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XDK Login Changes and Issues


Hello Intel XDK and forum Users,

As of today (June 26, 2015) we have finished our migration of Intel XDK accounts to the more secure login system (the same login system you use to access this forum). You will see a new login screen when providing your userid and password to the Intel XDK, and to App Preview. This is the login system you are seeing. Other than the change to a new login screen, there will be no difference for the majority of Intel XDK users.

We have migrated nearly all active users to the new login system, as communicated earlier on this forum (see that post below). Unfortunately, there are a few active user accounts that we could not automatically migrate to, primarily because the login system does not allow the use of some characters in userids that were allowed in the old login system.

If you have not used the Intel XDK during the past 3-4 months, your account may not have been automatically migrated. If you own one an "inactive" account it will have to be manually migrated -- please try logging into the Intel XDK with your old userid and password, to determine if it no longer works. If you find that you cannot login to your existing Intel XDK account, and still need access to your old account, please send a private message using this thread (use the "Send Author a Message" link at the top of this post) and include your userid and the email address associated with that userid in that private message, so we can guide you through the steps required to reactivate your old account.

Alternatively, you can create a new Intel XDK account (or simply use the userid and password you now use for this forum). If you have submitted an app to the Android store from your old account you will need access to that old account to retrieve the Android signing certificates in order to upgrade that app on the Android store; in that case, creating a new account is not advised.


-- the Intel XDK team

------ Problems with Multiple Accounts and Android Certificate Signing Alerts ----

Each Intel XDK account has a unique Android developer certificate. That unique certificate must be used each time you update apps to the Android store that were originally built with that account. This means apps built and published with account “A” must be updated with the Android certificate stored in account “A” and those built and published using account “B” must be updated with the Android certificate stored in account “B.”

If you have only published apps to the Android store with one Intel XDK account, the certificate in that account is the only important one. If you have successfully published apps built with both accounts you must continue to use both certificates for future updates to those apps. Note that apps that have never been published to the store are not important to this discussion, with regard to certificates.

If you do have two (or more) published apps, built using both accounts, you have the following options:

-- continue to use the existing accounts to build updates for each of those apps
-- retrieve the certificates from your Intel XDK accounts and self-sign those apps (help required from Intel)

If you have only published apps built with one account, you have the following options:

-- delete the non-published account and only use the account that was used to build your published apps
-- merge the two accounts (help required from Intel) so only one account uses the “correct” certificate
-- retrieve your published certificate from your Intel XDK account and self-sign all apps (help required from Intel)

Before doing the above, if you created the second account because you couldn’t get logged into your first account, then please go to using the username from your first account and click the “Forgot Your Password?” link to reset your password. After you have reset your password you can access the Intel XDK with the original username and any builds you perform will be signed using your original certificates.

We can merge your two accounts, which would leave you with one of the two existing certificates. This would prevent you from updating an application with the account you choose to remove. We can remove the certificates associated with Account "A" and instead use the certificates from Account "B," or vice-versa. If you choose such an option, your existing certificates for one of the accounts will be no longer recoverable.

Finally, we can send both of your existing Android account certificates to you and you can choose to use the XDK to build un-signed applications, which you would then re-sign yourself (locally on your development machine) using the certificate of choice.

NOTE: once a certificate is lost it cannot be retrieved.

-- the Intel XDK team


-------- Incorrect Login Redirect with App Preview --------


In a few rare instances you may see an "appcenter" page like that shown in the image below when logging into App Preview from your device. Click the big X in the upper right corner of the page and the App Preview login should continue properly. This is a known issue that is awaiting a resolution.

-------- Original Login Changes Post --------

Hello Intel XDK and forum Users,

In an effort to unify Intel XDK users accounts completely with Intel Developer Zone (and, part of our final phase of migration is starting today. So far, we have (mostly) silently enabled new and existing XDK user accounts access and Intel Developer Zone. Starting today, we will be providing the existing Intel Developer Zone (IDZ) users access to Intel XDK. In doing so, you may get confused as to whether to use your old XDK login or the IDZ one. To avoid login confusion, here are the possible scenarios, it will help you understand your particular case. You fall into one of these 4 categories -- the first three require nothing extra for you to do.

  1. You have an existing XDK account (but do not have IDZ account): We have created an IDZ account with the same username as your XDK account and you can log into XDK and IDZ both using this account.
  2. You are a new user and you registered for Intel XDK: Along with your XDK account creation you get access to IDZ using the same credentials.
  3. You have an existing IDZ account (but no XDK account): You will be able to login into XDK using your IDZ credentials after you accept the terms and conditions on XDK login page.
  4. You have existing XDK account and existing IDZ account:
    1. If you had same login username and password for XDK and IDZ account you will continue to use the same for both.
    2. If your usernames for XDK and IDZ accounts are same but passwords are different – you will be prompted to merge your accounts and enter your password. After you enter “validate and Merge”, you will be able to use this credentials to log in into both XDK and IDZ.
    3. If Your XDK username and IDZ usernames were different:
      1. Now you have two accounts, You will be able to login into IDZ using both credentials.
      2. You will be able to login into XDK using your existing XDK username as usual and also using your IDZ account credentials after you agree to terms and conditions on XDK login page.
      3. When you login into XDK using your IDZ account credentials, it’s going to be a new XDK account so you will not be able to access your existing project or certificates during that login session, so it is recommended that you continue using your current XDK account credentials so you have access to your existing projects and certificates.

-- the Intel XDK team

0 Kudos
32 Replies

How I can retrieve my published certificate from my Intel XDK account?

0 Kudos

See the instructions in the previous posts on this thread.

0 Kudos

Hi Paul.

Thanks for the answer.

I sent a request to, but received no reply.
Therefore, I wrote in here. What do I need to do right now?

0 Kudos

The folks that monitor that email address have been very busy with our new release (today, goto to download it). Send another email in case they missed it.

0 Kudos

Hi Paul.

I sent several messages to, but got no response. You got my messages? When waiting for a response?

0 Kudos

I've asked the responsible engineers to take a look.

0 Kudos

Hi Paul.

I download keystore.

How do I know -
storePassword, alias and password

I sent several messages to, but got no response. You got my messages? When waiting for a response?

0 Kudos

When you downloaded the keystore that information was provided on the same page with the download link. Try it again, the tool will show you your passwords on the same page with the download link.

See FAQ #7 on this page:

0 Kudos

Hi Paul.

Thanks for the answer.

0 Kudos

Hi i am unable to publish app due to some version issue after update please check below link


0 Kudos


After the upgrade and a couple of month without using intel xdk, I lost all my project (so the keys as well)

I sent an email to html5tools

0 Kudos

Antoine, your "keys" are stored in your account. If you can log into your account, you can retrieve the keys. See FAQ #Q7 on this page: for instructions regarding how to retrieve your Android keystore.

Getting your source code to your project is a tougher thing. If you have a copy of the APK that you built, you can extract the source code from that. You might also be able to download a copy from the App Center. See FAQ #Q29 from that same FAQ page.

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