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Sampling collector failed to collect data because event did not occur


I am new to Vtune.
I am trying to do EBS sampling but I always get the following error message :

The Sampling Collector failed to collect data because the selected event(s) did not occur.

I try to run the following activity

vtl activity -c sampling -o "-event-config en='Instructions Decoded' :sa=200000 -calibration no" -app /bin/pwd run

even when using different "sample after" values or different events I always get the same message(event did not occur).

when I run vtl -help -c sampling it says that TBS is not supported on my machine but many CPU events are supported.

I use RedHat 7.3 on a laptop with a mobile pentium 3 processor running at 500 Mhz.


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2 Replies
WELCOME to vtl, Fleury11, and I have to tell you, your posting is one of the best "first postings" I've ever seen, anywhere. Excellent detail: you must be a technical person.

On to your description: you've discovered that older mobile processors (like yours) do not support the sampling technology employed by vtune. That's why you're getting that message.

The processor that's actually supported is the Mobile Intel Pentium III processor-M (note dash M).

My understanding is that callgraph should work for you like a champ though. Try something simple:

$ vtl activity -c callgraph -moi /bin/ls -app /bin/ls run

does that work ok for you?



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I think I must have had too much coffee when I replied to your posting before. Apologies!
TBS is not supported on our linux products, and Event based sampling EBSis supported on most processors, except for the very oldest ones. That's my confusion before, the alphabet soup. Let's try a few things, because I'm guessing you absolutely should work here.
1) Typically, when vtl says the events didn't occur, they didn't. Try this experiment, use the defaults (clockticks and instructions retired), thus:
$ vtl activity -c sampling -app /bin/pwd run
Do you see an error? If so, what is it? If not, view the results:
$ vtl view
2) Please confirm the installation by trying a simple callgraph example:
$ vtl activity -c callgraph -app "/bin/ls" -moi "/bin/ls" run
$ vtl view
3) Which version of vtl are you using?
$ vtl version
4) If your version is 3.0 beta, you can view using a plugin viewer:
$ vtl view -gui
Report back on these questions please, so we can see if you've found a bug!
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