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Is it possible to buy that square Wifi antenna thingy independently in Canada? What is it's model # ?


I bought an Intel N6205 Wifi card from https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B007ZWL4WO Amazon, which I thought came with the square antenna shown, but instead comes with generic black antenna rods. I don't really want to go though the hassle of returning it and it works fine so I'm keeping it, but I'm finding that it seems that my case obstructs it a bit. I dot adjust the antennas to make it better, but I'd like to get the original antenna as that's what I picked the card for.

Is it possible to buy the antenna independently? Or is there anything similar? Not just really long rabbit ears or something industrial that belongs on top of a work truck, but something liker the little square antenna that can be stuck to the wall?


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4 Replies


We do understand your point but, unfortunately, Intel does not manufacture antennas nor sell them independently. Additionally we would like to inform you that there are two versions of the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6205 they are the following:

http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/wireless-products/centrino-advanced-n-6205-desktop.html Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6205 for Desktop

http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/wireless-products/centrino-advanced-n-6205.html Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6205

*As you can see, there is a difference, the desktop version comes with the antenna already, however, the other version is meant to be installed in laptops only. In cases like the adapter is not the one meant for desktops, we recommend to contact your computer manufacturer as they can clarify what would be the best antenna that is compatible with the type of system you have.

We also would like to take the opportunity and inform you that Intel does not support Integration. Please check this documentation online for additional information on this matter: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005687.html?wapkw=regulatory+information+regarding+hardware+installation Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade

Please let us know if you have any more questions or doubts,

best regards,




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I'm confused, you say that intel does not manufacture antennas, but the wifi cards for desktops come with that square intel exclusive card?

I'm not asking if I can purchase the antenna from Intel directly, just if I can purchase it elsewhere - or at least if I can get a model number or proper name so I can look for it myself. I would really like at bare minimum find a similar alternative, but if I'm going to be talking to a direct representative of Intel I suspect that is even less likely.

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We hope the following information clarifies your doubts. The adapter comes with the antenna by factory and those square antennas are not sold separately. Your best option would be to contact first your computer manufacturer and/or motherboard in order to find out what would be the type of external antenna they recommend as such antennas are designed according to IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standards so they can be used with compatible systems.

On our best effort to assist you finding what you are looking for, our wireless adapters use Murata HSC connector and the most popular equivalent to it would be the IPEX MHF4 2.4/5G WiFi antennas.

Unfortunately, there aren't any known specific re-sellers for this part and perhaps you would like to search as "Pair Laptop Wireless Mini PCI PCI-E Internal Antenna" as it may yield many results on this matter.


*Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that third-party antennas will work as expected and that is why you should consult with the computer and/or motherboard manufacturer for technical information on their system for compatibility.

Through this link: http://locate.intel.com/ http://locate.intel.com/ you may locate an Intel partner and/or re-seller in your area or nearby so you collect additional information as well in order to narrow down your search.

Please, let us know if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,




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We haven't heard from you in a while so we would like to know if the information we have sent you clarified your doubts.



Best regards,


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