usability of Intel XDK, we are continuously improving it to make it easy for developers to develop and produce compelling apps for multiple platforms. We value feedback from users like you. It would be helpful to know specific features you would like to see or issues resolved in XDK.



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3 Replies

Hello Vinicius,

Thanks for your feedback and sorry to hear that you didn't find Intel XDK interesting enough. If you are looking into very high performing graphics intense game, probably HTML5 hybrid apps may not appeal you but for most utility apps and simple games we see the performance quite comparable. In terms of apps built with XDK there are many out there, but we don't have a way to showcase them. We have few showcased on our app showcase page from developers who have volunteered to do so. You can check out the app showcase page: 

Quality of apps is also a function of familiarity of HTML5 and hybrid app development. For UI it is important to know the framework you are using very well to produce an app with rich user experience.

In terms of usability of Intel XDK, we are continuously improving it to make it easy for developers to develop and produce compelling apps for multiple platforms. We value feedback from users like you. It would be helpful to know specific features you would like to see or issues resolved in XDK.



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Hello Swati, thank you for answering me. Glad to know that you are working to improve the XDK platform. I downloaded some applications (PhoneGap) and was disappointed with the performance and usability, as is evident with a few minutes of use that is using a "shell" WebView. Usability and performance are the features principasi for me (It has to be fast and animations have to flow naturally).
     After a survey of academic papers, articles, and even blog's reports (Research Guidance 2), found an interesting material:

The author "Such Gleichger" makes tests with some framework's UI. Interestingly, this article seemed very fair and sensible, and previous research led me to reach the same conclusion as the author. AngularJS is a JavaScript API and I have seen magnificent things being built. To date charm me with this Dashboard (

     What struck me was true test some demos Run directly in the browser without presenting lag's and with incredible speed, and is very beautiful to see. What can be found here:

E a outras demos interessantes que encontrei na internet.

    The author chose Iconic Framework for offering many components ready. I tested and found better than many others I've seen during the day. But I liked much more to be a framework that offers "performance" and power to build games and app's business.

What is the possibility of Intel XDK support these framework's or do you intend to reach this level of quality with App Framework?

Very interesting article from IBM About

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755 Views uses the Crosswalk runtime to implement their SDK on Android. I highly recommend you checkout the Crosswalk build option for your Android apps. It resolves many of the compaints regarding HTML5 Cordova apps on mobile devices.

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