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RealSense Camera Not detected


Apologies for the rudimentary nature of this post, I fear there may be a few of these incoming, but:

The camera fails to be detected by any capture software, including:

Creative's own Live Central 3, Google Hangouts, RealSense's own capture tools and tracking software.


Windows 8.1 (fully updated), Intel i5 3570k processor, USB3.0 connection.

Installed RSSDK, and Audio Update driver.

Firmware upgrade installer fails to detect the camera.

Running the tutorial app correctly lists the installed SDK modules, and the sdk_info.exe viewer shows the camera virtual driver, the depth camera manager service as RUNNING, and all other relevant modules installed properly as far as I can determine.

Windows device manager sees that the audio component and the camera virtual driver are connected, and importantly, the audio control panel shows that the camera's microphone is receiving input!

Might anyone have any ideas as to why the device would be apparently successfully connected but fail to initialize the camera component?

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30 Replies

Hi Colleen,

The requirement says 4th gen proc.

A 4th gen i3 won't work?

I bought the i3 4130u processor. 

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Oh yeah, I have made it working on Ivy!

My configuration:

  • Core i5-3570k
  • Asus P8Z77V-PRO Motherboard with Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 0100(Microsoft) in device manager.
  • Windows 8.1 64bit

​Steps to success:

  1. I have two usb 3.0 controllers on my MB - ASmedia and Intel. First time I had plugged in the camera, Intel controller didn't detect it at all. ASmedia detected its microphones and colorstream, but with very slow fps, I think it worked in usb 2.0 mode.
  2. I have reinstalled the Windows. Then I have installed SDK and Unity. Camera has been detected by SDK (plugged in Intel usb 3.0 controller). I could enable all modes in capture manager (depth, ir and color), run face detecting apps, but apps with hand detection have been crushed at startup (debugging showed that it occurs at Init() function call).
  3. Then I have discovered that the name of my user's folder in Windows has cyrillic letters (it has autamatically been called from Microsoft account). So I have created the second user without cyrillic letters, and now it works!

So I think that the Intel usb 3.0 controller is the key requirement.

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I am also not working but I do not get the Virtual Driver -- other 2 devices show up fine 3D Front F200 RGB & Depth.  Drivers from Creative linked on the intel realsense site are for the VF0800 - both the firmware and driver.

i7 4790, Win 8.1 x64 - Tried both intel_rs_sdk_offline_4.0.0.112526.exe and intel_rs_sdk_websetup_4.0.0.112526.exe

SDK mentions that it can not find a device.  Seem to be missing the Camera Manager, though I'm not sure how.

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@Joshua - with the R2 SDK download (1.0) that you have, you now need to also install the DCM separately - it's available on the same page, you just need to scroll down and get it.

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For anyone else having the same issue, I found it:


Thanks for the guidance!

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Hi Colleen,

I had tested 3 computers and all of them are equipped with Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 0100(Microsoft) in device manager.

But none of them can work and show camera in imaging device category.

MacBookPro: i7-3615QM 2.30GHz  8GB RAM   OS:Win8.1 Pro
Acer Ultraboook: i5-3339Y 1.50GHz   4GB RAM    OS:Win8.1
Desktop: i7-3770 3.40GHz   16GB RAM   OS:Win8.1 Pro

I can't install DCM and SDK R2 cause the camera is even not detected.

Those systems matched all the requirements and newest windows update except for 4th Gen CPU.

Should I consider it as a defective device and exchange it?
As I read someone on forum did the same thing and it worked after having new replacement.


Thank you~

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New Contributor II

It happened with my Lenovo All in One PC a couple of times (specs matched with minimum specs of the Camera), that it did not detect the camera even after plugging it. In my case, after restarting and plugging in and out the camera a couple of times, helped. But if you really have tested it in all 3, then it is an issue with your camera, because mine worked perfectly on my 1st Gen i5 laptop as well.

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Hello All,

I have a query regarding SDk working on other cameras. Right now I have Intel RealSense SDK installed in my laptop but does not have a RealSense camera instead it has an inbuilt 'Lenovo Easy Cam'. I just need to know whether the SDK can be used along with this camera which is there in my laptop to detect the faces. Please help me.

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New Contributor II

Hashim K. wrote:

Hello All,

I have a query regarding SDk working on other cameras. Right now I have Intel RealSense SDK installed in my laptop but does not have a RealSense camera instead it has an inbuilt 'Lenovo Easy Cam'. I just need to know whether the SDK can be used along with this camera which is there in my laptop to detect the faces. Please help me.

Hi Hashim,

The RealSense SDK works only with Intel RealSense cameras and nothing else.

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New Contributor II

Hashim K. wrote:

Hello All,

I have a query regarding SDk working on other cameras. Right now I have Intel RealSense SDK installed in my laptop but does not have a RealSense camera instead it has an inbuilt 'Lenovo Easy Cam'. I just need to know whether the SDK can be used along with this camera which is there in my laptop to detect the faces. Please help me.

Hi Hashim,

The RealSense SDK works only with Intel RealSense cameras and nothing else.

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