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Somehow Realsense R200 couldn't be detected by device manager

595 조회수

Hi all,

I'm currently developing realsense application. I got two R200 at my hands.

Yesterday, my own developed program crashed due to other technical issue.  After that, my realsense R200 couldn't be detected by device manager. I try the other brand new R200. It worked totally fine. But my original R200 still couldn't be detected by device manager since then even I plugged it in other computer.

My question is:

Is my original R200 got some firmware error? How could I repair it?

Any suggestion?

0 포인트
2 응답
소중한 기여자 II
595 조회수

When you run the DCM installer (with the broken camera plugged in), it'll offer to update the firmware for you. Maybe that'll help?

0 포인트
595 조회수

James B. wrote:

When you run the DCM installer (with the broken camera plugged in), it'll offer to update the firmware for you. Maybe that'll help?


I've tried run the DCM. But it just say it couldn't detect any of realsense device...


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