Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)

Max sampling rate


Is it possibletosamplefaster than 1/1000 sec? Thedialog boxlets you to enter .1 ms, but when I try this I get 'Probably .tb5 files are corrupt or missing'. The output window of VTune says 'Sampling Data was successfully collected' and a .tb5 file is being created. I've tried this for TBS and EBS, am I just trying something that's not supported?

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1 Reply
Quoting - mrussel

Is it possibletosamplefaster than 1/1000 sec? Thedialog boxlets you to enter .1 ms, but when I try this I get 'Probably .tb5 files are corrupt or missing'. The output window of VTune says 'Sampling Data was successfully collected' and a .tb5 file is being created. I've tried this for TBS and EBS, am I just trying something that's not supported?


The minimal interval for TBS is 1 ms is limited by OS timer implementation. WRT Event Based Sampling, the real sampling interval is defined by the frequency of selected events and corresponding SAV for the event. So, in order to decrease sampling interval, decrease SAV for the selected event, but be careful playing with that as the system may get stuck with interrupts handling.
'Sampling interval' option in the collector properties does not make any sense for EBS until you are using calibration. Voluntarily setting it to .1 uncovers buggy behavior, nothing more. Thanks for noticing that.

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