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Replacing Intel 7260 N with Intel 8260 AC Connection problems


Hey all, I just bought an 8260 AC to replace a 7260 N in a Samsung Ativ Book 9 Plus (Model # NP940X3G-K01US) running on Windows 10 64-bit. I uninstalled all the old Intel drivers and installed the latest ones after popping in the new card. Now, I'm getting either a Code 10 error, or it'll "work" and show the list of WIFI connections available but it won't connect to them, then after, the list will disappear after it fails to connect. I've tried popping in a buddies 7265 AC but I'm getting the same result with his card as well.

As far as I know, Samsung doesn't have a whitelist so I don't know what's the issue here. Going to boot up a copy of Linux shortly and see if it'll work there.


Intel Core i5 4200u

HD Graphics 4400

4gb DDR3L

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3 Replies

Small update... It must have to do with Windows since the card works flawlessly in Linux.

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It may be that this Samsung* system is designed to work with an specific adapter on Windows* and this needs to be verified with Samsung if they offer support for this adapter in this system on Windows*. Bear in mind that computer manufacturer may design systems to be used with certain wireless adapter and this may be the case.



We also would like to inform you that Intel does support integration which is when the original wireless adapter is replaced. Please see this online advisory for further information: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005687.html?wapkw=regulatory+information+regarding+hardware+installation Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade



On our best effort to assist you, here are some steps for a clean installation that might help resolving this inconvenience.


1. Download and save: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26148/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-10?product=86068 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows® 10 - File name: Wireless_19.0.1_PROSet64_Win10.exe

2. Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software", if it is installed. When prompted, choose the option to "Discard settings".

3. In Control Panel, Device Manager, Network Adapters, right click on the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 and Uninstall it. Make sure you mark the option to "Delete the driver software for this device".

4. Reboot the PC or scan for hardware changes, check device manager and if an older driver is detected and installed, repeat the actions to uninstall and delete it as well. Repeat this process until the OS does not allow deleting the driver, or until the controller shows as Unknown Device.

5. Install the Intel® Wireless driver. During the first steps of PROSet/Wireless installation, make sure to customize the installation and install all the 3 driver component



Best regards,


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We haven't heard from you since we have sent you the troubleshooting steps so we would like to know if they helped you resolve the situation with the connection.



Best regards,


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