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Intel driver & support assistant fails to install Bluetooth update

New Contributor I

I am advised (and not, as I recall for the first time) that a driver update for my equipment is available:-

Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Driver for Windows® 10 64-Bit and Windows 11* for Intel® NUC Kits & Mini PCs

Having gone through the performance of downloading, and asking me if I really want to update to this offered version and replying in the affirmative, I am then asked if I want a typical, bespoke or complete installation.

Selecting "Typical" the support assistant then appears to "install" the update finally announcing that "the update has failed"!

No explanation, just that the update has "failed"

Just what is the point in having this piece of software on my machine when it lies dormant for years and occasionally prompts me to install an updated BT driver which always fails to install?


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12 Replies
Super User

In order to get better information about your system, please download the Intel System Support Utility (SSU). Run the SSU scan (check "Everything") and save the results. The .txt file with the results please attach to your post.



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I have the exact same issue, and I know where this begin. When I installed Armory Crate from Asus. I have a z790E gaming Wifi. Since that day, there has been many errors in some software updates. For example: Ai suite installation or Fan Xpert as you wish to call it, presents an error message. 


Now, whenever I run the Intel Driver and Support app in Windows, it shows the BT driver as not installed and as an "error". Eventhough BT works "well" with the majority of devices, I cant pair Xbox Controllers, while Gulikit controllers can be paired no problem.


Im attaching the scan you requested above.


Thanks in advance. 

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Super User

Hello @TheSaid 

Your computer has AX210 WiFi adapter installed. Try to install the BT driver manually performing "clean installation":

  1. Go to Device Manager.
  2. Expand the Bluetooth category.
  3. Right-click your Intel Wireless Bluetooth and choose to uninstall it.
  4. Make sure to the option to Delete the driver software for this device is selected.
  5. Restart your computer.

The latest BT Driver for your adapter is version 23.40.0. Download the BT-23.40.0-64UWD-Win10-Win11.exe and run the installation. 




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I happen to have the same problem. This is the result of the scan you're asking for in my case.

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Super User

Hello @danibluum 

Your NUC is equipped with AC8260 adapter. There is a bug in IDSA trying to install not compatible driver. So, hide this update and the IDSA will not bother you any more. 

Install the BT driver manually. The latest driver for your adapter is version 22.200.0. Download the BT-22.200.0-64UWD-Win10-Win11.exe file and double click on the downloaded file to start the installation.




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I too am having a similar issue with the Intel Driver & Support Assistant telling me that there is an update for Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Drivers for Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 and Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265. When I update it fails with the message that I can not downgrade from version to version

I spent close to an hour on Support Chat, ran the SSU scan and submitted it then was advised I do not need to upgrade to the new version because they had the same something (I don't recall what he said but it seemed they had the same base?)

Several times I asked what to do about the Intel Support Assistant notifications... which know get regularly.... and they evaded answering. I even asked if I should uninstall the app and still no answer.

Clearly there is an issue but it seems Intel Support is not interested in taking responsibility or provided clear answers on what to do with an app that offers updates that FAIL.

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Hi Leon,
I'm having the same issue with this. I have attached system file if you could please let me know whether I should just ignore or is there something with what I am doing. Downloading and double clicking to install and it says I have the latest update.

Many thanks

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Super User

Hello Tame,

After reviewing the attached to your post the SSU report I have the following remarks:

1. Your system BIOS is set to Legacy mode instead UEFI mode. I don't understand how the Kingston SSD (which suppose to be a NVME SSD) is recognized at all.  Probably this fact affects the system performance.  You may change the boot type to UEFI and drive partition from MBR to GPT, but it requires some knowledge. You may look also for professional help. Any way the following article describing the process: Convert an existing Windows 10 Installation from Legacy BIOS to UEFI. and How to Convert the System from Legacy BIOS mode to UEFI mode after Installing Windows*

2. From the attached  040853.png I understand that you trying to upgrade the BT driver. The latest BT Driver for AC8265 adapter is version . Download and install this adapter. You may execute the clean installation . 

3. From the attached 040713.png I see that you are upgrading the WiFi driver from version to version The latest driver version for AC8265 adapter is version This version is included in 22.200.2 package.   You may download the WiFi-22.200.2-Driver64-Win10-Win11.exe file and execute clean installation.




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I'm facing the same issue but only when upgrading my bluetooth drivers. Please advise.


SSU scan file attached.

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And I have the same problem. I used the Intel Driver and Support Assist, downloaded and installed 

Intel® Wireless Wi-Fi Drivers for Wireless-AC 7265 (Rev. D), 3168 and 3165 


Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Drivers for Wireless-AC 7265 (Rev. D), 3168 and 3165.

Computer restarted and no Blue Tooth. Device Manger: 

This device cannot start. (Code 10)


Any help would be appreciated.


M O'Neal


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Super User


In your case, I suggest that you do a clean install of the Wireless and Bluetooth driver packages. Here is my step-by-step process:

  1. If you haven't already, download - but do not install just yet - the latest Bluetooth and Wireless driver packages for your adapter. Here are the current links for downloading these drivers: Wireless: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/823059 and Bluetooth: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/823075.
  2. Most important! Disable Internet access. Unplug Ethernet cable and/or disable wireless. Keep disabled until told to re-enable. Note this Wireless disable *must* be of type that will persist and stay disabled across reboots.
  3. From the Apps & Features applet, check for instances of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth. If none, skip forward to Step 6.
  4. Uninstall each instance of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and/or Intel Wireless Bluetooth that is present. When prompted, choose to "Discard Settings".
  5. Manually reboot your computer, keeping Internet access disabled throughout.
  6. From the Device Manager applet, check the Network Adapters section for an entry for Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 and check the Bluetooth section for an entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth that has an Intel driver associated with it. If neither is the case, skip forward to Step 12.
  7. Right click on the entry for Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 and uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  8. Repeat step 7 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (greyed out).
  9. Right click on the entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth and open its properties. If it has an Intel driver associated with it, then uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  10. Repeat step 9 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (greyed out).
  11. Go back to Step 5.
  12. Install the downloaded Bluetooth driver package (my rule: always install Bluetooth first).
  13. Install the downloaded Wireless driver package.
  14. Manually shutdown and reboot your computer.
  15. Reenable Internet access. Restore Ethernet cable and/or reenable wireless.
  16. Test.

Note that it sometimes takes multiple uninstall (and reboot) cycles to clean out the old installations, so don't give up on the process. If you get to, say, 10 cycles, stop there and attempt the installation of the latest drivers.

Hope this helps,


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