



Volunteer heroics: How Amy Wainwright is encouraging girls to “dig in” to STEM

By Catalina Chapa, New Mexico Communications and Community Engagement Specialist If it’s June and I...
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Intel and AI are enabling safe, smart, sustainable, and adaptable cities

More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, and city governments face a wide range...
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Next-Gen Workloads love Datacenter Modernization

Accelerate workloads and Transform your datacenter with AI
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RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs Available Now!

Last year, Intel announced the Nios® V/m soft-core processor for Intel® FPGAs. This processor core i...
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Why LearningFest? The quest to teach corporate culture.

Written by Nate Shehorn: A corporate culture is a difficult thing to quantify and describe. Culture ...
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A Systematic Approach to Encouraging Innovation

By formalizing an underlying culture and foundational principles, Intel IT has developed a systemati...
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Transforming an AI Business into a Market Differentiator: the Bilic-Intel Alliance

Bilic began as a crypto investigation platform, working initially on tracking and tracing crypto ass...
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Propel your designs and unleash greater possibilities with Max 10 FPGAs

Looking to add some intelligent processing to your next project without breaking the bank? The Alter...
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Meet The Winners Of The 2024 Intel® Liftoff Hackathon For African AI Startups

Discover the top innovations from the 2024 Intel® Liftoff Hackathon for African AI Startups. See how...
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The Intel AI PC Sustainability Story

At Intel, we’ve been dedicated to sustainability for decades, across every facet of our operations. ...
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Real-World Stories: Use Cases from the Confidential Computing Consortium

As a founding member of the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC), Intel is excited to see the CCC...
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Quick Emergency Responses with AI: Developer Spotlight

AI solution built by Intel® Student Ambassador on Intel® Tiber™ Developer Cloud for critical emergen...
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Which memory-optimized AWS EC2 instance type is best for MongoDB?

This is the next article in the series conducting a comparative study on self-managed MongoDB. This ...
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A Historic Moment for The Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort)

With the recent release of Intel® oneAPI 2024.2 products and packages we begin to say goodbye to ifo...
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How Othman Benkiran and Undefine Are Making an Impact on Africa’s AI Scene

Find out how Othman Benkiran transformed a side project into a groundbreaking AI venture that’s revo...
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