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PLEASE HELP. My web service won't work!

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I'm an individual working on a personal project. It is a mobile app. I'm using the Intel XDK so I can write the app in javascript and use Parse for the backend (I know that parse is discontinuing it's service in one year. I still want to use it while I can). 
Anyway, I'm having a really hard time setting up a web service inside Intel XDK so I can send and retrieve objects from parse. I have watched a fairly good tutorial on, but am still not getting it. 
The last few people I hired to help only started trying to figure it out while they were in front of me. That doesn't work and they couldn't help me. I need you to have done this particular task before. 
I am using the api from inside Intel.

Another thing, the Brackets code editor which has some confusing quirks I can't figure out. 

For instance, though I've included the jquery library on my html page, in my j.s file I will try an Ajax call and get an error in js hint saying the '$' undefined. 
The error will only go away if I do something like var $; 
But that doesn't make any sense does it? 

I am willing to pay someone to work with me remotely on these issues. 

 I would also like some help with implementing facebook login because I am also stuck on that. 

my email is

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4 Respostas
577 Visualizações


I think there is some problem with the XDK contact their support and further it is not the right forum to post in .


577 Visualizações


And further i would suggest you to re instll the program again 

Novo colaborador I
577 Visualizações

Reinstall it

576 Visualizações

John T. wrote:


I think there is some problem with the XDK contact their support and further it is not the right forum to post in .



Please explain what you mean by this not being the right forum to post in?

What problem would there be with the XDK. Why should I reinstall it? Thank you. 
