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AC 8265 Dual Band wireless temperature issue


Hi Everyone,

I am currently using AC 8265 Dual band wireless module in my application. However I am seeing the wifi temperature nearly 90 to 110 degree C . Can I use heat sink on this module reduce this temperature?. DO you know any specific heatsink? 

Is there any procedure to mount heatsink on wifi module ? since it has a plastic cover on top of wifi module it contains all the module details. 

I am reading this temperature using Jetson Nx Xavier using below command.

cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp

Attached image for your reference. 

Thanks in advance.


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9 Replies

Hello Reddy232,


Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.


To help us better comprehend your circumstances and offer a precise resolution, kindly provide us with the following details:


1. Was the problem with the AC 8265 Dual Band wireless module apparent from the initial setup, or was it functioning correctly before?

2. The make and model of your system.

3. What is the application that you mentioned? Did you develop this yourself?

Additionally, are you experiencing any performance issues with the wireless card?


Awaiting your reply.


Best regards,


Caguicla C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thanks for reply.

1. Was the problem with the AC 8265 Dual Band wireless module apparent from the initial setup, or was it functioning correctly before?

Reply: It is working perfectly even though the  wifi temperature reaches 110 degree C and only sometime we observed wifi disconnection. 

However in AC 8265 specification sheet it was mentioned the max temperature is 80 degree C due to that I have asked can I use heatsink on this module to reduce temperature.

 2. The make and model of your system.

Reply : I could not understand this

3. What is the application that you mentioned? Did you develop this yourself?

Reply: We are using this in AMR vehcile (autonomous vehicle ). We have developed a carrier board which contains Jetson NX Xavier module to do all process and AC 8265 Dual Band wireless module for Wifi and Bluetooth. 

The AC 8265 Dual Band wireless module connected to Jetson NX xavier with M2. E key connector. 

Mainly we are facing wifi disconnection in few times and observed the temperature reaching nearly 110 degree C. 


My question is can I use heatsink on top this module to reduce temperature ? Will this lead to any other problems ? 


0 Kudos

Hello Reddy232,


Thank you for your detailed response.


I will need to check your inquiry further with our engineers. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update.


Hoping for your kind patience.


Best regards,


Caguicla C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thank you and waiting for your reply.....

0 Kudos

Hello Reddy232,


I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out to provide some guidance on your Jetson NX Xavier system. To ensure optimal performance and stability, it is crucial to have the wireless setup correctly configured. We advise contacting the system manufacturer for detailed assistance with this configuration.


Additionally, the Jetson NX Xavier, which is designed by Nvidia for autonomous machines and embedded applications, may require specific cooling solutions to maintain efficient operation.


We are also curious to know if you have reached out to Nvidia for support regarding this matter. As Nvidia is the creator of the Jetson NX Xavier, they would be able to offer the most accurate advice and potential solutions for your system.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards,


Caguicla C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thanks you for valuable suggestions.

However we are taking care of the Jeston NX xavier cooling with the best heat sink and maintained CPU the less than 70 degree C but during this time we have observed the wifi temperature was 100 degree C. We do not know why wifi temperature at 100 degree C even though the Jeston CPU temperature was with in the limit.


As per your advise will configuration reduce the wifi temperature ? 

Is the wifi temperature is related to your AC 8265 Dual band wireless module?

Keeping the heat sink on AC 8265 Dual band module is the better idea for reducing temperature? 



B Malakondareddy.

0 Kudos

Hello Reddy232,


Appreciate your feedback on this matter.


While we are always eager to assist you, in this instance, we recommend reaching out to the system manufacturer for the most accurate guidance.


The manufacturer is best equipped to determine if your card necessitates specific cooling solutions to ensure it operates efficiently and safely. They have precise specifications and compatibility requirements that are essential for maintaining the optimal performance of your system.


Best regards,


Caguicla C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Reddy232,


Good day!


We hope that you were able to reach out to your manufacturer about this request. As we have not heard from you for the past few days, we will go ahead and close this thread. If you need help in the future, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,


Caguicla C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Caguicla C,

Sorry for the late reply,

Yes I contacted the my manufacture (Jeston NX Xavier ) but they mentioned that this is out of range since your using intel product and also temperature related that product only. 

Will your module send temperature information through PCIE along with other information ? Is there any temperature sensor in your  AC 8265 module ? 



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