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Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Drivers for Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 fails to install


The Intel Driver and Support Assistant picked up that there is a (slightly) newer Bluetooth driver than the one I already have installed on my laptop. When I try to run that installation file (incuding if I manually download the file and run it rather than relying on the Intel assistant), each time it fails to install claiming I already have newer version (which I do not). Attached is an SSU.txt file and my trusty HP Probook 640 G2 is well out of warranty so if there is a newer Bluetooth driver that should work with this laptop, I'm dependant on Intel (or other community members) to help me install it.

I hope you can help as Im certain Im not the only one who has had this problem as there are plenty of these laptops still around.

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1 Reply
Super User

In this case, I believe that you are running into issues with Windows Update. I suggest that you do a clean install of the Bluetooth and Wireless drivers (I always treat them as a pair). Here is my process for performing this clean install:

  1. If you haven't already, download - but do not install just yet - the latest Bluetooth and Wireless driver packages for your adapter. Here are the current links for downloading these drivers: Wireless: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/777192 and Bluetooth: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/774186.
  2. Most important! Disable Internet access. Unplug Ethernet cable and/or disable wireless. Keep disabled until told to re-enable. Note this Wireless disable *must* be of type that will persist and stay disabled across reboots.
  3. From the Apps & Features applet, check for instances of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth. If none, skip forward to Step 6.
  4. Uninstall each instance of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and/or Intel Wireless Bluetooth that is present. When prompted, choose to "Discard Settings".
  5. Manually reboot your computer, keeping Internet access disabled throughout.
  6. From the Device Manager applet, check the Network Adapters section for an entry for Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 and check the Bluetooth section for an entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth that has an Intel driver associated with it. If neither is the case, skip forward to Step 12.
  7. Right click on the entry for Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 and uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  8. Repeat step 7 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (greyed out).
  9. Right click on the entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth and open its properties. If it has an Intel driver associated with it, then uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  10. Repeat step 9 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (greyed out).
  11. Go back to Step 5.
  12. Install the downloaded Bluetooth driver package (my rule: always install Bluetooth first).
  13. Install the downloaded Wireless driver package.
  14. Manually shutdown and reboot your computer.
  15. Reenable Internet access. Restore Ethernet cable and/or reenable wireless.
  16. Test.

Note that it sometimes takes multiple uninstall (and reboot) cycles to clean out the old installations, so don't give up on the process. If you get to, say, 10 cycles, stop there and attempt the installation of the latest drivers.

Hope this helps,


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