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Using conda to get the Intel compiler runtime libraries

New Contributor II

See this post:


It somehow got moved to the most obscure forum on this site, but it has to do with using conda to deploy applications built with the Intel compiler. So, I'll try to bring it back to attention of this forum.


It seems as if Intel has yanked the intel conda channel and replaced it with a self-hosted one. Apparently, without any sort of warning to developers. This has broken many things. But the worst part is that not all the packages are present in the new channel. So, any apps that required older runtime libs can no longer be installed right now.


Can we get some word from Intel about what the new policy is here? Can I rely on this new channel? If packages are getting removed then I can't rely on it. It was very convenient to use conda to get the runtime libs, but if that's not going to be a stable going forward, we need to know this now please. 

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3 Replies

I will find the group with ownership of the Intel Conda channel and escalate this.  Thanks for bringing this to my (our) attention!

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New Contributor II

Thank you!


Another thing to mention is this: the old hosted intel channel you could search for packages and see lists of everything that was there. You should consider this a minimum requirement if you are going to host your own channel. The intel-hosted one currently just gives an xml error:


Is there a another page showing what is there? Without that, it's significantly less useful than what we had before. The only way i can figure out what is there now is by trial and error (try to install some version of a package and see if it errors out).

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I am moving this to the Downloads and Installation forum. They are aware of the issue, and a response is forthcoming. This issue has nothing to do with the Intel Fortran Compiler. The folks at the download forum will circle back on this. 

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