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"Display Regular Sampling View for Selected Time-Range" greyed out

Using VTune 9.1 Build 187.
So far as I can tell, to use this button you need to:
- select a process
- click "Display Over Time Info"
- select a range of the time
- click zoom
- the "Display Regular Sampling View for Selected Time-Range" button should then become available.

But for me it stays resolutely greyed out. Any suggestions? I'm sure I've managed to get that button to show up sometimes, but I'm having no luck today.
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5 Replies
It's hard to reproduce this problem. Please verify -
1) Are you sure that you selected a range of the time, which has samples? If no,"Display Regular Sampling View for Selected Time-Range" button will be grayed.
2) Can you redo data collection to repeat this problem?

Regards, Peter
0 Kudos
It reproduces. Attached is a set of results. What I did was:
- open these results
- select All Processes view.
- select dcmbox process
- click the "Display over time" icon
- select the time interval showing a red spike, say between 105 and 120s
- click Zoom In
- select an interval
- grep "Display Regular..." button is greyed out.

Can you see if it reproduces for you on these results?

Quoting - Peter Wang (Intel)
It's hard to reproduce this problem. Please verify -
1) Are you sure that you selected a range of the time, which has samples? If no,"Display Regular Sampling View for Selected Time-Range" button will be grayed.
2) Can you redo data collection to repeat this problem?

Regards, Peter
0 Kudos
Quoting - edwh
It reproduces. Attached is a set of results. What I did was:
- open these results
- select All Processes view.
- select dcmbox process
- click the "Display over time" icon
- select the time interval showing a red spike, say between 105 and 120s
- click Zoom In
- select an interval
- grep "Display Regular..." button is greyed out.

Can you see if it reproduces for you on these results?

Quoting - Peter Wang (Intel)
It's hard to reproduce this problem. Please verify -
1) Are you sure that you selected a range of the time, which has samples? If no,"Display Regular Sampling View for Selected Time-Range" button will be grayed.
2) Can you redo data collection to repeat this problem?

Regards, Peter

Iunpacked your overtime.vxp but therewere many Socket errors when opening results, since I disconnected from (You were using remote data collection). Can you pleaseattach problematical .tb5 file to avoid this? .tb5 file should beunder yourvtune project file directory (for example - C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataVTuneProjects). Thanks!
0 Kudos

Iunpacked your overtime.vxp but therewere many Socket errors when opening results, since I disconnected from (You were using remote data collection). Can you pleaseattach problematical .tb5 file to avoid this? .tb5 file should beunder yourvtune project file directory (for example - C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataVTuneProjects). Thanks!

Attached is a (different) .tb5 file. What I did was;
  • Go to the processes view.
  • Select java
  • Click the Display Over Time button
  • Select 3-4 seconds
  • Click Zoom In
  • Select the spike just after 3.2 seconds
  • Display Regular.. button remains greyed out.
0 Kudos
Quoting - edwh

Iunpacked your overtime.vxp but therewere many Socket errors when opening results, since I disconnected from (You were using remote data collection). Can you pleaseattach problematical .tb5 file to avoid this? .tb5 file should beunder yourvtune project file directory (for example - C:Documents and SettingsuserApplication DataVTuneProjects). Thanks!

Attached is a (different) .tb5 file. What I did was;
  • Go to the processes view.
  • Select java
  • Click the Display Over Time button
  • Select 3-4 seconds
  • Click Zoom In
  • Select the spike just after 3.2 seconds
  • Display Regular.. button remains greyed out.

Thanks for your .tb5 file. I opened it onmy VTune Analyzer and followed your steps - I can't reproduce this problem on my side, "Display Regular.." button wason. See my attaching screen-shot file.

Not sure others canuse your data and repeat it.

Regards, Peter
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