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I have an urgent question for everyone. Let me go ahead and state that it is urgent as I am currently taking summer courses online and missed half of a class this morning due to my issue. This morning while in class my connection dropped, we use skype for class, and I could not be heard or hear anyone, but I could see everyone and they could see me. It might sound like a common small issue, but this made me realize that it happens a lot here. Ever since we received a new modem from Comcast/xfinity, we have the fastest internet speed they offer, we have had some issues that I have just ignored for months. Our wireless connection just randomly goes out for a few minutes throughout the day. Sometimes if we are watching Netflix it will just freeze and start playing or say the connection is lost. This originally led me to believe that the issue was the wireless router. However, my Xbox one is hooked directly to the modem and, as I said we have the fastest speed, always says it has a strict NAT type. Before the new modem I always had an open. It makes connecting card sometimes and as I see now can have an effect on my class work. Could this be some sort of settings issue with the modem? Or something else? Any advice would be appreciated! I just need to get this resolved quickly so if someone can help! Also if anyone needs more information to answer I can give it!

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2 Replies

Hello bsurber4,



There are many factors involved in wireless connectivity issues and we would need additional details to provide further assistance.



- Does the issue affect all the devices using the wireless network?


- What computer model and operating system do you have?


- Which model of Wireless Adapter is installed in your PC?



Here are some basic things you can check:



- Update the drivers of your wireless adapter.


- Update the firmware of your wireless access point.


- If you have an Intel® Wireless Adapter, use the configuration from the advisory: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005544.html?wapkw=intel+wi-fi+recommended+settings Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity



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We haven't seen any reply to our initial recommendations. Please let us know in case you require any further assistance.

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