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Problem with the AC-7260 constantly disconnecting AC speed not availble


Hi i'm having problem with this card and honnesly it already worked with older microsoft drivers and now it doesn't anymore.


I tried to roll back but can't make it work anymore.

Channel width 5.2ghz auto just won't stay connected more than few seconds.

At 20 mhz it'S more stable but i bought the card for ac speeds...

Just an FYI for anyone interested. I have a Intel AC 7260 dual band wifi card in my Zotac ID90.

"Wifi Proset" Windows 10 64b.

New Driver Version -

here is the ssu file

My router is a netgear x10 r8900 and also had netgear r7000. Same result, the problem is in intel drivers because it already worked.

Thanks for your help.

0 Kudos
55 Replies

Mine also auto-configures IPV4 to

This has to be the worst Intel wifi card in existence. I'm going to be forced to buy a new laptop due to this issue. I can't believe Intel doesn't have the knowledge on how to fix this issue. It's plaguing thousands of machines with the 7260. I've tried literally anything and everything.

The only luck I've had was rolling back to Wireless_17.0.0_De164 but eventually it, too, will end up failing after a few days. This wifi chip came installed on my Gigabyte P37 laptop. Worked fine in Windows 8 - nothing but problems ever since Windows 10. Keeps getting worse each subsequent Windows update.

0 Kudos

Mine does that exact same thing, even if IPV6 is disabled, it will timeout on IPV6. Address also allocated 169.254.*.* Picture below shows when card drops connection.

0 Kudos

Looking at history, it's been years at this point with this no resolution.

My $2,200 laptop is so gimped due to this. I'm currently using a USB wifi card that at least gives me a stable connection - I recommend doing the same. Here's the one I'm using: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XRG9QDV/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XRG9QDV/

Any time I enable, I'll get enough connection to start a speed test and then it just ends at 0 in / 0 out.

Biggest POS ever when a $17 usb adapter outperforms native.

0 Kudos

I tried other cards this ac7260 is just a faulty design and intel is not doing anything about it. I since then tried ac 3160 and recently bought ac 9260 with m2 to pcie adapter working as intended. At the end Intel should replace the cards because there is something wrong with them, its not normal that 80% of the posts are about ac 7260. They are just a cheap company and don't really care about customers.

It's pretty sad...

Super User

I have a half dozen PCs with AC7260 cards in them and I have *never* seen any of these symptoms. They work just fine with solid high-speed connections. It appears you have a bad one.

Provided that you are still under warranty (check here: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/services/000006303.html?wapkw=warranty+check Determine if Your Product Is Still Under Warranty), Intel will replace it, no questions asked. Contact them directly and set up an RMA. Here is contact information, by geography:

http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/contact-support.html# @11 Intel Customer Support Contact Information for US and Canada

http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/contact-support/emea-contact.html Intel Customer Support Contact Information for Europe, Middle East and Africa

http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/contact-support/apac-contact.html Intel Customer Support Contact Information for Asia-Pacific

http://www.intel.la/content/www/xl/es/support/contact-support/lar-contact.html Intel Customer Support Contact Information for Latin America

You can also try using the http://intelsupportchat.force.com/icslivechat/ics_tech_desktop_ww_english_Chat Intel Customer Support Chat Service, though this is offered in English only and is only available during office hours in the Pacific TZ.

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos




Does the issue only occur in the 5GHz frequency?



If so please make sure that your wireless router 5Ghhz configuration is set to a specific channel. 153 usually works fine. For more help picking a wireless channel, feel free to refer to the following article.



NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.



- https://www.extremetech.com/computing/179344-how-to-boost-your-wifi-speed-by-choosing-the-right-channel How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Speed by Choosing the Right Channel by extremetech.com



Also make sure to keep your router's wireless channel width set to AUTO if using the 5 GHz band. Or 20 MHz if you switch to the 2.4 GHz frequencies.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

You know we tried that and then some - there is clearly an issue with these cards. In my case, it's built into my laptop. Windows 10 compatibility seems to be non-existent.

0 Kudos

Carlos A.-

There is not a problem with my wireless channels, or anything as per last suggestion. Like I said all other devices, no matter the OS, work perfectly fine on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks. The only device with problems is the one with the 7260 card.

0 Kudos

Hello heyepic, blairboy12,



We understand. This is simply one of the steps we need to confirm while investigating.



Please bear with us while we engage our additional resources.





Carlos A.
0 Kudos




Due to the nature of this issue, there are very few troubleshooting suggestions that can be made. Our best suggestion will be to engage your computer manufacturer for assistance, and replace the adapter if necessary.



As mentioned by heyepic, rolling back to the inbox driver is the best mitigation method currently available.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

I have to disagree with you on this. I have the same issue with this card. I have zero issues when I disable this card and add a USB card. I have an HP and I do not use their drivers. I use the drivers straight from Intel. With any model Intel NIC, I use the Intel drivers. They are, normally, much more stable and have different options than you get from the computer manufacturer. I have been dealing with Intell cards since the Pro 100 days. This card is junk and definitely has major issues. This card gave my son enough headaches that he used his top of the line HP for 3 months and gave up and went and bout another laptop. I thought he was crazy and took the laptop over. Fresh install of Win10 and I have had the exact same issues he had. He knows computers fairly well but not nearly as well as I do. I should have had more faith in him. For a little reference, I was a desktop support person for 5 years and have been a Windows\VMware\Citrix and Storage admin for the past 17 years. I rack, stack and image all servers that come into my company. I have 500 physical and 700 virtual servers. Not that I know everything about computers as nobody can, but I know about NIC's and drivers. This card is junk. There are way too many complaints on this card with the same issue.

0 Kudos
Super User

You are entitled to your opinion. As I said, I have at least a half dozen of these cards and I have *never* had a problem with any of them. Of course, I am using them in all-Intel designs (Intel Desktop Boards and Intel NUC products) where I know that the mPCIe socket is properly implemented and PCIe steering, etc. are all properly handled in BIOS (something I cannot say for any 3rd-party designs)...


0 Kudos

You could be 100% correct about it being the way it works with 3rd party vendors. This is an HP I have issues with. It is my first time dealing with an HP laptop and I am not impressed with it. It is very frustrating when you drop connection constantly. I will stick with the USB device as it has no issues. Just a pain having it sticking out of the side when carting it around. I will not leave it in the port when in my backpack so I also always have to make sure I remember to put it in the bag. It is what it is, I will keep looking for updated drivers\software and hope it resolves the issue but I have a feeling it will not. I am sure it just does not like the mobo it is attached to. lol I miss the Compaq days!

0 Kudos

That is amazing advice. Thank you Intel! I do not know what I would do without you guys. The revolving door starts.

Well I do know what to do? Hey let's just hope the computer manufacturer can fix Intel's problem. Very good way to mitigate the situation.

If I get a new card, the same problems exist, as I have already gone that route. Thanks for you monopoly style costumer service.

0 Kudos

Try setting roaming aggressiveness to "lowest"....did the charm for me.

0 Kudos

I have been having the same issue with my AC7260 lately. After well over a year of it being rock solid, I started seeing lots of network drops and issues. I tried another router same issues. I tried a usb ac wifi adapter no issue. I believe the issues started 5-7 driver versions ago. Sadly intel doesn't have a way for me to go back and try older drivers. I debated buying another AC7260 card as I did like its performance but after reading all the issues online its not just mine. It's a driver issue 100%. I have the Dell XPS L702X

0 Kudos

Hello CIvey

Can you try updating your wireless https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/xps-l702x/drivers drivers with your PC manufacturer? If that doesn't help please try our generic https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/59485/Wireless-Networking drivers for your OS and keep us informed.

All the best,


0 Kudos

I have this problem with a Dell PC, for many months now.

Logs show that in the majority of cases "The network is disconnected by the driver."

I have checked with Dell and with the Intel Proset tools - apparently, the latest driver is installed (

However, the Dell site states that the latest version is ,A00. I'm not sure if this is the driver or the Proset tools which would install the latest driver for me. Probably the latter.

There is no way to roll the driver back (greyed-out button in Device Manager). But my problems appear to have started when the latest driver was installed.

I have tried all the fixes suggested:

  • network reset
  • flushing dns etc via Cmd Manager
  • changing roaming to Low setting
  • preventing power management turning off the device

Nothing works - or rather, the longest it works for is 6 hours, on a good day. The rest of the time the connection lasts anything from 30 seconds to several minutes... the PC is always offline if I leave it. Online backups are therefore not really taking place.

This is a huge issue - clearly affecting many customers. Are you talking to Dell about it?

0 Kudos

I too had many problems with the 7260 AC a while back.

For me (maybe it'll help someone else), I found if I fallback to the driver version of 18.20, I run fine.

The symptoms with the 18.33.x driver were constant disconnects and very slow speeds.

I've tested this over and over and I can reproduce this problem simply by loading in the newest driver(s). I have always gone back to 18.20.

My guess is there may be different rev versions of the card out there and the newest drivers only work with newest revs.

Perhaps someone here can test this and report back. Hopefully, this will help someone.

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

I'm an IT engineer in NZ, and I have just spent a good part of 2 or so weeks looking into this in my spare time, as my personal laptop suffered the same issue after updates from good ol MS.

Taking onboard all the complaints and trials and errors, that everyone has experienced using this network card with Windows 10.

It's definately a driver issue in my experience, the card itself does not seem to be faulty at all. Tested it in different scenerios as follows.

The problem is the newer Intel drivers, as many have pointed out.

Now to those remaining, take the steps that intel techs pointed out months ago, which involves:

* removing all intel network software from your 'add/remove applications"

* rolling back your driver version. This is done by going uninstall driver in device manager and choosing 'also remove software' tick box.

* Rescan again so it shows again, then repeat, and repeat, and repeat, till you get sick of repeating!

* Use CCleaner and clean your registry of any shit leftover, use windows disk cleanup etc. (good practise)

* Rescan till nothing shows, restart, repeat.. (now they didn't tell you about this repeating! hehe)

* Most of those who are onto it, won't have to repeat so much, but if you have been stuffing around trying to fix this, then there is a lot of rubbish to clean.

* Reboot

* It will reinstall it, check the version, is it the MS version? We are looking for version: or simular 17x version.

Now you check your wifi, and it should be mint.

Now to stop Windows Update reinstalling the shitest driver from intel again, you can google this:

https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=how+to+stop+windows+10+installing+drivers&rlz=1C1CHBF_enNZ806NZ806&oq=how+to+stop+windows+10+installing+drive&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.10325j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=how+to+stop+windows+10+installing+drivers&rlz=1C1CHBF_enNZ806NZ806&oq=how+to+stop+windows+10+installing+drive&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.10325j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

@Intel this is obviosly an issue in your later drivers from 18x line onwards. Sort it out mate!


0 Kudos

Intel - given that the solution to this problem seems to be rolling back to an earlier driver (as zether says 'We are looking for version: or simular 17x version'), can't you just make that earlier driver available - in a really easy and fast way?

The only option you have seems to be software which downloads the latest version. No choice, no solution.

Surely you could just give us the files???

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