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AnyPoint Wireless II Network AP310 drivers & software?


I have a couple Intel AnyPoint Wireless II Network AP310 usb network adapters, but no drivers or software for them. The link in the Intel manual is dead (www.intel.com/anypoint/support), when searching the Intel web site for the drivers I find there is nothing available for any of the AnyPoint products, seems that Intel has removed all support for this product, and does not even supply the already developed software and drivers for these products. I contacted Intel customer support and received an email back stating they haven't supported the product for 9 years. Well if that is the case, then they stopped supporting the product in the same year it was manufactured, since the AP310s I have were made in 2001. I don't understand why a company as big and popular as Intel would just remove all support for a product and not even just leave the already created software and drivers on their support site, this seems to be a thumb in the eye to Intel's loyal customers. If anyone can provide me with the software and drivers for the AnyPoint AP310 usb network adapters I would be greatly appreciative.

For Intel support representatives here are the two support issues I have filed about this issue, the second one was my reply back to the first response from Intel and it has not been replied back to yet by Intel.


LTK4190106500677X (no response back from Intel yet)

I am not asking for new software and drivers to be developed, I just want acces to the already created drivers and software that at one time had to be available for this product.

Thanks in advance,


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7 Replies


I'm sorry you were unable to find support for the AnyPoint 310. Intel, like many other manufacturers has to occasionally end of life an old product. This product may have been manufactured in 2001 (and I vaguely remember it) however it is no longer manufactured or supported. I did a little searching to see if anyone had mirrored the original drivers on a legitimate site. Here is a link I found on CNET. I can't verify that these are the correct drivers or that they will work. http://download.cnet.com/Intel-R-AnyPoint-TM-Home-Network-USB-1-6-Mbps-Wireless-Adapter/3000-2112_4-73896.html?tag=lia;rcol http://download.cnet.com/Intel-R-AnyPoint-TM-Home-Network-USB-1-6-Mbps-Wireless-Adapter/3000-2112_4-73896.html?tag=lia;rcol

Good Luck,


Intel Technical Support

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Thanks for the reply Ilenek, but the download link at the CNet site only links back to the Intel site where there are no drivers or software available for any of the Intel AnyPoint products. I have found this same senario a few times in my own search for this files, apparently Intel does not want other sites hosting files for their products and that is why those sites only provide a link back to the Intel site for Intel's files. Which leaves me without a way to get drivers for this Intel product. Another note, I have the AP310 11Mb adapters, not the 1.6Mb anyway. Thanks for trying, I really do appreciate it.

So can anyone out there get me the drivers and software for the Intel AnyPoint Wireless II Network AP310 11Mb USB network adapters?

Also, I would like to say that I find it disturbing that Intel would remove all signs and "already created software and drivers" for any of their products from their web site. This does seem to me like a thumb-in-the-eye to people who purchase and use Intel products. As I stated before, I have no interest in Intel creating new, or updating, the drivers and software for this product, I only would like to have access to the already created software and drivers which must have existed at some point for this to have been an Intel product. Many companies have an archive support area where the support pages and files are kept intact for discontinued products in case anyone might need them in the future, I can only suggest that Intel consider doing just that, or at least allow other sites to host archive Intel product files, such as CNet. In fact, if I ever do find these drivers and software I will post them on my website so that others will not end up in the situation I am in.

Thanks again Ilenek, hopefully someone else can help me find what I need.


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I have located some drivers that work for the AP310 wireless network adapter, I still have been unable to locate the other software that was originally included with this product when Intel shipped it. I have tested these drivers with both Windows 2000 and Window XP. For Windows 2000, since it does not include a wireless network management tool like XP's 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service, you will need to manually configure the driver for the particular WiFi network you want to access.

Here is a non-live link to where I have uploaded these drivers, just copy and paste the following URL and replace the ** with tt :


http://zyztems.myfreeforum.org/about159.html http://zyztems.myfreeforum.org/about159.html

I hope this helps others who may be in the same situation of being unable to locate these drivers since Intel has removed all signs of all the AnyPoint products from existence. If anyone has additional drivers or software available for these products please contact me here or on the site I have the drivers uploaded on.


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I received an email from the Community Admin which stated "You haven't set a status update." Well if they are talking about the reply to my thread from Ilenek, the only options given are "Helpful Answer" or "Correct Answer", neither option describes the status of this thread or his reply so that is why I have not selected either of those options. Maybe an option to say "Did Not Help" would be in order.

I still would like to find the drivers and software that originally came with the AnyPoint AP310 USB wireless adapter. I find it troubling that Intel would remove even archived support for any of the their products and it does cause me to think twice before considering purchase of any Intel product, current or future.

If anyone has the original CD that came with the AP310 I still would like to arrange for myself to get a copy of it so that I may post it on my site, since I can find no where else that the software and drivers exist on the Internet.


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0 Kudos

Thanks, but that is my forum and I posted those drivers there. But now thanks to a kind person I now have the complete CD available for download in that thread on my forum.

But thanks anyway.


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Thanks to a very kind person I have now acquired the AnyPoint AP310 installation CD. It is available for download from my forum which can be found at the following link:

http://zyztems.myfreeforum.org/about159.html http://zyztems.myfreeforum.org/about159.html

I sincerely hope this helps others utilize their AP310s. Thanks for the help everyone, and a very special thanks to tilanlele for providing me with a copy of his install CD.


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