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ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license



I received this output message this morning while I was trying to compile my project through visual studio.

1>Error: A license for Comp-FW could not be obtained
1>Your license has expired.
1>License file(s) used were (in this order):
1>    1.  Trusted Storage
1>    2.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\\Intel\Licenses\w_6B6GMGK5.lic
1>    3.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\\Intel\Licenses\w_TDS27CHF.lic
1>    4.  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
1>    5.  C:\PROGRA~2\INTELS~1\COMPIL~1.146\windows\bin\ia32\*.lic
1>    6.  C:\Program Files (x86)\VNI\license
1>Please visit to obtain license renewal information.
1>ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license

When I tried to visit this website to renew my license, it says my access is denied after I logged into my account. I bought my IMSL package last march and I am no expecting any expiration. Can anyone can help me?  


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3 Replies

Your IMSL subscription is valid until March 2017; however, the Parallel Studio XE subscription in your license checkout trace expired at the end of Nov. 2016. I'm not clear about all your subscriptions. You have a number of student Cluster Edition subscriptions; a couple of which do not expire until mid-Jan. 2017 so those could serve as a valid compiler license for a few more weeks but after those expire you face the same problem you have now; thus you should consider applying for a new student subscription, sometime soon.

I am moving your post to our Intel® Software Development Products Download, Registration & Licensing forum so our Startup Support Team can assist with the account access issue.

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Thanks for your help Kevin. I am also wondering if I am still able to use IMSL library after March 2017 but without support?


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Hi Shun,
Thank you for contacting us.
I took a look at your licenses. You do indeed have an IMSL license that is not set to expire until late March of 2017. This is not the source of your issue, but since you asked: since it is an academic license, when it expires, you will still be able to use the product but you will no longer be able to update it or receive support for it.

You also have several Parallel Studio XE student licenses. Six of those are for Cluster Edition for Windows* version 2016; three of these expired in November, one expires this Thursday (12/8/16), and two expire in January of 2017. One is Composer Edition for Fortran OS X* version 2016; this one also expired in November. And one is for Cluster Edition for Windows* version 2017; it expired today (12/6/16).

Since you report first encountering this issue this morning, you were probably using the 2017 version, and it expired. Since it's a free student license, it stopped working when the license expired. A general rule of thumb is that commercial licenses (like your Academic license for IMSL) only have support and access to future updates expire, but you get to keep the product you bought forever; free licenses (like the student licenses you have for Parallel Studio) have everything expire, and the product stops working.

That means that when your Parallel Studio license expired this morning, you lost the ability to use our performance profilers such as Intel(R) VTune Amplifier, our compiliers, etc.

You can either go back to using one of your existing 2016 licenses until they expire in January, or you can sign up for another 2017 license here: I would recommend just signing up for a new license.


As for your account being denied, can you tell me exactly what the error message says, verbatim? And this rejection occurs after you have successfully logged in, correct? Does this error occur on other pages?

- Alex

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