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wakeup Intel


Well, first I would like to say, that I always had full trust in Intels products, all my PCs ever was based on Intel platform, and till now I was a 100% satisfied customer.

But unfortunately I must say, this trust has been damage due my last acquirement, I bought an Intel DG965RY board with GMA X3000 and native SATA support (my first option was a DG965WH with RAID, but was out of stock).

My first disappointment is with the GMA X3000, I know that it is only an onboard solution and I consider it for temporally use only, till a thirty part manufacturer releases a graphic board that really boosts my system beyond its original potential and extend its compatibility with future softwares and games

Lets get to the point, 1 year after the release of the GMA X3000 the last driver 14.31 considered release version are still incomplete and very unstable, if you start some games it crashes your computer or shows you the BSOD, I not talking about games that run slowly, that is already expected, we should not forget its a onboard solution only.

By the way, I still using 14.29.2 version of the GMA driver.

Yea, I know, people will say, Intel promised performance, DX10, well, I not using Windows Vista right now, so I have nothing to say about that for now.

Now my second disappointment is about NO native SATA support (AHCI) on Windows XP, why not? Someone on the web already modified those drives to work with ICH8 only boards, and it works fine.

I compared the original and the modified .inf of the driver, its only a little hardware ID added that is mentioned into the official specifications update of the board, so I ask again, why not?

I dont feel right having to use a modified driver, I want the official one.

At final the third and last disappointment, its not about the hardware, but about the disorganized download section of Intels website, many times I got drivers that are for my specific hardware in other sections, for example: the GMA driver, in DG965RY board section you could get the 14.29.0 version and in the same time you could get in the section of the DG33FB board the 14.29.2 version, and if you check the readme of the 14.29.2 version you can see its for the G965 line too, but was not available there

I almost forgot to mention that the newest Intel motherboard line is in the section of Archived Products.

I written this in hope Intel undo all its mistakes and make me feel again that I have made the right choice.

Marcus W.

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3 Replies

Well, first I would like to say, that I always had full trust in Intels products, all my PCs ever was based on Intel platform, and till now I was a 100% satisfied customer.

But unfortunately I must say, this trust has been damage due my last acquirement, I bought an Intel DG965RY board with GMA X3000 and native SATA support (my first option was a DG965WH with RAID, but was out of stock).

My first disappointment is with the GMA X3000, I know that it is only an onboard solution and I consider it for temporally use only, till a thirty part manufacturer releases a graphic board that really boosts my system beyond its original potential and extend its compatibility with future softwares and games

Lets get to the point, 1 year after the release of the GMA X3000 the last driver 14.31 considered release version are still incomplete and very unstable, if you start some games it crashes your computer or shows you the BSOD, I not talking about games that run slowly, that is already expected, we should not forget its a onboard solution only.

By the way, I still using 14.29.2 version of the GMA driver.

Yea, I know, people will say, Intel promised performance, DX10, well, I not using Windows Vista right now, so I have nothing to say about that for now.

Now my second disappointment is about NO native SATA support (AHCI) on Windows XP, why not? Someone on the web already modified those drives to work with ICH8 only boards, and it works fine.

I compared the original and the modified .inf of the driver, its only a little hardware ID added that is mentioned into the official specifications update of the board, so I ask again, why not?

I dont feel right having to use a modified driver, I want the official one.

At final the third and last disappointment, its not about the hardware, but about the disorganized download section of Intels website, many times I got drivers that are for my specific hardware in other sections, for example: the GMA driver, in DG965RY boa rd section you could get the 14.29.0 version and in the same time you could get in the section of the DG33FB board the 14.29.2 version, and if you check the readme of the 14.29.2 version you can see its for the G965 line too, but was not available there

I almost forgot to mention that the newest Intel motherboard line is in the section of Archived Products.

I written this in hope Intel undo all its mistakes and make me feel again that I have made the right choice.

Marcus W.

Yes "mewbrrj", thanks for this excellent message.

0 Kudos

At first time I posted here, I was expecting some kind of answer from Intel about my complains, to be sure Intel were aware about them, but I didnt got any.

I see Intel made some changes in the download section and released a new GMA driver, which is a good sign.

But anyway, I got tired of waiting and checking almost daily Intels downloads section, so I got an ATI high-end graphics board.

After I installed it I gone in the motherboard BIOS to set the primary graphics board to PCIE and of course to DISABLE the integrated Intel graphics to get the resources it consumes back, and SURPRISE, I cant do it, there is no option for this (like the last Intel board with integrated graphics I had), I tried to disable it in windows and it was made, but the Intel Desktop Utility says that it is still enable and the memory it consumes I still dont have at my disposal

And now, my daily checking in Intels downloads section that I was hoping to end, will continue, no more after a GMA driver, but now after a BIOS update containing the ability to disable the Intel integrated graphics.

Marcus W.

0 Kudos

Greate thanks to Intel support for NO answer about the Integrated Graphics issue I mentioned at my previous post.

Well, I figured out how to disable it, but first, there is nowhere I searched (manuals, inside the BIOS or the internet) an explanation to this issue.

And finally, to disable inside the motherboards BIOS (DG965RY - BIOS version 1709) the Integrated Graphics:

1) 1) Set your primary VGA board to PCI or PCIE (important step, see your VGA board specs)

2) 2) Set the DVMT to FIXED (not sure if that step is really necessary)

3) 3) And finally disable the PCIE Complience Test Pattern (important step)


Ah, if you take a look into your BIOS again, dont get desperate if you dont see the Integrated Graphics option, they come back as soon you enable the PCIE Complience Test Pattern and exit with saving the settings and going back in.

Marcus W.

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