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application crashed and report filename not available


     My application, made by unity,  will launch realsense camera hundreds in a day. so, after the camera had been launched many times, my application crashed and report errors.  I have meet this crash several times,  I don't know what's going on.  I'd like to know if you guys had ever meet that error? or if you could give me some suggestions that's will be wonderful.  thank you


Here is report:
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

(0x6DF19200) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandTracker::blob + 0x8190
(0x6DF319EB) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::PalmSkeleton::validJoint + 0x68b
(0x6DF2045A) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::NormalizeAmpAndDepth::effectiveOutline2AreaRatio + 0x1ada
(0x6DF2055B) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::NormalizeAmpAndDepth::effectiveOutline2AreaRatio + 0x1bdb
(0x6DF1F4F3) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::NormalizeAmpAndDepth::effectiveOutline2AreaRatio + 0xb73
(0x6E081008) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandSegmenterContourSE::createHandsMask + 0xb28
(0x6E0849FB) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandSegmenterContourSE::processFrame + 0x21b
(0x6E084793) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandSegmenterContourSE::processFrame + 0x63
(0x6DF52DFB) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandTrackerSACalibration::hasCalibration + 0x8ab
(0x6DF531BE) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::HandTrackerSACalibration::hasCalibration + 0xc6e
(0x6DF6A74A) (libpxchand_track): (filename not available): HandTracking::PTProcessor::processFrame + 0x16a
(0x6D0F51C9) (libpxchand_facade): (filename not available): Grasp::Logging::setVerbosityLevel + 0x5039
(0x6D0D99FB) (libpxchand_facade): (filename not available): Gesture::GestureData::shouldPosesBeIgnored + 0xaab
(0x6D0D5811) (libpxchand_facade): (filename not available): Grasp::OutputHand::isValid + 0x1991
(0x6DE764E5) (libpxchandmodule): (filename not available): Grasp::IHandAnalyzer::IHandAnalyzer + 0x78a5
(0x6DE78180) (libpxchandmodule): (filename not available): Grasp::IEventListener::~IEventListener + 0x690

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

Other people, including myself, have had problems with the application going wrong after Unity has been running for a while.  Last year, one person wanted to make an application that would run constantly for three days but it started slowing down after a few hours.  In my own case, I used to spend hours trying to fix sudden malfunctions in RealSense controls before I realized that the problem was with Unity, not the program, and it ran fine again if I just rebooted my PC.

I googled the 'filename not available' error.  For most people it seemed to happen either because (a) of a procedural (PVR) type texture they were using; (b) a conflict with another program on their PC; (c) a conflict with the DirectX graphics drivers; or (d) using more than one monitor on their PC.

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