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Named user Fortran license error


I have a named-user license for Intel Fortran that used to work, but is now giving me the error message copied below when I try to compile. 

I had to do an offline installation of my license because my company is behind a proxy that requires a password, and the Intel Software Manager doesn't allow me to enter a proxy password. 

I'm not sure what changed that let to the errors.  I am using the same computer, so my license file shouldn't need to be updated as far as I can tell.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler 16.0 [IA-32]...
1>Error: A license for Comp-FW is not available now (-15,10,10061).
1>A connection to the license server could not be made.  You should
1>make sure that your license daemon process is running: both an
1>lmgrd.exe process and an INTEL.exe process should be running
1>if your license limits you to a specified number of licenses in use
1>at a time.  Also, check to see if the wrong port@host or the wrong
1>license file is being used, or if the port or hostname in the license
1>file has changed.
1>License file(s) used were (in this order):
1>    1.  Trusted Storage
1>    2.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\COM_W__FOR_XXXX-XXXXXXXX.lic
1>    3.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\USE_SERVER.lic
1>    4.  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
1>    5.  C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016\windows\bin\ia32\*.lic
1>Please visit if you require technical assistance.
1>ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license
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21 Replies

Hi, Brian,

Thanks for contacting us. I'm looking into this and will get back to you as soon as I can.

- Alex

0 Kudos


Thank you.  I am starting to wonder if this doesn't have to do with me moving offices recently.  I have the same desktop computer, but I think that my MAC-Address may have changed.  If so, I may need to re-generate a license file; however, I don't have an active support subscription, and I don't see the option to create a new license file when I log in to the registration center.  I'm wondering if there is another way to do a license update for an offline installation.


0 Kudos

Okay, so, good news is that it's not a MAC address issue.

First of all, have you reinstalled the program recently? If so, what version did you install?

Secondly, check that your license file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\. I tried to send you an email containing your license file; hopefully it worked. My end of the system seemed to be behaving strangely so I don't know whether it worked; check that the serial number mentioned in the mail matches yours. If you do use the license I sent you, keep your old one tucked away in your documents folder or something, just in case.

Thirdly, make sure you don't have any other license files (from evaluations or whatever) in these directories:

1>    1.  Trusted Storage 
1>    2.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\COM_W__FOR_XXXX-XXXXXXXX.lic 
1>    3.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\USE_SERVER.lic 
1>    4.  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses 
1>    5.  C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016\windows\bin\ia32\*.lic 

They could clutter things up and confuse the license system. If you have other licenses in there, remove them.

0 Kudos

Thank you for resolving the MAC address question.

I didn't see an email with a new license file, but I'm pretty sure the one I have is current because it matches what I see in the Intel registration center when I log in.

I only have one other license file in the directories that you listed.  It is the one named "USE_SERVER.lic".  It basically just points to my own computer as the host with the default port number.  I'm pretty sure this was an old attempt to use a floating license before it became clear that I had a named user license.  I am working with my tech support here to get that file deleted, as I am not an admin on my system.  I will let you know if that helps.

In the meantime, I did notice that I have two versions of Intel Fortran installed.  One is Composer XE 2011 SP1, and the other is Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016.  It appears that the 2016 version was a trial that has expired, but my Visual Studio 2013 is still pointing to it when I try to compile (when I go to Visual Studio -> Help-> About, it lists the 2016 version).  As confirmation, I ran ifort.exe on the command line with each of the versions.  It works for the 2011 version, but gives me the same license error for the 2016 version.

So is it true that my license is not good for the 2016 version?  If so, do you know how I can get Visual Studio 2013 to point to the 2011 Fortran version?  Is it just a matter of uninstalling the 2016 version?


0 Kudos

Brian H. wrote:

It appears that the 2016 version was a trial that has expired, but my Visual Studio 2013 is still pointing to it when I try to compile (when I go to Visual Studio -> Help-> About, it lists the 2016 version).

Well there's your problem! :)

Your current license will not enable you to keep using an expired trial of a different version of the software.

My suggestion is to uninstall that trial. I'm not sure if that alone will re-integrate your old version; I suspect it won't. If it doesn't, you can try reinstalling your old compiler so it re-integrates into visual studio. This would be the 2013 version, however I believe, given the date of support/update expiration, that you qualify for the 2014 version.

In fact, I've been told that if that's the case, your license may or may not work with the 2013 version anymore upon reinstallation and might require you to use the latest version you qualify for. Feel free to try the 2013 version, and if it doesn't work, try installing the latest version you have access to instead.

Let me know if you have any problems.

- Alex

0 Kudos

Thank you for this information.  I will try what you suggested and let you know if I can get it to work.


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Did this work out for you?

I'll be going away on vacation for the entirety of next week, so I won't be around to answer questions during that time.

- Alex

0 Kudos


Thanks for checking in on this.  I am currently working with my IT department to uninstall my expired demo Fortran and reinstall my licensed version.  That takes a while around here, so I might not know until after you are out on vacation.  I am planning to post an update here once I see how it works.

I noticed in the registration center that I can download a version of Fortran that includes the Visual Studio shell and libraries.  If I select that option, is it safe for me to uninstall my current Visual Studio 2013?  I'm thinking this might eliminate the possibility of incompatibilities, but I wanted to make sure that I don't need anything else to do a reinstall from scratch.



0 Kudos

"That takes a while around here, so I might not know until after you are out on vacation.  I am planning to post an update here once I see how it works."

I'll be here through the end of this Friday. If it's not resolved by then, I'll check back in when I return on January 3rd.

"I noticed in the registration center that I can download a version of Fortran that includes the Visual Studio shell and libraries.  If I select that option, is it safe for me to uninstall my current Visual Studio 2013?"

Yes, if you use the Fortran-with-VS-shell installation, you don't need Visual Studio 2013. Personally, to be safe, I'd be sure to uninstall Visual Studio before installing that, though. I don't know whether doing it in the opposite order would mess things up; best play it safe. says:

For Fortran only - Intel® Visual Fortran development environment based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (included with Commercial and Academic licenses of Intel® Parallel Studio XE)

  • NOTE! Intel® Visual Fortran development environment based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell is included with Academic and Commercial licenses for Intel® Visual Fortran. It is not included with Evaluation or Student licenses. This development environment provides everything necessary to edit, build and debug Fortran applications. Development of C++ applications is not supported by this environment. Some features available with the full Visual Studio product are not included, such as:
    • Resource Editor (see ResEdit*, a third-party tool, for a substitute)
    • Automated conversion of Compaq* Visual Fortran projects
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I was able to uninstall all copies of Fortran and Visual Studio.  However, when I tried to install the Intel Fortran with VS shell and libraries, it said I needed to install Visual Studio first.  We had VS 2015 lying around and installed that, but then Fortran said the debugger wouldn't work unless we used VS 2013 or 2014. 

I am wondering if there is a link in the registration center where I can download a version of Visual Studio that will be compatible with my licensed version of Intel Fortran.  If that doesn't work, I can contact my company's software store to find a copy of the older VS CD, but I thought I'd check if you know of a download site first.



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"However, when I tried to install the Intel Fortran with VS shell and libraries, it said I needed to install Visual Studio first."

Hm. I guess I must have been wrong on that count. My apologies.

"I am wondering if there is a link in the registration center where I can download a version of Visual Studio"

Visual Studio is a Microsoft product; we don't supply it. Here's a link to the VS2013 page on MSDN, but as it's their website and not ours, I don't know my way around it and can't really provide you any advice on how to proceed from there. Good luck!

- Alex

0 Kudos


No worries.  We are going to try to find a CD with VS 2013 or 2014 and see if that does it.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for your help.


0 Kudos

Remember to enable C++ when you install Visual Studio (I don't believe it's enabled by default); this is actually necessary, even when you're using Fortran.

0 Kudos

Okay, thanks for pointing that out.


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I'm back from vacation and wanted to check in with you to see if your issue had been resolved.

If I don't hear back by the end of the week, I'll assume your problem was fixed and close this thread.

- Alex

0 Kudos


Thanks for checking in.  They are going to reinstall VS 2013 and my latest licensed Intel Fortran this afternoon.  I should know if that fixes things by tomorrow.


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I'm happy to report that my problem has been resolved.  I had a reinstall of Visual Studio 2013, along with Intel Fortran 2013 sp1.4.237, and it now compiles.  My named user license file is in the proper directory, so hopefully this means that Intel Fortran is actually using my license and is not just giving me some sort of "trial access" again.  I'd be interested to know if there is a way to verify that the license is being used properly.

Thank you for your help in this matter.


0 Kudos


I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "giving you a trial access again," but it doesn't look like you have an evaluations associated with your account and you say you don't have other licenses on the system, so it doesn't sound like you would have a trial license.

But it's easy enough to check. Simply drag your license file out of the license search directories to somewhere the compiler won't look (e.g. your desktop) and see if the compiler still works. If it doesn't, it was using the license. Then just move the license back where it belongs and the compiler will work again.

I'll wait til I hear back from you on that before I close the thread. :)

- Alex

0 Kudos

Brian, did you ever confirm that your compiler was using the correct license?

If I don't get a response by the 11th, I'll assume that everything worked out and close this thread.

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I just got write access to the license folder so that I could do the test you recommended.  It behaved as expected: I got a license error after removing the file, and the error went away when the file was replaced. 

I believe that this should be the last thing I need on this ticket.  Thank you for your help.


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