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Intel® Wireless-N 7260 - slows



I have a problem with Intel Wireless-N 7260. The card works just fine, but after a few minutes transfer slows down to about 4Mb/s (802.11n -> 802.11b?).

I tried with all drivers and always have the same problem (now I have , Sometimes the card loses connection and I must reset it.


Windows 7 64bit Professional on Lenovo Z510



Sorry for my english.


301 Replies

Thanks for the feedback. With all I've been through, I'm nervous to make any other changes that may compromise the full speed I'm getting. Maybe I'll try 17.0.6 to eliminate needing to disable / re-enable and keep my fingers crossed that speeds don't get affected and I get the best of both worlds. Hopefully if it doesn't work out I can go back to the drivers I have now, that allow for full speed.

Comcast came out with a new wireless Gateway that's dual band which is an Arris DPC3939. So I'm on 5.2 ghz. I should probably test 2.4 ghz to see if that is giving full speed as well. I'll do that after I get home from work.

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mfish123, power off the system and remove all power, including the battery. This should clear the code 43 on your next boot.

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Hi Joe,

Thanks for the quick response. So after I made that post I changed to the 17.0.1405.460 drivers. What I looked promising when I did this is that instead of a more generic description of the device it changed to Intel Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 + HS Adapter. However, on the down side I then got an error for wireless hands free talking in the sound, video and game controllers section.

So then I shut down unplugged, and pulled battery and then started back up. Now the wireless hands free device disappeared but now I have a code 43 on the Intel Wireless Bluetooh 4.0 + HS Adapter which I didn't have before fully shutting down.

I'm thinking about trying different drivers and doing full shut downs (no battery / unplug) to see which one gives me no errors.

Any more sure fire methods other than brute force trial and error?

0 Kudos

mfish123, I suggest you searching for any of the other discussions dealing with Bluetooth* software and Code 43 in /community/tech/wireless/content Wireless Networking.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wtech/proset-ws/sb/CS-034060.htm Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software — Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth® technology

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I'm a new user of Lenovo ThinkPad E540. It drives me crazy that my new laptop has a problem with wifi speed. It has Interl(R) Wireless-N 7260. The speed of wireless is horrible. My old one was much better than the new one. Now i'm using driver version - and windows 8.1 64bit. Could anyone help me? It's really annoying to use a laptop with a cable connection instead of wireless. Give some ticks what to do. Sorry for my english

0 Kudos

Hi ,

as said from various users before changing the power mode of the adapter will bring back the speed:

Devise Manager, network adapters, Intel .. 7260, Advanced, U-APSD support= disabled

My experience is that the driver version works for my N7260, but the newest 17.1.0 does NOT !!

Lenovo Y510P


Win 8.1

Intel i7-4700MQ

0 Kudos

My opinion... Return the laptop and get one without this problematic wireless card. Clearly Intel isn't anywhere near fixing the issue or else we would have seen some improvement instead of continual baby steps of progression followed by regressions. I returned my laptop with a 7260 that was severely crippling my ability to work, as this was my work laptop. Dell gave me a slight bit of a push back but in the end they owned up to ensuring I would get a comparable system that fit my needs since the wireless stability of my last one with the 7260 was anything but (ATTN Intel, take notes to this kind of service). I just referred them to the countless issues well documented with this chip and reminded them that they A) chose to put this chip in the laptop and B) didn't offer any alternative chips of different model to switch out, hence the system swap.

Just my 2c. In the end I need a system that works. The 7260... Didn't work.

0 Kudos

can someone recommend a wireless adapter to replace mine with? I am traveling and the N7260 is useless. thanks

0 Kudos

So there is no chance to fix the problem? Why Intel ignore that? I'm really disappointed at Intel and Lenovo support. The only way is to return the laptop to the shop?

0 Kudos

Pablo, I'm going to look at this situation as unbiasedly and as fact-based as possible in my response. The bottom line is, Intel has done nothing of productive use to fix this issue. Sure, there have been a few minor driver updates, followed by even more regressions, along with countless users here giving extremely detailed settings of minor changes they made in an effort to rectify the issue, but this is nothing you can quantify as a fix. I work in IT, and I know what it means to give users answers, support, etc. This is far from that. This card is simply a failure. I'm sorry, it's a failure.

Likewise, Lenovo (and HP that I know of, possibly others) like to dabble in a bit of nonsense known as whitelisting wireless cards. I'm not sure if this is across the board, as I've seen some Lenovos without the whitelist, others with it, but it's worth mentioning. Whitelisting the wireless card means is you cannot change the wireless card. I had a Lenovo with the whitelist and I switched out the trash Broadcom chip that was in it for an Intel. Sure enough it locked on boot and would not go any further. I called Lenovo multiple times to voice complaints, but they fall back on a pathetic excuse, citing "FCC Regulation." Yeah. Yeah that's a lie. Clear as day, a blatant lie. So as a result I was a customer with their product who could not replace a replaceable chip. I say replaceable because you can remove 2 screws, remove the chip, and oh my gosh just like that you swapped it. Brilliant. But with Lenovo putting this checker in the BIOS/POST system, you are effectively locked out on a software level to change it. Your only hope is to find a custom BIOS that has the whitelist removed and flash it. I did this with success, however it's not something I'd want to do on a number of systems. As an example, we have 5,000 systems at work. What if we ran into a monumental issue where the wireless card just needed to be replaced? Or upgraded? At this point you can probably guess that I refuse to touch systems that whitelist their BIOS any longer. Don't worry, once I'm president of the world I'll change this, but until Lenovo changes their foolish behavior I will A) not purchase their systems and B) refuse to be quiet about it. Users must know about this.

So in your case, you're in a serious rock/hard place type of situation. Your BIOS is likely (but not guaranteed, as not all Lenovos do this) whitelist your wireless card. You can try to replace it with another wireless card of similar form factor, but if you get an error on boot, you might be stuck. Couple that with the fact that this card has been out for **over a year** and Intel has yet to effectively DO anything about it, then suddenly I'm not sure what else there is to do on the matter.

Me? I'd try a cheap wireless card of similar form factor. If it works and it's not whitelisted, great, you have a working unit. If it's whitelisted, call Lenovo, and make some serious noise and don't take no for an answer. They sold you this laptop like this. While the wireless issue is Intel's fault, ultimately, Lenovo still put the card in the laptop. They are responsible for providing support for the unit. Can't fix it? Replace it with something that can.

Both Lenovo and Intel have made some outstanding products, and I continue to stand by their products that work and aren't foolishly locked down (i.e. whitelist). That said, it doesn't change my stance on these two particular topics. It's important to understand that I have zero tolerance for the behavior of large companies who take advantage of their customers. Intel refusing to replace this chip for users who have these undeniable "show stopping" problems, along with Lenovo whitelisting their wifi chips, yeah that definitely falls under the category of companies taking advantage of their customers. It's unacceptable, and I refuse to tolerate, hence why I now have a working Dell that is A) Not a 7260 and B) not whitelisted. It works perfectly, and I have zero issues with it.


I have to say I like your post very much, jasauders. I couldn't possibly agree more.

The 7260 is a colossal failure. How exhilarating it would be for someone from intel to just admit it already. It really is a disgrace, the issues this card has after a year of driver updates and yet there are scores of new laptops hitting the market with this card installed. For most people--and, luckily, for Intel--ignorance is bliss, since as long as most users can connect at all, they'll be happy. But for anyone more familiar with their wifi speeds and who conducts speed tests regularly, they're going to be in for quite a shock followed by a strong dose of buyer's remorse.

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

First sorry for my English, just in case.

Second, I have the same slow speed with my card N7260, on windows 8.1 have to work but I installed win7-64 bit, my laptop is Dell, I was tried to install the original driver but if the laptop was sleep, the reconnection take long time and is slow, under 11 Mbps, when I attach a usb wireless the internet was around 22 to 23 Mbps.

so what I did its open a page http://www.speedtest.net/ Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test, and them like more people turn it off or on some Properties in Advanced mode for N 7260, BUT FIRST disabled Bluetooth device at Network adapters, after 20 min. I found it HT Mode was Enabled, so when is disable, the wifi start working around 23 Mbps, I just suggest, make change one by one option inside Property at Advance DeviceN7260 and for each change apply and test the speed if you see changes take a note or return the value, one more thing, I found drivers on PackDriver7, but if this do not work plug your laptop by wire, delete driver n7260 and let windows found one by internet. The version for my driver - 10/14/2013 - Intel(R) Wireless-N 7260. I have this issue and even with the original driver my laptop connect and after disconnect from any reason, if this help you good for you. Look my speed now...

is it no bad!!, thanks


0 Kudos

I figured I'd check in.

  1. 2.4 GHz. I'm running an Asus RT-N-16 (Tomato). I do not have 5GHz capability on the router.
  2. Win 8.1 x64 (upgraded from Win 8)
  3. I think its happening on all networks. Definitely happening at home.
  4. Probably just my own.
  5. issue generally seems to happen after not using it for a while, but I', not sure.
  6. Haven't tried
  7. Asus Q550LF
  8. Came from the factory

My problem is that when I attempt to connect to my router I get "Limited Connectivity" although this generally doesn't affect anything. After some period of time (usually between 2 and 40 hours) speed will drop (from about 120 Mbps down/25Mbps up to about 4/4Mbps (not sure if this is all the time). Once it does this, the only way to get the speed back is to reinstall the drivers and reconnect. Speed is measured through speedtest.comcast.net and I have no reason to doubt the results as ordinary web browsing seems consistent with the results.

When I first got the laptop, I did not notice the problem. I didn't notice it until after upgrading from Win 8 to Win 8.1, however I only had had the laptop for a couple weeks when I upgraded and its not always obvious it has happened After I noticed the problem I changed drivers and it seemed to correct the problem (I no longer had a problem with "Limited Connectivity") However after another week or two, the problem came back (it MAY have been related to a Windows Update that happened just before this). However, no matter what I did, I could not get it to work again. I have tried numerous drivers however I am currently running the Intel or an old Microsoft driver.

I have spent an inordinate amount of hours trying to fix this, and have been in contact with Asus support repeatedly. They're best advice (after trying new drivers) was to re-install Windows. Its pretty clear there are more serious problems, and they haven't been corrected. I'm too am upset that Intel has not offered any meaningful solutions to this problem and if need be will just buy a new card if someone can recommend one. It's not worth screwing around for hours on end to save $30 on a new card.

0 Kudos

hpmax, I am pretty sure you have tried several troubleshooting steps; however, from the information you provided above it seems that you have missed some basic steps at this point, such as disabling uAPSD or updating the router's firmware.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034875.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — TechNote: Access Point interoperability issue with uAPSD

0 Kudos

I updated to and turned off APSD on both the router and the computer and it seems to be working (or at least I'm no longer getting limited connectivity. It's been up for a few hours without issue. Only time will tell if the problem is fixed, but so far it looks positive.

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Where do you get the new driver? Is it offical or unofficial?
0 Kudos

I think its unoffical (see post # 159)

http://necacom.net/index.php/intel/8612-intel-proset-wireless-wifi-software-version-17-12-0-4-whql Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software Version WHQL

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

hpmax wrote:

I think its unoffical (see post # 159)

http://necacom.net/index.php/intel/8612-intel-proset-wireless-wifi-software-version-17-12-0-4-whql Intel PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software Version WHQL

Lenovo has it up on their site, too. The release notes:

Version 17.12.0

  • (Fix) Fixed an issue where SoftAP might not work properly.
  • (Fix) Fixed an issue where Ad-hoc connection could not detect the Access Point after resuming normal operation from suspend or hibernate state.
  • (Fix) Fixed an issue where the wireless connection might be disconnected.
0 Kudos

I believe we have finally worked out the problem AND the solution,

The Intel Proset software is at fault with only particular routers and when the notebook is low on power.

This is why its been a pain to resolve - most routers are OK.

The Proset software will conflict with, in our case, Windows 8.1 and glitches in the Proset registry section. This conflict is permanent if you attach to the offending router making Proset unaware of the WiFi card.


Repair the proset tool (by going in to control panel/programs and features - and hit repair when the proset program is selected) and THEN update to the latest version, 17 in our case - Repairing first is the critical part.

This may not work for everyone - BUT I have been dealing with this issue for the past year and have FINALLY got it resolved.

PS the offending Router is from iinet Australia - and is called a BOB. but it can be any number of other routers

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New Contributor II

If you don't need it, uninstall ProSet. Load a bare driver from the IT Administrator set of drivers, and let Windows manage wifi.

0 Kudos

Wow. My laptop is plugged in and fully charged 90% of the time, so the lower-power thing definitely does not apply to my problem of more than 6 months now.

To anyone who is fed up and tired of intel's inability to fix this issue, do yourself a favor and just install a different wifi card. It is shockingly simple to do and there are a ton of YouTube videos which will show you how.

I purchased this card from newegg for $23 --

Intel 3160 Mini PCI Express Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 Plus Bluetooth

I then installed it by watching one of many videos showing how.

Now 5mbps--9mbps has become 20mbps--25mbps. I have a whole new affection for my laptop now.

The 7260 is a failure, at least for Win 8.1 users. Just get rid of it and move on.
