Embedded Connectivity
Intel network controllers, Firmware, and drivers support systems

I210-AT can't get IPv4

1,128 조회수


We used I210 on Arm platform.

After we plug the ethernet cable and use "ifconfig", it just show as below :

​eth0   Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:21:de:fb:eb Driver igb

     inet6 addr: fe80::82fa:8654:bd5e:ca5b/64 Scope: Link


     RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

     TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

     collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

     RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0


We can't get the IPv4.

In addition, when we use ethtool to do self-test, the Interrupt test will be fail. The result is as below :


The test result is FAIL

The test extra info:

Register test (offline)     0

Eeprom test  (offline)     0

Interrupt test (offline)     4

Loopback test (offline)     0

Link test  (on/offline)     0


Are this two issue caused by the same reason?

How could us fix it.

0 포인트
6 응답
952 조회수

Hello MHuan57,


Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 


Since you are using I210 on Arm platform, your query will be best answered by our Embedded Support team. We will help you to move this post to the designated team. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance from Intel Ethernet support team.


May you have an amazing day ahead!


Best regards,

Crisselle C

Intel® Customer Support

0 포인트
952 조회수

Hello, @MHuan57​:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.


In order to have more details that can help us to understand this situation, we want to address the following questions:


Could you please clarify if the affected device has been developed by you or it is a third-party one? Please give all the information (such manufacturer name, part number, model, and where its documentation can be found) if it is a third-party implementation. In case that it is your design, could you please clarify if it has been verify by Intel?


Could you please let us if this condition happens in a specific port or various? Please try on different ones and let us know the results if you do not know the answer to this consultation.


Could you please verify that the affected design is unrelated to the condition stated in the answer to the question 2.23, on page 9 of the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210/I211 Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] document # 335346?This document can be found at:




We are waiting for your answer.


Best regards,


0 포인트
952 조회수

Hi Intel,


We used "Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I210-T1" and test it on Open-Q 845 Carrier Board.

Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I210-T1 :


Open-Q 845 Carrier Board : (We used it with Android 8.1)



This carrier board only has a mini PCIe port. We test "Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I210-T1" with a mini PCIe converter.


This PCIe ethernet card can work on windows PC successfully, so we thought it is unrelated to question 2.23.




0 포인트
952 조회수

Hello, @MHuan57​:


Thanks for your update.


However, could you please clarify if the affected device has been developed by you or it is a third-party one? Please give all the information (such manufacturer name, part number, model, and where its documentation can be found) if it is a third-party implementation. In case that it is your design, could you please clarify if it has been verify by Intel?


We are waiting for your clarification.


Best regards,


0 포인트
952 조회수

Hi Intel,


The affected device is a third-party device. 

Manufacturer : Intrinsyc

Model : Open-Q™ 845 µSOM Development Kit

You can found its documentation from https://support.intrinsyc.com/my/page




0 포인트
952 조회수

Hello, @MHuan57​:


Thanks for your reply.


We suggest you address your consultations for the cited third-party device as a reference by filling out the from stated on the following website:




Best regards,


0 포인트