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Intel XDK issues

Hi I have a few questions about Intel XDK I'm trying to create apps with the design section and the coding and I find that when I try to insert a color onto fonts for instance on the header with coding in the css folder. I click save all and when I run the simulator it works, as soon as I go back into the design section of the platform the color font reverts back to default which is white. How can I keep the color from reverting back to default? Then I find that when I'm in the coding side and go back to the design section the loading phase takes way too long. It can't be my laptop because I have a top of the range laptop which is the Asus ROG (Republic of Gamers) I sometimes wait like 2 mins before it loads into the design section. Then sometimes when I click to close off Intel XDK then it doesn't want to close I have to go.into task manager to end the task. One last thing when I'm in the design part and add things in it doesn't always except it. Unfortunately I don't have a screen shot. Can you recommend a solution? I've also unistalled and re-installed again last night with the latest update. But still same issues. Joe
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3 Replies

Joe -- I'll ask one of our App Designer experts to help.

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Hi I have a few questions about Intel XDK I'm trying to create apps with the design section and the coding and I find that when I try to insert a color onto fonts for instance on the header with coding in the css folder. I click save all and when I run the simulator it works, as soon as I go back into the design section of the platform the color font reverts back to default which is white. How can I keep the color from reverting back to default?

Short Answer: make your own CSS file and make the change you want there.

Long Answer: that CSS file is auto-generated. If you look at the top of it, there is a warning there informing you of that fact and warning you that any changes you make there will be lost when the CSS is next updated.  It is generated from a .less file.   My advice is to just leave that .less file and that main .css file alone and add in your own.


Then I find that when I'm in the coding side and go back to the design section the loading phase takes way too long.

Hmm - that is way too long. I've never seen it take that long. Is your design particularly large? How many pages and sub-pages are in it?  How many widgets?  

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Hmm - that is way too long. I've never seen it take that long. Is your design particularly large? How many pages and sub-pages are in it? How many widgets Nothing it's basically got the header and color font. That's all because I've been struggling with it. I've also tried creating my own css folder but still doesn't work. I'll just try again. Do I create the css folder under the index.html? And regarding where I have to use task manager to end XDK sometimes what can I do about that? Also that part of my msg where I asked about the design side where it doesn't always except if I want to add something in? Thank you for your response I do appreciate it.
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