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Can I collect CSI data on Desktop using Intel 5300 NIC?



I need to collect CSI data for my research. I want to collect it on my desktop. Is it possiblee to Intel 5300 NIC on desktop? or there is a different device for desktop to collect CSI data? Is there any alternative of 5300 NIC for desktop which works in the exctly same way for desktop?

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3 Replies

Hello tfsanam,

We understand that you would like to use an Intel® Wireless adapter on your desktop computer to collect Channel State Information for research purposes.

The http://www.intel.ie/content/www/ie/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/legacy-intel-wireless-products/intel-wireless-series/intel-wifi-link-5300.html Intel® WiFi Link 5300 is often recommended for this, as most of our wireless adapters (especially current ones) will not allow for this type of information to be extracted.

Please keep in mind that while this is possible, it falls outside of our scope of support. This is not the intended use for our wireless adapters, and third party tools would be required to obtain this information.

Furthermore, to use the Intel® WiFi Link 5300 legacy adapter on a desktop computer you would need to purchase some type of Mini PCIe to PCI-Express Adapter with three antennas. This configuration is not supported, and you would need to proceed at your own risk.

Additional links:

- http://www.intel.ie/content/www/ie/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000006507.html Customer Support Options for Discontinued Intel® Wireless Products.


- http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/wireless-products/ultimate-n-wifi-link-5300-brief.html Intel Ultimate-N Wi-Fi Link 5300: Product Brief.


- Similar thread: /thread/105361 https://communities.intel.com/thread/105361

We hope this information helps.

Best regards,


Carlos A.

Hello Carlos,

Thank you for your reply. I Understand that I might have to buy an adapter for desktop use. I have anothe quick question. IS there any Laptops that are available with built in 5300 NIC card? I have got a list on Intel website, but surprisingly none of those l;aptops are currently available in market! IS there any other lists of laptops that are currently in market and have built in 5300 NIC card?


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Hello tfsanam,



The Intel® WiFi Link 5300 has been discontinued and already reached End of Interactive Support. Intel no longer manufacturers nor sells this product to OEM's (Original Equipment Manufacturers).



This adapter was released in 2008; computers with the 5300 should have being sold around that time and are probably discontinued by manufacturers as well. It may be difficult to find a computer using this adapter nowadays.



Additionally, features like monitoring or promiscuous mode are not supported with current Intel® Wireless Adapters, so we are not able to recommend an adapter for the task that you require.





Jonathan B.
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