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Latest libs not synced with IoT SDK

Valued Contributor II

I updated the Edison with the opkg utility. Then, proceeded to update the SDK, but the downloadable libraries are not synced:

This is the Edison repo:


Currently it lists this as the latest:

- libmraa v0.6.0
- upm v0.1.9

And these are the latest downloadable libs:


Currently it lists this as the latest:

- libmraa v0.5.98
- upm v0.1.9.2

As you can see, both libs are different.

Is there any way of keeping these things on sync?

Also, I guess the SDK cross compile tools are not updated at all. The ones listed here:


Are those the same thing that is included in the Netbeans pack (devkit-x86)? because there are a few differences.

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8 Replies

Hi samontab. You bring up some good points.  I'm going to create a bug report from this post.

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in principle those files should automatically be in sync (auto generated) - need to check what happened

0 Kudos

hmmm, just checked - seems to be everything in sync. Could you pls double check on your side?

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Valued Contributor II

matthias-hahn (Intel) wrote:

hmmm, just checked - seems to be everything in sync. Could you pls double check on your side?

There is still a difference in the latest available library:


- upm v0.1.9: last modified: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:27:12 +0000
- libmraa v0_0.6.1: last modified: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 09:44:00 +0000

Downloadable libs:

- upm v0.1.9.8: last modified: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 02:12:39 +0000
- libmraa v0.6.1.5: last modified: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:59:37 +0000


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The 'intelgalactic' opkg repo only shows the latest stable updates, if you want to see everything then have a look at http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/1.1/intelgalactic-dev/. It's done so that on edison and IOTDK galileo images by default users will only get stable versions not the latest & greatest from git master HEAD.

The update repo shows everything since you have to do that manually and you have to pick (ideally) what you used on your board.

Hopefully that makes sense!

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Valued Contributor II

Yes, it makes sense. Thanks Brendan.

But what we need is basically the reverse. I am not really interested in the latest intelgalactic dev repo, but I am interested in the latest stable update of the library that I just installed in the Edison using opkg.

At the moment we have this:

opkg installable libs repo latest::


Which matches these downloadable libs:


That's the latest development version of the libraries, and they seem to match. Good.

On the stable side, which is the one that gets installed on the Edison, we have this for the opkg repo:


What are the matching downloadable stable libs?

I don't think it is a good idea to have to manually check, search and download every time we do an upgrade.

I guess I could write a small script that checks the current Edison library version, and then scrapes the correct library from that website, but I reckon you guys can provide the latest libraries automatically, which would be easier for everybody to stay on sync.

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samontab wrote:

On the stable side, which is the one that gets installed on the Edison, we have this for the opkg repo:


What are the matching downloadable stable libs?

The stables are all there eg - http://iotdk.intel.com/sdk/mraa-update/win-mraa-

samontab wrote:

I don't think it is a good idea to have to manually check, search and download every time we do an upgrade.

I guess I could write a small script that checks the current Edison library version, and then scrapes the correct library from that website, but I reckon you guys can provide the latest libraries automatically, which would be easier for everybody to stay on sync.

I agree it's not ideal, making a -dev version for the upm/mraa ide updates tarballs is on my todo list :) It would be nice if the IDE had an update facility but that is difficult for a multitude of reasons. Quite honestly most people don't update since the mraa API is pretty stable it's really only to get any new function calls you need to update the IDE or to get new sensors in UPM. Essentially you're just updating your headers :)

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Valued Contributor II

Well, I ended up creating a script in CMake that checks the latest stable versions of the libraries, downloads the correct files, then extracts them into the correct folder. I added this script to my Qt Creator + CMake SDK project for the Edison, and it works!. You can check it out here.

I disabled this feature by default as it is not thoroughly tested and it may overwrite other files you may want to keep. To enable it, you just need to uncomment the include line in the CMakeLists.txt:


After you enable it, every time you run CMake (not build the project), the SDK will get updated. You can update the SDK from the IDE by doing build->Run CMake as you can see in this screenshot:


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