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Linking Pages from buttons on a sub menu


Hi Dear Gurus

Using Appwork Framework 3, and  xdk 2893, my app has 4 pages , each with side menus. On each side menu, I added  4 buttons to link to each page.

When I test on emulator the page wont transit from my home page. but when I create buttons on a subpage to move to another page . they move.

I already gave each button  on the side menu a different id and I used  the interactivity bar to link not raw codes. Please any suggestion as to how buttons on a sidebar can transit to another page.

Thanks for reading

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1 Reply

Hello Olushola,

Please build the app and run on device to test the actual response of the app.

These are the limitations of emulator.

You should think of the Emulate tab as a Cordova API simulator, not as a device emulator. It provides you with a convenient viewport to help you visualize the approximate layout of your app on various devices and itsimulates the core Cordova APIs to make it easier to debug apps that use those APIs. It does not simulate real devices nor does it simulate third-party Cordova plugin APIs. Getting your app to work in the Emulate tab is not a guarantee that it will work on a real device. Conversely, if things work on a real device but do not work in the Emulate tab, that is not an indication that your app is "broken." The only way to know with certainty that your app works as intended is to build it and install it on real devices.

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