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Volunteer heroics: How Amy Wainwright is encouraging girls to “dig in” to STEM

By Catalina Chapa, New Mexico Communications and Community Engagement Specialist If it’s June and Intel New Mexico’s Amy Wainwright is out of office, it’s likely she’s volunteering her time and exper...
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Intel and AI are enabling safe, smart, sustainable, and adaptable cities

More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, and city governments face a wide range...
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Next-Gen Workloads love Datacenter Modernization

Accelerate workloads and Transform your datacenter with AI
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RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs Available Now!

Last year, Intel announced the Nios® V/m soft-core processor for Intel® FPGAs. This processor core i...
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Why LearningFest? The quest to teach corporate culture.

Written by Nate Shehorn: A corporate culture is a difficult thing to quantify and describe. Culture ...
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A Systematic Approach to Encouraging Innovation

By formalizing an underlying culture and foundational principles, Intel IT has developed a systemati...
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Transforming an AI Business into a Market Differentiator: the Bilic-Intel Alliance

Bilic began as a crypto investigation platform, working initially on tracking and tracing crypto ass...
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Propel your designs and unleash greater possibilities with Max 10 FPGAs

Looking to add some intelligent processing to your next project without breaking the bank? The Alter...
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Meet The Winners Of The 2024 Intel® Liftoff Hackathon For African AI Startups

Discover the top innovations from the 2024 Intel® Liftoff Hackathon for African AI Startups. See how...
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The Intel AI PC Sustainability Story

At Intel, we’ve been dedicated to sustainability for decades, across every facet of our operations. ...
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Real-World Stories: Use Cases from the Confidential Computing Consortium

As a founding member of the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC), Intel is excited to see the CCC...
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Quick Emergency Responses with AI: Developer Spotlight

AI solution built by Intel® Student Ambassador on Intel® Tiber™ Developer Cloud for critical emergen...
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Which memory-optimized AWS EC2 instance type is best for MongoDB?

This is the next article in the series conducting a comparative study on self-managed MongoDB. This ...
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A Historic Moment for The Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort)

With the recent release of Intel® oneAPI 2024.2 products and packages we begin to say goodbye to ifo...
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How Othman Benkiran and Undefine Are Making an Impact on Africa’s AI Scene

Find out how Othman Benkiran transformed a side project into a groundbreaking AI venture that’s revo...
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