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Vtune 9.1, 64 bit app, Windows 7 x64 - no valid exe controllers


When I attempt to use either the thread profiler or a simple call graph, I get an error related to "no valid exe controllers". For the call graph I get the following: "The Activity failed to stop call graph collector, because there are no valid exe controllers associated with the collector." I click and then get another message that says: "Unable to run the activity because an appropriate EXE controller could not be created. This is probably either because a specified remote system could not be found or because a specified remote system is not properly configured" - Note, I'm not using a remote system. The system to launch the app is set to localhost. I'm logged in as administrator.

I'm using vtune 9.1 and build 385 on Windows 7 Pro x64 edition. I'm using VS2008 SP1. My application is a 64bit executable. It's a simple console app that uses numerous DLLs.

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1 Reply

This is a known problem. Latest v9.1 Update 7 (build #385) still doesn't support Microsoft* Windows* 7, Microsoft* Windows* Server 2008 for call graph data collection.

Intel? Thread Profileralso doesn't work on such operation systems - because binary instrumentor was unable to recognize the executable on new OSs.

However you still can use sampling data collection to gather performance data, or use tools on Microsoft* Windows XP Professional or Microsoft* Windows Server 2003.

Regards, Peter

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