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Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 - lag spikes / streaming mode



I'm having issues with this network card - I experience frequent lag spikes. I found a way to deal with them, but unfortunately it's not a permanent solution. The solution I have found is enabling "streaming mode" in a freeware miniprogram called "WLAN Optimizer". When streaming mode is enabled in that program, lag spikes do not occur. However, streaming mode in that program keeps turning off randomly. I have no more ideas how to solve that. I'm really fed up with that. I have to constantly restart the program for "streaming mode" to be on. I tried contacting the guy behind WLAN Optimizer about streaming mode turning off by itslef, but he did not answer. Needles to say, it's not really the case - there should be no lag spikes in the first place. I'm running Windows 7. I would really appreciate the help.

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12 Replies

Hello drummer4,



Ping spikes are caused by different factors and there are some actions you can perform to minimize them; however, keep in mind that to a certain extend this is a normal behavior in Wi-Fi devices. Here are few items for your consideration about this matter:



- Make sure you are using the latest driver available from the http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html Computer Manufacturer Support, as second option, try the one from https://downloadcenter.intel.com/ Intel® Download Center.


- Apply the configuration mentioned in the advisory: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005544.html Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity.


- Go to the Power options of your laptop, in the Advanced Settings for your Power Plan, and make sure that the Wireless Adapter is set to work at "Maximum Performance" when plugged in and on battery.



For additional assistance, please provide the following information:



- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility Download Intel® System Support Utility, run the tool and use it to create a report with all sections, once the report is created, click on the "Next" button. In the following screen, save the report to a file. Then use the Advanced editor options to add the resulting file to your post as an attachment.


- Access point model and firmware version.


- Output of the ping spikes log, or let us know how did you notice this issue?





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos

Hello again,

Thank You for the answer.


- I'm using latest drivers now and I've tried different (older ones) in the past - problem was still present.


- I've had that configuration applied already.


- Everything in power options is covered.

- Acces Point: TP-LINK TD-W8970 v1 00000000 / Firmware version: 0.6.0 2.1 v000c.0 Build 130415 Rel.34164n.

- I notice the lag spikes while gaming online. After that I pinged my router through cmd window (ping -t to make sure the problem lies in the communication between my computer and my router and to check when do the lag spikes occur exactly (I checked different options and they occur when streaming mode is disabled in WLAN Optimizer - when it is enabled they do not occur, so basically this is where the problem is - "streaming mode" in WLAN Optimizer does something which fixes the problem, unfortunatelly for me that option keeps randomly turning off by itself, so the lag spikes are back once the "streaming mode" in WLAN Optimizer is disabled again).

I can't find the option to attach a file to the post, so I can't send the report, but I'll paste screenchots of pinging my router with streaming mode eanbled and disabled in WLAN Optimizer program.

0 Kudos

Hello drummer4,



We would like to mention that sporadic ping spikes are normal under certain circumstances, specially when the computer scans the environment for available networks, or if the signal of the current network drops. It may not be possible to prevent them completely, however, there are some actions you can try in order to minimize them:



- We noticed that your access point features 802.11n and 2.4 GHz band, using firmware from 2013. We advise you to contact the access point manufacturer (or provider), make sure it is using the latest firmware available for it.



- Since you are using 2.4 GHz, please disable the Bluetooth component in your PC and check if this helps. This is normally done with a hardware switch in the chassis or a key combination.



- Enter the access point configuration and try using a different wireless channel, normally 1, 6 or 11.



- Other users have reported methods similar to WLAN optimizer, such as registry modification using the "scanwhenassociated" fix. We don't recommend these actions since they disable adapter features, and it may lead to OS corruption if not done properly, however, you may consider this at your own discretion: /message/246711# 246711 AC 7260 frequent ping spikes.





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos


I uderstand that, however - lag spikes occur only when "streaming mode" on WLAN Optimizer is disabled. Lag spikes do not occur when it is enabled. That's the only thing that helps. "Background scan" option in WLAN Optimizer can be turned off or on - it doesn't change anything. Streaming mode is the answer (however it turns off randomly on my PC, so it doesn't really solves the problem definitely).

- I have upgraded access point's firmware - it didn't help.

- I have disabled the Bluetooth component and service in my PC - it didn't help.

- I have tried different channels and checked if lag spikes are still present by pinging my router - they still occured despite the usage of different wireless channels: 1, 6 or 11.

- I checked the registry - I already had "ScanWhenAssociated" value and it was already set to 0 - lag spikes occur despite that.

What does "streaming mode" in WLAN Optimizer exactly do and how does it do it? Maybe it would be good if You could add such an option, value or whatever it is (I'm not a computer scientis) to next Intel drivers? Or maybe You could help me out doing that on my own - similar to the ScanWhenAssociated fix that You've offered? Is it possible?

0 Kudos




We will check about your last comment and will get back to you soon.





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos


I think I've managed to solve the problem. Not the network card one, but I think I've managed to stop WLAN Optimizer from turning off "streaming mode" randomly by itself. I've changed my Usser Account Control settings from never notify to always notify. I don't get any notifications of anything wanting to make some changes to computer, but streaming mode doesn't turn off by itself now. I hope it stays that way.

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We are glad that you found a workaround for this situation. Please keep in mind that ping spikes are expected and in some cases may go up to 500 ms during background scanning.



The recommendations we provided may help reduce its impact, but this is part of normal WiFi operation and it is not possible to remove completely. We will consider your feedback for the future, however, we cannot make any promises about this matter.



If you need a connection without spikes, then using the 3rd party software or even considering a wired connection may be good options for you. You might want to check the WLAN optimizer software provider for details of why the user settings affected its behavior. Keep in mind that this tool is out of our scope and there are external resources that can help you with it.





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos

Automatic network scans aren't a necessary part of normal Wifi operation and it is possible to remove them completely. If Intel are under the impression that this is not the case, please could they post the relevant parts of the 802.11 specifications that say that it is mandatory for Wifi interfaces to scan for networks without being instructed to do so by the user?

As an example, for the last week I've been using a Broadcom BCM94371ZAE card which is functionally similar to (and a drop-in replacement for) the Intel 8265. This card and its drivers will never perform automatic network scans without being prompted to do so by the user. The result is that there are never any lag spikes caused by scans that the user didn't expect or ask for.

I've already posted about how WLAN Optimizer works in /thread/111336 another thread about lag spikes. It uses the Windows WLAN API function https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms706791(v=vs.85).aspx WlanSetInterface to disable background scans or enable streaming mode. While this works for earlier Intel cards, unfortunately newer cards (apparently 8260 onwards) no longer pay attention to streaming mode being enabled and carry on performing background scans regardless.

0 Kudos

Hello Trilby,



We appreciate your feedback and it has been submitted accordingly, however, we cannot guarantee that this will change in the future.





Jonathan B.
0 Kudos


Unfortunatelly, since yesterday, WLAN Optimizer keeps reseting "streaming mode" every 5 minutes or so. It's so frustrating... I honestly have no idea why does it work that way. It just resets the option completely randomly. I've installed latest intel drivers for my wifi card, hoping that maybe it can finally solve the lag spike problem, but it didn't. I've also sent another message to the WLAN Optimizer guy again, but I don't think he will respond, as he did not before.

So my question is - can I somehow turn the "streaming mode" on by myself for good, without the need of using WLAN Optimizer? Can it be done through the registry or something? Can that "WlanSetInterface" be altered without WLAN Optimizer?

I also started to think about changing my current wifi card (Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160) for a one that has no such problems. Any advise on that? Which wifi card can it be?

0 Kudos

You know what? Forget it. I'm so done *** with this product... I'm getting rid of it. Waste of time and money.

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Hello drummer4,



We are sorry to hear you are replacing the adapter. We strongly advise you to check with the https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html Computer Manufacturer Support for possible replacements.


We forwarded all your feedback to the proper resources for future consideration.





Jonathan B.
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