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Wifi 6 AX 201 Low range and Frequent disconnections


Hello ,

I have a brand new Dell Vostro 7500 Laptop which has Wi-Fi 6 Ax201. 

I has very low Wi-Fi range , my modem is hardly 10 feets away from me and it frequency disconnects from that automatically (When it connects it shows the full range) and sometimes even don't find that Wi-Fi network.  (While my other laptops don't behave like this , Other laptop connects the Wi-Fi even at 20 + feets while my laptop (Dell vostro with Wi-Fi 6 don't even find that Wi-Fi signal , In case if found then show only 1 or 2 signal bars )

I have tried reinstalling the drivers , installed the latest drivers and even reset the whole windows 10 but the problem still continues. 

Please give me solutions for the same. 

I have attached my system details with this


Thanks in advance 

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13 Replies
Valued Contributor I


Did this laptop behave this way from the very beginning? Or did the problem suddenly begin to happen? If the problem suddenly began, do you recall if anything changed, such as new software installed, or an update?

If the unit is new there must be some warranty. If the unit was acting like this from the beginning you definitely need to speak with Dell. It likely could be an antenna problem, or even a defective wireless adapter.


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this started suddenly. 

I dont know what i changed but i frequently update the laptop.

I called dell , they did a system diagnostic and found that hardware is OK. 

And they say you will be charged 100 USD to check the software problem. and my laptop is under warranty. 


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Valued Contributor I


There is no way Dell can do a remote diagnostic and verify that the wireless adapter is working properly. The hardware may report good status and all looks clean, but there can be any number of problems with the adapter that will not show on a remote diagnostic. Most likely the antenna or something with the adapter is not working properly. Especially since other devices in your environment are working properly. I encourage you to use the Dell warranty and have the laptop serviced. Report the specific issues you are having and let Dell handle the hardware troubleshooting. I really doubt this is a software or driver issue.



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They guided me to run the diagnostic. 

and yes you are right that some issues cant be detected by the diagnostics. 

I don't understand what to do. I bought this laptop in march 2021.

But unfortunately I am not in the US right now and no plan to go back there. Their international warranty support are not giving any solutions for this and  at the end dell says I have to pay 100 USD to run the software diagnostics by their agent. 

I have a warranty so why do i have to pay 100 USD. 


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Valued Contributor I


I recommend locating the local Dell authorized service center wherever your current location is. You should not have to pay for a software diagnosis when this is clearly a hardware problem and the laptop is under warranty.

Alternatively, and if you simply can get no resolution with Dell, and you cannot obtain service, you can always try a USB wireless. That is surely not the best alternative, but in the absence of hardware support, it would be a working solution. You could also use a local repair shop to replace the wireless adapter. None of this is optimal, but they are solutions. I firmly believe you do not have a software issue.


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Super User

Just saying, why people continue to buy equipment from those slimebags never ceases to amaze - and disappointment - me. Why waste your hard-earned money on something they won't even support?
Off my soapbox now...

No, you know what? I am not done; there is plenty more to say.

When these slimebags pawn you off on Intel support, they are *significantly* lowering the priority of your problem. You speak with one tiny voice where an issue that they raise speaks with millions of voices. But no, some pinhead in their accounting department has placed a dollar cost on your individual support and, even though you paid them that cost in the price of this equipment, actually providing that support to you means that they don't get to pocket that money. This borders on the criminal, AFAIAC.

OK, NOW I will get off my soapbox...

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Valued Contributor I

I agree with Scott !! Make Dell earn their money on this.


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But, going back to strictly technical aspects: there could be something wrong wint AX201 wifi card.

I have got exactly the same problem. I have bougth new Assus laptop (UX425JA) with AX201. This laptop had got signal level -80 dBm in place where the rest of my laptops (even very old ones) has -60 dBm.

After long and painfull procedure I finally persuade Asus service to agree with me, and they returned my money back.

So I have just bought another Asus laptop (UX425EA). I unpacked it yesterday and... it works as bad as the previous one. Exactly the same poor signal level. But in close proximity of router it works fine.




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Valued Contributor I


As others pointed out to you in your other thread on this problem, the culprit is almost certainly something with the antenna. I don't have a solution to offer that is really something that you haven't already explored. The only thing you can do is try to get a refund, but that is unlikely since the laptop is well past the return window. You can have another hardware tech look at the inside and verify the antennas are connected properly. If all that fails, you can change the wireless module for something different. There are likely multiple wireless modules that are compatible with that laptop's socket.

I know none of this is what you are hoping to read. It just sounds like Asus has a poor design on this one.


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In fact I was able to get refund.

What more I have bought almost the same Asus model again (first one was UX425JA, second is UX425EA).


And... I have the same problem again.

So problem with antenna seems to be hard to imagine - now we are considering two distinct laptops.


Is it possible that their "military grade" casing blocks signals? And nobody else see that?




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Valued Contributor I


Just for testing, are you able to create a hotspot with a mobile phone? If so, create a hotspot and then connect the laptop to the hotspot. I am curious if you get the same behavior with the hotspot as you are getting with your router.

And the answer is yes, it is possible the design of the laptop is such that it just won't get a huge Wi-Fi signal. Design flaws do happen.


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Here you are...

I have already tested that - see attached picture. 

There is 5GHz network named KS buld wih my smartfone (Samung A50 this time).

On  the right you see HP laptop with huge signal level (-14 dBm), and on the left you have got Asus latop not even seeing that network.

Note also, that HP laptop sees my neighbour's networks, while Asus sees my home network only (named Hubert).



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Valued Contributor I


What you describe is a different symptom and type of problem than the original post. Would you please open a new thread on this forum so the problem can be looked at and hopefully resolved. You will need to provide more information about your PC or laptop in the new thread.


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