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Registration ends up in redirected loop



since days I am trying to register my new Intel Parallel Studio 2015 version without success. Using registrationcenter, I get the message that multiple accounts are connected to my email and I should login to resolve problems. After logging in, nothing happens, I am logged in. Trying now to register the new product ends up in a redirected loop page, no registration, nothing.

And Intel Software manager shows that I have not licensed any products at all even though I have a lincesed 2013 version on my system.

Somehow the complete registration process is one big mess, and I would like to see my subject resolved asap.

I already contacted Intel about it weeks ago, nothing so far.

Hope someone get help me,

looking forward to hearing from you,


P.S:: I am also trying to get a working RealSense camera for the contest as mine is broken and just does nothing. Deadline approaching and I have not been able to do anything yet, but there is no contest support. NoGo imho...



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