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TimeTable App using Intel XDK


I'm working on a timetable app for my institute. A brief idea about the app:

  1. Register a Student
  2. Student Logins
  3. The student can view the lectures that are scheduled for today for their course, details like the lecture name, lecture hall and time will be displayed, and also a toggling is provided through the whole week or the current day. Notifications will be displayed if a lecture is cancelled or a new lecture is added to the time table.

I've created the UI for login and register and have issues moving forward.

I'm using the XDK v2323 

 here are my questions :

  1. How can I disable the verticle bounce in the app? I added "<preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/>" to the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file in my project files and still have the issue in the emulator and also the apk i tested in my phone, what am I doing wrong?
  2. How can I connect a sql database to the app using php scripts, should the DB be hosted in a server? (would xampp work for testing purposes?)
  3. Same as a web app can I create sessions using php?
  4. I'd like to send notifications when there's a change in the timetable, how can I achieve this is in all platforms (android.ios,windows)

Thank You!

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3 Replies

1. <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/> should fix it, can u share the code so I can check.

2. db and php scripts to access data and render in JSON format should be hosted on your remote server.

3. I dont think php sessions not possible if you have the html files local in app.

4. you can use one of the many push notifications cordova plugins available.

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Rakshith Krishnappa (Intel) wrote:

1. <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/> should fix it, can u share the code so I can check.

2. db and php scripts to access data and render in JSON format should be hosted on your remote server.

3. I dont think php sessions not possible if you have the html files local in app.

4. you can use one of the many push notifications cordova plugins available.

Hi Rakshith,

Thank you for your reply.

I was able to fix the page bounce by changing the "lockpagebounce=false" to true in appframework.ui.js, it was set to false by default for some reason.

Could you please elaborate a  little more on the answer for the 2nd question please, should everything in the db should be rendered in the app using the JSON format?

If php session are not possible, how can I make a session when a user register and logins to the app? Is there any workaround?

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you can develop APIs in php for your app to access data.

you can use cookies or local storage for login sessions.

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