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ldaps connection


Hi all 

i would like to use mic checking users from ldap  server.

this is what works:

root@serverX-mic0 ~]# cat /etc/ldap.conf 
URI ldap://
BASE ou=domain1,ou=domain2,dc=domain3,dc=org
binddn    cn=micuser,ou=users,ou=domain1,ou=domain2,dc=domain3,dc=org
bindpw    password:)
bind_policy soft

but i need to use ssl or tls. Is it possible?

Next. In ldap database there are only user's public keys not passwords. Could mic use something to authenticate this users?



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1 Reply
New Contributor III

I've never used ldap on the Phi but to use ldaps I would try something like:

URI ldaps://
ssl on
tls_cacertfile <full path to CA certificate used to sign certificate of ldaps server>


As for your 'next' question: I am not sure if this is possible, even on a regular Linux host.

LDAP authentication requires a username and a password, but an LDAP directory may also contain public keys - those can be used to populate the right authorized_keys files, so that users can log in using their ssh keys. I've never seen anyone do that in one go.

My advice would be to make it work on a regular host first, and then try to port that setup to the Phi.


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