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My laptop unexpectedly shutdown for some reason


HI how is it going on this fine day.


I am having a small issue with my dell inspiron 7706 2n1

The reason I am contacting dell is because the network wifi driver is made by intel.  The issue I am having is this.  Twice today I had a problem with my laptop.  What would happen is that I would be reading something on the internet then all of a sudden the whole computer would shutdown for no reason.  This issue or problem has happened a long time ago.  I orginally thought that the computer vents were clogged with dust but when I took it a part their was hardly any dust in it but still I blew the dust out and put the laptop back rogether with help of course.  I just would like to now what I can do to fix this issue.  I have tried updating to the latested version of the intel wifi driver though the dell website.  But it appers that this has not fixed this issue so I rolled back the following driver.




here is an error message from today below:


Log Name:      System

Source:        Netwtw10

Date:          2023-12-27 17:44:00

Event ID:      6062

Task Category: None

Level:         Warning

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      DESKTOP-A0NEGMA


6062 - Lso was triggered

Event Xml:

<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">


    <Provider Name="Netwtw10" />

    <EventID Qualifiers="32768">6062</EventID>






    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2023-12-28T00:44:00.8164032Z" />


    <Correlation />

    <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="120" />



    <Security />




    <Data>Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz</Data>





What this error message mean and can anything be done to possibly fix this issue.


I should mention that I am no advanced user or it proffenol user.


I do not feel comfortable playing around in the registry at all.




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25 Replies

Hello funky123,  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I want to understand what happened just as much as you do and I will happily assist you on this matter.


To help you further, I would appreciate it if you provide me with the following:


1. Is this the original wireless adapter that came pre-installed on your computer or did you change/install the adapter to this computer?    

2. Is this issue present on idle? No apps or tools are being used.

3. What is the BIOS version installed?

4. Did you make any changes to the BIOS prior to the issue?

5. Is the issue present while using non-internet apps/tools?

6. What is the brand and model name of your wireless adapter?


Best regards, 

Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician 


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HI I do not have an adapter installed on my laptop we have a wireless router in the house.

the router is sitting further away from the coutch and I am sitting in the living room on the couch with my laptop.  Some times my laptop disconnects from the wireleess router.

No tools are being used the only app that I will have open is my browser witch is Microsoft edge.

The issue seems to happen when it is on the internet and the dell laptop is idle.  Because you see I will be reading something on the internet and out of the blue the screen goes black and the computer shutsdown.  Then I have to hold the power button down to start the dell laptop up again.


Their are times that some programs will be hiden on the lower task bar and I have to quit them.  But even when I quite these programs and I am playing a game for example the game I will be playing and then the laptop will go off suddenly.  This has happened twice or three times in one day for me.  I have an ad blocker on my Microsoft edge browser I also have Mcafee Site Advisor on my edge browser,  I also have a password extension on my edge browser as well.  I updated my Bios from the offical dell website on December 11, 2023.  I did not make any changes at all to the Bios I am not an expert computer user by any means.


The Bios update that was installed was: 1.27.0,1.27.0


Yes this issue can be present when using Bluestacks to play games.  

I should mention that I  do have  Malwarebytes free on my laptop currently as well.

The latested version of my microsoft edge browser is:  

Version 120.0.2210.91 (Official build) (64-bit)
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The wireless adapter came pre installed with my dell coputer when I bought this laptop.  I did not change or fiddle with this adapter all.


This issue can occure when the laptop is idle and I am reading something on the internet or playing a game on the internet or listening to music on yutube.  But this issue can happen out of the blue sitting idle as well.   when my laptop shutdown unexpectedly I have to each  time push the power  button back on and log back in and then I can continue reading or listening to music on the internet or typing on a forum like this.

The Bios version installed right now is:

1.27.0, 1.27.0

Date of Bios update was installed on

December 11, 2023


No I did not make any changes to the bios prior to this issue.  I will also tell you that I always get the Bios updates from the dell support  home page and never change anything on the bios in fear of doing something or messing something up.  So I leave everything as is default settings


Yes my laptop will shutdown using apps like bluestacks witch you can play games on it.  Every so often I will be playing a game in bluestacks and then while I am playing the game my laptop will unexpectedly shutdown.  So I have to push the power button and log back in.  I have also have this issue when my fans are going and my laptop is hot my dell laptop will shut unexpectedly.  This also happened when I have my laptop plugged in and if I am watching a video on the internet or playing my laptop will get hot and shutdown unexpectedly.  I should mention that I have laptop on a lap laptop table and my laptop is laying flat.  So I tried to elevate it but still my dell laptop can overheat and then shutdown unexpectely.

The brand of adapter is: Intel

Device type Network adapters

 Inte (R) Wifi - 6 AX 201 160 MHZ

Manufacturer: Intel corporation







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Super User

The number one cause of spontaneous reboots is overheating. You haven't provided any temperature data that would allow us to make this determination - though you do say that it has occurred while the system is sitting relatively idle, which would usually mean lower temperatures.

The second most common cause of spontaneous reboots is memory bus lockups. This can occur when noise on the bus overcomes the ability of the memory controllers in the processor or DIMMs/SODIMMs to differentiate data from noise. It can also occur when memory bus speeds are too high for the processor to sustain (typically the result of XMP use). This typically doesn't occur with memory that came installed in the laptop (well, presuming that the manufacturer actually tested the memory before shipping the laptop) unless a DIMM/SODIMM is beginning from fail.

The third most common cause of spontaneous reboots is bad software or bad drivers. Drivers are the more-common cause, since most software is running in Ring 3 and are typically not capable of performing the operations that could cause a reset. Driver issues can be caused by misconfiguration, which can sometimes occur as a result of O/S and driver updates. With respect to Intel's drivers, just saying, I see most occurring with their networking or graphics drivers, not their Wireless drivers; still possible, however.

Ok, what to do? Well, here's a list of the initial steps:

  1. Download and run the Intel System Support Utility for Windows. It will get us more information regarding the architecture of your system and what drivers you have installed. When you start the tool, select Everything, and then click on Scan. Once it completes the scan process, click on Next and then Save. Pick a name for the text file to create and click on Save to create it. You can then close the app. Finally, in the description for your issue, use the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach dialog (below the edit box for the body of your question), upload and attach this text file to the response post. 

  2. Download and run the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool. You can post its results here as well.

  3. Download and run the AIDA64 Extreme application from here. This is a trial version (I regularly recommend that folks purchase this app., but this isn't absolutely necessary). This app. has a burn-in/stress test that will allow you to see if you have a thermal issue.

That's enough to start with. Post the results here and we can continue with the analysis. I want you warn you now, almost all issues will result in us sending you to Dell for remediation.

Hope this helps,


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HI the reason I have not sent any temperature   readings is because I do not now how to do that.  I was also going to ask do any of these programs let you see my service tag of my machine I wish not to be hacked in anyway.  I am just conerned since I have only used the intel support utilty before but not the other programs you suggested for me to use on my dell laptop.






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HI I just thought I should mention that my laptop went off suddenly just sitting I was doing nothing at all.  I had to restart my laptop to get back to the desktop.  here is the Support Utility tool record below:



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HI here is my Intel processor diagnostic tool report

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HI I installed Aida64 extreme application.  I do not now how to use it.  I have never used it before some help would be apprecated please thanks.

0 Kudos

HI I do not now how to use Aida64 extreme.  I have never used this program or heard of this program before.  Do I have to leave this program on my laptop for a while.  How do I save a file with this program.  What information does this program give away to intel in these reports.  When I use this program and I save a report for intel do you get the service tag of my computer do you get to look at all the stuff on my desktop like pictures private information.  Does Aida64 extreme only gives you just my hardware and no private information.  I am no advanced user.  If something was to go wrong with program I have to try and fix the issues myself or get someone to help me fix my laptop if something were to go wrong.  I am just looking for more help with program.  Until you can provide me with more help and information I uninstalled this program permantely from my laptop.  Sorry if things will be delayed intel. I need you to help me I do not understand this program at all or the company that makes this program.  If intel had a simular program I might try it but for now I need more help intel.  Uncless you can supply me with more help with program please I will not use this program until you can help me intel.



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Super User

In the left-side vertical menu, click on Computer and then Sensor to see all of the detected sensors.

On the standard menu across the top, click on Tools and then System Stability Test to start this test. Click on the Start button at teh bottom to start the actual test running.

It's that simple.

Regarding privacy, no private information is exposed or transmitted by the tool


0 Kudos

I have a nother question how to I make a report and save the results from the tool to this forum for you.


HI I should tell you that this morning when I had my laptop plugged in my laptop turned off unexpectedly again while I was watching some youtube videos on the internet.  



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HI here is the results from Aida64 for the stress and other information here is the attachment the file is in text format.



0 Kudos
Super User

This report is simply base information; there are no results from the test included.

What you do is let the burn-in test run to completion. Press the Start button to start it running. In the display, there is a tab labelled Statistics. After the test completes, we want to see what the sensor Min/Max/Avg readings are. You can grow the size of the window downwards so that all the readings (including CPU section) are displayed. Then, capture a snapshot of the window. Attach this snapshot to a follow-up message. You can also save the results to a file with the Save button. Don't do this until the test is complete, however.


0 Kudos

Hi what do you mean about a burn in test run t completion.  I do not no what are talking about a tab labled Statistics how long does this test take I do not want to wreck my only laptop if this takes 24 hours I will not do this test  I do not want to wreck my fan guys.



0 Kudos

HI I do not now what you are talking about running a burn test.  I have not seen under display abut something called Statistics tab under display.  Is this in the program.  If this takes twent four hours I am instrested in wrecking my fans in my laptop.


0 Kudos

HI forgot to mention.  If this burn in test takes twenty four hours or days and days I am not interested in doing this burn in test and wrecking my laptop in the process.  I am sorry guys but if this is going to take hours and days I am not doing this test.  Uncless you have any other tests to do with Aida64 extreme I will be removing this program from my laptop.  Thanks.

0 Kudos

Hello funky123,


We hope you are doing fine.


Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.


Best regards,

Isaac Q. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

HI I did have the Aid64 extreme program running my cpu but I had done some reading before I started the burn in with the program and the reading I did said that the operation could run for 24 hours or 54 days.  So I am just scared and worried about wrecking my laptop witch did cost  one thousand dollars.  I also like to use my laptop during the day guys.

This did happen again though my dell laptop shutdown unexpectedly again.  I had to push the power back on with pushing the power button.

So should I continue with the test of the burn in.  I was just wanting to now how long does this test take to complete.



0 Kudos

HI as I started the benchmark overclock test I got a box saying Warning


When I started the benchmark over clock test I got a box saying warning:




Hyperviser is present, forcing Aida64 to be  virtualized or  sandbox enviroment.  Enviroment may effect Aida64  benchmark results.  It is reccommened to disable both Hyper - V and memory integirity in order to obtain accurate benchmark results


What I want to now if I am to disable hyper - V and memory integirity is this a good idea to do this will this cause issues at all with my laptop.  I have never disabled hyper -V or memory integirity before.  I am not comfortable doing anything in the registry.


What do I do now.



0 Kudos

So I went into windows security and turned off memory integirity and I started the bench mark process again.  The test started and right away my laptop turned off.  So I was not sure how long to leave the test on after this point so I uninstalled Aida64 extreme off of my laptop again.  I now though cannot get windows security Memory internety under device Security then when you push on that you will find core isolation.  Under their memory integrity is greyed out and it is off.  When I push the blue circle over to the right in the box it comes up with a security popup to make sure this is what I want to do.  I push yes.  Then the scan starts for a second then under memory integirty is says review incompatible drivers.  When I click this their are no drivers to look at.  So I went a website and one of the suggestions was to reset windows security is to copy and paste this command into powershell as administrator.  Here are the results of the command through power shell below 


:\Windows\System32>PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI*).InstallLocation + '\AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"
Add-AppxPackage : Cannot find path 'C:\AppxManifest.xml' because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:106
+ ... fest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manife ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\AppxManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand

Here are also some screenshots as well of windows security in windows 11



memory integirty will not turn back on aftery being turned off.jpgDevice security.jpg

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