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Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter


Dear all,

I have the same issues of intermittent sudden connection dropouts as reported by others with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 Wifi adapter and the Intel Proset 15.x drivers!

My system is a brandnew desktop computer with an Intel i7 3770 Quad-Core CPU, an Intel Z77 chipset, an Asrock Z77E-ITX mainboard, 16 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 64-bit.

Previously, I already encountered the issue with this adapter's predecessor, the Intel Centrino 6230 and only managed to resolve it by going back to an older driver version. If my memory is correct, the Intel Proset 14.x version range worked flawlessly, but the 15.x drivers lead to the dropouts (I always use 64-bit drivers).

These can occur randomly after 5 or after 50 minutes. The adapter suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect to the wireless network unless it is reset. The wireless router itself is fine as there are over a dozen devices from all types of brands that connect regularly to it without any problem at all.

The fact that the problem occurs on two different cards (6230 and 6235) leads me to believe that there is a driver problem.

On the 6235, going back to a 14.x driver does not seem to be an option on the table, because the device seems to be only supported by 15.x versions. I already tried going back from the recent 15.2 version to the previous 15.1.1 (after uninstalling through the device manager), but the problem still persists. Now I just went back to 15.1.0 and it's been ok so far, but i'm not very optimistic.

I have tried different changes in the driver settings but with no success. The problem persists!

I'd be thankful for a solution.

Best regards,


Edited 9/5/2014 by John S. (Intel Customer Support).

The "/message/169514# 169514 Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter" thread will be locked. This thread will remain on the forum for you to reference, but no new posts will be possible on this thread.

The 17.1.0 version of Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers has fixes for connectivity related issues with the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues after installing the very latest software and drivers and you require further troubleshooting, please contact Intel Customer Support. If you prefer to ask questions, make comments, and/or receive answers on this support forum (Wireless Networking Support Community), please start a new thread or find an existing thread that matches your specific issue with your specific hardware/software.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

1,128 Replies

Very well stated Airbuz. Don't they have some consumer protection laws against this type of crap? I mean you by a car, it gets so many complaints before they are forced to recall a vehicle for free repairs. I know this may not be a "safety" issue but geez. Joe doesn't have the coconuts to say "this is an Intel issue and we are responsible for it". I am sure he likes his job and a statement like that could be career limiting to say the least. I guess we just have to vote with our feet. I know my next device I own will not have Intel wireless components in it. Too bad I have to save up for another three years to afford it.

0 Kudos

last week I purchased Samsung Gaming Laptop, beautiful machine, however wifi is truly awful, tomorrow I am going to refund it, shame on you intel.

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OK it's been a few days now since I went to the 15.6.1 drivers and also disabled all the Intel services in services.msc in Win8. So far so good. Not had a connection drop yet.

I have however had occasional stalling network transfers on these new drivers, which didn't happen before. Copy a file across to another windows/linux or solaris box and the transfer speed drops to 40-300Kb/s (yes - kilobytes!) and then stops completely (about half the time). I have to cancel and start the copy again. Performance on the earlier drivers was poor but it never actually stopped (except when the dropouts happened)

And yet, when I did a file copy last night, it ticked along at 8.5Mbyte/s which is the fastest I've ever seen it - strange!

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I did rollback, but not even 15 minutes after doing so, the problem is persisting. Made no difference......

again FED UP

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I gave up too. I found a 6230 adapter on eBay for $12.99. It is practically the same adapter as the 6235 except it has Bluetooth 3.0 instead of 4.0. Replaced my 6235 with the 6230 and installed driver 14.3.1....works great has WiDi, dual band, MyWifi...everything the 6235 has except BT 4.0. This is a little extreme for most folks, but I tinker with computers a lot and my laptop is out-of-warranty (so it's all on me). Some computers are easy to replace the adapter....some you have to crack open the case to get to it. Up to you, but it is an option and has worked for me. I may put the 6235 back in if they ever get a working driver. By the way. the 15.6.1 driver DOES NOT work with the 6230 either, supposed to, but gives the same problems! Older driver works best on the older card.

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The fact that you get the issues again even with the 6230 sounds way too risky for me to attempt seeing as judging by everyone's posts here, some have issues with newer drivers, some with old. In other words every case is different. So you might be lucky but it may not work for me on any drivers. Which even begs the question why I would even consider another Intel adapter. I guess for $12 it might be worth a try. And I have no issues cracking open up my laptop.

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Maybe you misunderstood me....the 6230 works perfectly with the driver that it originally came with....the 14.3.1. No issues at all!!!! Whatever Intel has done with the 15.+ plus drivers seems to be the issue. Seems like when Intel comes up with a new product (ie 6235) they build the new drivers on top of the old drivers, and lump them together in an effort to have one driver program to cover all products. That ain't workin' too well for 'em! Not suggesting anyone do what I have done....especially if you have a warrantied computer....but the 6230 is staying in my computer until Intel gets these bugs worked out. I don't have any BT 4.0 devices anyway.

0 Kudos

Ah ok. So the question is, when installing the new (or older!) adapter how do you ensure it installs the 14.xx series driver and not a newer one automatically when searching for a driver? And yes mine is still warrantied but I'm sure you read how that all went in my previous post.

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Intel's link to archived driver software:

http://support.intel.com/support/wireless/wtech/proset-ws/sb/CS-034041.htm Intel� PROSet/Wireless Software — Intel� PROSet/ Wireless Software Downloads


If you were to uninstall your current Intel software/driver's, and replace the 6235 with the 6230, Window's will try, but be unable, to find a driver You'd get the message saying it was not successful. After Window's gives up, you simply run the software downloaded from the above link. Like I said, this may be more than most want to tackle, and don't sue me if you can't get it to work. I think the key to getting it to work is to always uninstall the current driver, I think Window's tries to install the newest one it can find. I'd suggest you find a computer/geek friend to help walk you through it the first time or two. Most people shouldn't change their driver's, but this Intel mess....uugghh!

Message was edited by: Chris&# 13; Also, one would also have to installed the BT driver/software separately, it can be found by searching Intel's Download & Driver Center. I installed ver. 2.2 for the 6230. It works great as well

0 Kudos

Chris thanks for the insight and links. I was unaware that the 6230 also had WiDi. As stated, at this point I'll spend the money to get rid of this migraine. But very reluctant to give that money back to Intel. Any other suggestions out there for good cards with the latest Bluetooth and sans WiDi?

0 Kudos

You're welcome, but no I haven't found any other cards with all the feature's of the Intel stuff, seems they have the market on that, actually a lot of their wireless products have all the cool features, there is a chart of them all on the website somewhere (hard to find) . And really don't know if you'd be putting money back in Intel's pocket....I don't think they make the 6230 anymore, the 6235 was made as an upgrade for it (how funny is that?). Not that I am sticking up for Intel, but I bet this whole thing has caught them off guard, bet they're not saying much....cause they just don't know what to say. If it's a software/driver problem, they'll eventually fix it.....if it's a hardware problem, OMG, it's gonna be ugly. You could do like other people and disable the 6235 and get a cheap USB Wifi dongle adapter and use it for Wifi until Intel get's this thing fixed (won't give ya WiDi though). I'm just going to use the 6230 for the time being, been running perfectly for a little over 3 days, in 4 different locations now. I travel for a living, which made the 6235 a nightmare and a dongle impractical.

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After I went through all the suggestions (turn bluetooth and N standard off, revert the driver, turn off all Intel services in the task manager) my connection started to work as it should. It started to reconnect automatically most of the times (on rare occasions I need to troubleshoot the connection once) and it doesn't drop out within an hour.

So I started to turn things back on and updated the driver again to find out where the problem is. The only time when I have problems to connect is when the Intel Services Manager is enabled. As Piranha16 (reply 315, 322) suggested previously, this seems to be where Intel buried the trouble.


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Intel sells the 6235 card in Amazon.com, where amazingly customers have assigned it 4+ stars. And Intel's statement is even more amazing to me: "The Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 delivers premium Wi-Fi performance with exceptional Intel-only features for an ultra mobile experience. This dual-stream (2x2), dual-band, Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth 4.0 product with Wi-Fi Direct combines faster speeds (up to 300 Mbps), greater range and more reliability with innovative Intel features, such as Intel Smart Connect Technology, Intel Wireless Display, Intel My Wi-Fi Dashboard and Intel vPro Technology."

Can not believe it. Shame on you, Intel. We all surely want those publicized features and thats exactly why we recently bought new computers, getting crap instead. Reading all the bad experiences that are told in this thread I believe that Intel's lies are costing dearly to many, and giving us a strong base for a class action lawsuit.


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Further to my previous post I've disabled the N feature on both my adapter and router which has really made a MASSIVE difference in terms of connection stability and quality. I've had NO problems since completing this task, apart from its now running at 54mbps.. which is fine until Intel (please) get this sorted out. I did disable only the N feature on my adapter but this didn't make a big difference, seems disabling the router N feature made the most. My router is a tplink TL-WA830RE in access point mode.

I should mention that all other devices I have (sony laptop, Lenovo laptop, x2 smart phones and xbox all work perfectly with this router when N mode is switched on).

Hope this helps Intel somewhat??

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It is coming up for a FULL YEAR since this first happened to me and still no resolution.

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Just to add to this thread. On Friday I went out and bought a brand new Series 7 Samsung, 1080p, AMD 8850m etc with Windows 8 Touch. The laptop comes with the Centrino 6235 wi-fi and as everyone here, from the get go I have had the laptop disconnect from my wi-fi network constantly.

I made sure I had the latest drivers etc and still no difference, a quick search not only brought me here but to many other threads across the internet with the same problem. I have managed to get back to the original Microsoft own Windows 8 drivers ( and since then (touch wood) I have a reliable connection that doesn't keep dropping.

It is clearly a driver problem and it surprises me that Intel here keep mentioning that it is likely it is now an OEM issue, it isn't. I write on and off for a popular news site so will make an article about this in the next week or so once I have gathered more info as it's very disappointing for those spending a lot of money on a laptop to find that the Wi-Fi connections are dire.

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Please attach a link in this thread once it has been posted.

I just can not believe how many people are having this issue and intel is not doing anything about it.

0 Kudos

Will do - have you all tried (drivers only) installation and not the rest of the intel software too?

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I have returned my Samsung Gamer laptop, guy was reluctant to give me my money back however I showed him this thread and he showed it to manager and gave me refund. Sometimes large companies like to play the fool, remember, not long ago we were told how to hold properly Icrap.

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New drivers are out on various sites - talk is they have fixed the issue for many - be interested to know from others here though.

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they're not on the Intel site? I'm reluctant to download drivers from other sites unless you have a link to the Intel site for this version?


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